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论文摘要加英文范文 第一篇












2. 为科技情报文献检索数据库的建设和维护提供方便。论文发表后,文摘杂志或各种数据库对摘要可以直接利用,论文摘要的索引是读者检索文献的重要工具。所以论文摘要的质量高低,直接影响着论文的被检索率和被引频次。




1.目的: 研究的目的、范围、重要性;

2.方法: 采用的手段和方法;

3.结果: 完成了哪些工作取得的数据和结果;

4.结论: 得出的重要结论及主要观点,论文的新见解。





论文摘要加英文范文 第二篇


Tolstoy Leo writing Anna is a lady of the upper society of Russia capitalism; Bronte Charlotte writing Jane Eyre is a tutor of the England capitalist society. Although two feminine image produces in different state, has the different appearance, the disposition and the life experience, they have the common pursue such as independence, the freedom, the equality. With ours word is pursue xxxthe woman liberatesxxx; with Henrik Ibsen word is xxxfirst I am a personxxx. Facing among family, society, marriage and love complex, intense sentiment and principle contradictory conflict, they are painful, and have paced back and forth. But finally, moral and the passion contradiction causes Anna to move towards the hopeless situation; Emotion and the reason contradiction gave Jane Eyre to love a happy family actually. This article through the analysis which to their love pursue, the individuality and the individuality forms root, has manifested two females in front of love, moral and reason intense revolt consciousness and the rebel spirit, further elaborates the feminine doctrine characteristic and the significance.

Key words: Anna; Jane Eyre; female doctrine

论文摘要加英文范文 第三篇

中文摘要 3-4


Chapter One Introduction 7-10

Motivation of the present study 7-8

Significance of this study 8

Composition of this thesis 8-10

Chapter Two Literature Review 10-19

Language production 10-14

L1 Production 10-11

L2 Production 11-12

Dimensions of language production 12-14

Theories on oral output 14-15

Skehan’s dual-model system 14

Swain’s Output Hypothesis 14-15

Task Repetition 15-17

Task 15-16

Task repetition 16-17

Relevant studies on effects of task repetition on L2 oral output 17-19


Research justification and questions 19

Hypothesis 19-20

Methods 20-25

Participants 20-21

Material 21

Research design 21-23

Measures 23-25

Chapter Four Results and Discussion 25-41

Results and Analysis 25-34

Quantitative analysis 25-27

Qualitative analysis 27-34

Discussion 34-41

Fluency 34-36

Complexity 36-38

Accuracy 38-39

interlanguage development path of learner L 39-41

Chapter Five Conclusions 41-44

Conclusion and implication 41-43

Limitations and recommendations 43-44

Acknowledgements 44-45

References 45-49

Appendixes 49-54

A. Instructions of the experiment 49-50

B. The same-content task 50-51

C. The different-content task 51-52

D. Sample of oral pre-task 52-53

E. Sample of oral post-task 53-54

F. Sample of writing repetition task 54

论文摘要加英文范文 第四篇



Chapter One Introduction

1-1 The Motivation of the Study

1-2 The Purpose of the Study

1-3 The Significance of the Study

Chapter Two Literature Review

2-1 Definition of Games

2-2 Characteristics of Games

2-3 The Research Situations of Game Teaching in Foreign Countries

2-3-1 Game Teaching before Froebel

2-3-2 Froeble’s Game Teaching

2-3-3 The Form and the Development of Modern Game Teaching

2-4 The Research Situations of Game Teaching in China

Chapter Three Theoretical Framework

3-1 The Characteristics of Children

3-1-1 Cognitive Development of the Young Learner

3-1-2 Psychological Feature of the Young Learners on Learning

3-2 Stephen Krashen’s Theories of Second Language Acquisition

3-2-1 The Acquisition-Learning Hypothesis

3-2-2 The Input Hypothesis

3-2-3 The Affective Filter Hypothesis

Chapter Four Research Design

4-1 Research Hypothesis

4-2 Research Questions

4-3 Subjects

4-4 Instruments

4-5 Procedures

Chapter Five Results and Analysis

5-1 Results and Analysis of the Questionnaire

5-2 Results and Analysis of the Classroom Observations

5-3 Results and Analysis of the Interview with Teachers

5-4 Reflection on the Results of Research

5-4-1 Updating Teachers’ Knowledge Stores

5-4-2 Improving Game Teaching Strategy

5-4-3 Maximizing Students’ Participation

5-4-4 Enhancing the Interaction

5-5 Effective Game Teaching Strategy

5-5-1 Delicate Presupposition

5-5-2 Proper Guide

5-5-3 Constant Interaction

5-5-4 Timely Summarization

Chapter Six Conclusion

6-1 Major Findings

6-2 Limitations of the Present Study

6-3 Suggestions


Appendix I

Appendix II

Appendix III

论文摘要加英文范文 第五篇






对象:是论文研究调查的所具体的主题范围,体现出论文的论述内容、要解决的主要问题等。 方法:是论文对研究对象进行研究的过程中所运用的各种途径,例如:原理、理论、条件、材料、工艺等,是完成研究对象的必要手段。




技巧二:多向指导教师和同学请教,并根据提供的意见和建议及时修改,以期达到更高水平。 技巧三:叙述要完整,要有逻辑性,短文结构要合理,在简短的篇幅下尽量是语言优美。 技巧四:从小从专,即是指软文撰稿者在进行选则和提炼摘要时,要从专业出发,从小处入手进行突破,切记全而不专,大而空洞。




根据内容的不同, 摘要可分为以下三大类: 报道性摘要、指示性摘要和报道-指示性摘要

(1) 报道性摘要: 也常称作信息性摘要或资料性摘要, 其特点是全面、简要地概括论文的目的、方法、主要数据和结论. 通常, 这种摘要可以部分地取代阅读全文.

(2) 指示性摘要: 也常称为说明性摘要、描述性摘要或论点摘要, 一般只用二三句话概括论文的主题, 而不涉及论据和结论, 多用于综述、会议报告等. 该类摘要可用于帮助潜在的读者来决定是否需要阅读全文.

(3) 报道-指示性摘要: 以报道性摘要的形式表述一次文献中的信息价值较高的部分, 以指示性摘要的形式表述其余部分.










论文摘要加英文范文 第六篇

Titanium ore, elected from magnetite or Titan magnetite, is widely used as the raw material in the production of titanium dioxide. Titanium quality and its yield constraints is often the bottle neck in the titanium industry.

Thus, we can not blindly consume a large amount of capital to maintain or improve its quality and yield. This paper makes an attempt to explores and optimize the development of the titanium industry, through inside and outside observation and association. In this paper, flotation tests are conducted to compare the original pulp titanium ore with Polyacrylamide and that without on the concentrate grade yield of titanium concentrates.

In this process, the consumption of drugs, the recovery rate of , equipment utilization, the amount and cost of polyacrylamide (PAM) are all considered to determine whether it is a ptimization program to add Polyacrylamide to the original flotation pulp of titanium ore.

Finally, we reach a conclusion through relevant data .In the experimental process, in principle,

we do not change the original flotation process and the relevant parameters.

Key words: Titanium ore; Flotation; Polyacrylamide; quality; yield

论文摘要加英文范文 第七篇




【题目】依法进行拆迁 建设和谐城市


二、 毕业论文硕士论文博士论文摘要范例





论文摘要加英文范文 第八篇

Acknowledgements 4-6

Contents 6-10

List of Figures 10-12

List of Tables 12-20

Abstract 20-22

摘要 23-25

Chapter 1 Introduction 25-32

Purpose of the study and research questions 28-29

Significance of the study 29-30

Organization of the study 30-31

A note on terminology 31-32

Chapter 2 Literature review 32-51

T/TP and coherence in English writing 32-35

Defining coherence 32-33

T/TP as means to realize coherence 33-35

T/TP in EFL/ESL writing 35-42

T/TP and coherence in EFL/ESL writing 35-37

T/TP in EFL/ESL writing as compared to NS writing 37-42

T/TP in English research articles by EFL/ESL scholars 42-44

The factors that influence T/TP in EFL/ESL writing 44-47

Training in T/TP 47-49

Summary 49-51

Chapter 3 Theoretical background 51-70

Systemic Functional Grammar 51-55

Five dimensions of language as a semiotic system 51-53

Three metafunctions of language as a functional system 53-54

Three lines of meaning from metafunctions 54-55

Theme and thematic progression 55-70

Theme 56-62

Thematic progression 62-70

Chapter 4 Research Design 70-88

The participants and the educational context 70-73

Background of the participants and the participating school 70

The allocation of participants to the training 70-71

The sample sizes 71-72

The pilot study 72-73

The interventional procedures 73-74

The questionnaire 74-75

The training 75-80

Considerations behind the training 75-76

The training material 76-79

The role of the researcher as the trainer 79-80

Data analysis 80-86

Analysis of the writing 80-86

Analysis of the questionnaire 86

Ethical considerations 86-88

Informed consent 86-87

Anonymity 87

Harm 87-88

Chapter 5 Results and analysis of pre-training writing 88-115

Comparison of Themes in EEL pre-training writing and CEL pre-writing 88-102

Topical,textual and interpersonal Themes 88-91

Topical Themes:marked and unmarked Themes 91-95

Textual Themes:continuatives,conjunctions and conjunctive adjuncts 95-100

Interpersonal Themes 100-102

Comparison of thematic progression in EEL pre-training writing and CEL pre-writing 102-110

Linear,constant,summative and split progressions 102-107

Back,contextual and new Themes 107-110

Summary 110-115

Chapter 6 Results and analysis of post-training writing 115-137

Comparison of Themes in EEL post-training writing and CEL post-writing 115-129

Topical,textual and interpersonal Themes 115-117

Topical Themes:marked and unmarked Themes 117-121

Textual Themes:continuatives,conjunctions and conjunctive adjuncts 121-126

Interpersonal Themes 126-129

Comparison of thematic progression in EEL post-training writing and CEL post-writing 129-132

Linear,constant,summative and split progressions 129-131

Back,contextual and new Themes 131-132

Summary 132-137

Chapter 7 Results and analysis of pre- and post- training writing 137-155

Comparison of Themes in pre- and post- training writing 137-147

Topical,textual and interpersonal Themes 137-139

Topical Themes:marked and unmarked Themes 139-142

Textual Themes:continuatives,conjunctions and conjunctive adjuncts 142-145

Interpersonal Themes 145-147

Comparison of thematic progression in pre- and post- training writing 147-150

Linear,constant,summative and split progressions 147-149

Back,contextual and new Themes 149-150

Summary 150-155

Chapter 8 Results and analysis of the questionnaire 155-165

Findings from closed questions 155-160

EEL participants' general attitude to training on T/TP 155-157

EEL participants' perception of the usefulness of the training on T/TP 157-158

EEL participants' perception of the learnability of T/TP 158-159

EEL participants' perception of the applicability of T/TP in writing 159-160

Findings from open questions 160-164

The changes that occurred 161-162

The perceived difficulty of applying the theory of T/TP in writing 162-163

The reasons for the perceived difficulty in learning 163

EEL participants' suggestions for future training 163-164

Summary 164-165

Chapter 9 Discussion 165-195

Findings with regard to research questions 165-187

Chinese college students' use of T/TP in pre-training writing 165-172

Chinese college students' use of T/TP in post-training writing 172-181

Effects of the training on T/TP in Chinese college students' English writing 181-187

Positioning the study within the literature 187-190

T/TP in Chinese college students' English writing 187-189

Effects of training on Chinese college students' use of T/TP 189-190

Implications 190-194

Pedagogical implication 190-193

Methodological implication 193-194

Limitations 194-195

Chapter 10 Conclusion 195-200

Summary 195-197

Putting everything together 197-199

Suggestions for future work 199-200

Notes 200-202

References 202-214

Appendix 1: Plan for the interventional procedures 214-215

Appendix 2: The post-training questionnaire 215-217

Appendix 3: Training material 217-229

Appendix 4: Teachers' guide to the training 229-237

Appendix 5: Consent form for EEL group 237-238

Appendix 6: Consent form for CEL group 238-239

Appendix 7: Consent form for NS group 239

论文摘要加英文范文 第九篇






论文摘要加英文范文 第十篇

摘要是对一篇文章的主题思想的简单陈述。它用最简洁的语言概括了原文的主题。写摘要主要包括三个步骤:(1)阅读;(2)写作;(3)修改成文。 第一步:阅读




D.简要地记下主要观点——主题、标题、细节等你认为对概括摘要重要的东西。 第二步:动手写作

A. 摘要应该只有原文的三分之一或四分之一长。因此首先数一下原文的字数,然后除以三,得到一个数字。摘要的字数可以少于这个数字,但是千万不能超过这个数字。

B. 摘要应全部用自己的话完成。不要引用原文的句子。

C. 应该遵循原文的逻辑顺序。这样你就不必重新组织观点、事实。

D. 摘要必须全面、清晰地表明原文所载的信息,以便你的读者不需翻阅原文就可以完全掌握材料的原意。

E. 写摘要时可以采用下列几种小技巧:

论文摘要加英文范文 第十一篇



摘 要:在市场经济条件下 ,资本运营是企业经营战略的根本性变革 ,而资本运营的关键是对资本运营模式的战略性选择 ,使资本得到迅速扩张、有效积聚和最优配置。

Abstract: In a market economy condition, the capital operation is the fundamental change of enterprises management strategy. And the key to the capital operation is the strategic choice to the capital operation mode. Which make the capital expanded, gathered and disposed effectively.

关键词:企业集团 资本运营 模式

Keyword: Enterprise group Capital operation Mode






【摘 要】SlideIdea是一款基于平板电脑的演示软件,其便捷的文稿制作、智能的互动元件、随时随地的用户参与、实时的录制分享使得基于SlideIdea开展的`教学具有强大的过程互动性、内容生成性、时空分离性等特征。
















论文摘要加英文范文 第十二篇





1) 应排除本学科领域已成为常识的内容;切忌把应在引言中出现的内容写入摘要;一般也不要对论文内容作诠释和评论(尤其是自我评价)。

2) 不得简单重复题名中已有的信息。比如一篇文章的题名是《几种中国兰种子试管培养根状茎发生的研究》,摘要的开头就不要再写:“为了……,对几种中国兰种子试管培养根状茎的发生进行了研究”。

3) 结构严谨,表达简明,语义确切。摘要先写什么,后写什么,要按逻辑顺序来安排。句子之间要上下连贯,互相呼应。


5) 要使用规范化的名词术语,不用非公知公用的符号和术语。新术语或尚无合适汉文术语的,可用原文或译出后加括号注明原文。

6) 除了实在无法变通以外,一般不用数学公式和化学结构式,不出现插图、表格。

7) 不用引文,除非该文献证实或否定了他人已出版的著作。

8) 缩略语、略称、代号,除了相邻专业的读者也能清楚理解的以外,在首次出现时必须加以说明。目前摘要编写中的主要问题有:要素不全,或缺目的,或缺方法;出现引文,无独立性与自明性;繁简失当。


论文摘要加英文范文 第十三篇
















根据内容的不同, 摘要可分为以下三大类: 报道性摘要、指示性摘要和报道-指示性摘要

(1) 报道性摘要: 也常称作信息性摘要或资料性摘要, 其特点是全面、简要地概括论文的目的、方法、主要数据和结论. 通常, 这种摘要可以部分地取代阅读全文.

(2) 指示性摘要: 也常称为说明性摘要、描述性摘要或论点摘要, 一般只用二三句话概括论文的主题, 而不涉及论据和结论, 多用于综述、会议报告等. 该类摘要可用于帮助潜在的读者来决定是否需要阅读全文.

(3) 报道-指示性摘要: 以报道性摘要的形式表述一次文献中的信息价值较高的部分, 以指示性摘要的形式表述其余部分.





论文摘要加英文范文 第十四篇












论文摘要加英文范文 第十五篇



论文摘要的 时态 基本上有两种 : 一般现在时、一般过去时。

由于学术论文写作通常采用一般现在时, 摘要也多用一般现在时。

目的、方法、结果及结论部分多用一般现在时 , 背景介绍常采用一般过去时。



因为使用被动语态不仅可以省略施动者 , 避免出现“We ”表示式 , 而且还可以使需强调的事物做主语而突出了它们的地位,有利于说明事实。

英文摘要往往采用第三人称的被动语态 , 可以避免提及有关执行者, 使行文显得客观。

同时, 被动语态句子在结构上有较大的调节余地, 有利于使用恰当的修辞手段, 扩展名词短语, 扩大句子信息量。

但有时采用主动语态比用被动语态在结构上更简练, 表达更


英文摘要应直接用英文写, 这样能按英文思维方式更直接、准确地表达原文。

在翻译过程中, 要避免按中文字面意义逐字翻译, 应从语篇层次把握原文, 选择恰当的翻译单位。

刘士聪认为, 在翻译过程中, 分析和转换是一个难以截然分开的思维过程, 以主 述位作翻译单位 , 一方面是注意到了它本身的形式特点, 另一方面也注意到了它在语篇中的衔接功能 , 可以把对原文的分析和转换统一起来。


根据《EI》的要求 , 一篇较好的英文摘要应较好地回答以下 4 个方面的问题:1) what you want to do(目的),2)How you did it (方法) ,3) What result didi you get and what conclusions can you draw ( 结果和结论 ); 4) What is original in your paper ( 创新独到之处 ) 。

在开头交待论文的目的时 , 英文摘要的首句不要重复题名或题名的一部分 , 同时摘要中要尽量少谈或不谈背景信息。

在介绍方法、结果和结论时 , 忌泛泛而谈 , 空洞无物。

在写作时 , 要尽可能明确地把论文的创新、独到之处交待出来。

关于英文摘要的'文法《EI》提出了以下几点要求 :

1) 尽量用短句 ; 2) 用主动语态而不用被动语态 ; 3) 要尽量简洁 , 去掉一切并不增进对摘要理解的多余字句 ; 4) 介绍过去所做的工作时用过去时态 , 介绍结果和结论时则用现在时态。

(1) 研究的背景、目的和范围———常用现在时 ; (2) 研究的方法、手段或步骤———常用过去时、现在时或现在完成时 ; (3) 研究的结果———常用过去时 ; (4) 研究得出的主要结论———常用现在时或情态助动词。



这类问题在文稿、报告中不明显 , 但正式印刷出来后非常抢眼。

所以 , 在组织英文摘要时应特别注意以下几点 :

(1) 英文标点符号中除了破折号长度占 2 个英文字符外, 其他均只占1个英文字符 ( 大致半个汉字 ) 。

中、英文的逗号、分号、冒号等乍看起来完全一样 , 但实际上也是不一样的。

排英文摘要时应转换到英文状态下操作 , 避免英文中出现全角标点 , 例如“ Darwin's theory of natural selection ” ( 应该是“ Darwin's theory of natural selection ” ) 等 , 影响版面的美观。

(2) 英文标点符号中没有“《》”、“、”和“~”。

英文中书名一般用斜体表示 , 该用顿号时用逗号 , 表示数字范围则用半字线“ - ”。


(3) 文中破折号、数字范围号与连字符分别为 : “—” ( 长度占 2 个英文字符 ) 、“ - ” ( 占 1 个英文字符 ), 而汉语中相应符号的长度分别比其长 1 倍 : “——” ( 长度占 2 个汉字 ) 、“—” ( 占 1 个汉字 ) 和“ - ” ( 占半个汉字 ) 。

此外 , 英文中的省略号是 3 个由空格隔开的英文句点“ ... ” , 而不是“…”。

(4) 在英文中 , 无论引号中是一个单句、短语、从句还是独立成分 , 末尾的逗号和句号等一律封闭在引号之内。

(5) 汉语中标点符号前后均不空格 , 而英文则不一样。

英文点号前不空 , 后要空一格 ; 英文破折号 “——” , 数字范围号“ - ”和连字符“ - ”前后均不空格 ; 英文引号和括号外面前后均空格 , 里面前后均不空格。

(6) 带缩略号的缩略语位于句末时 , 可省略一个黑点 , 但省略号位于句末时 , 句点不能省略。

(7) 可用若干个带连字符的词修饰同一个名词 , 例如“ the second-, third-or forth-class mails ”( 二、三、四级邮件 ), “ three- and four- syllable words ” ( 三音节和四音节词 ), 不能写作“ three-four-syllable words ”。

例 :Blackmur writes, “Mr. Eliot's poetry is not devotional in any sense of which we have been speaking... ” 例 :Dashes, parentheses, commas—all are used to set off parenthetical matter(see also page111).



在英文中用到数字时是用文字 (one,two,three,...) 还是阿拉伯数字 (1,2,3,---) 表示 , 需要遵循一定的规则 , 这就像在中文科技文稿中用汉字还是用阿拉伯数字有一定的规则一样。

一般说来 ,1 位数 (1 至 9) 通常用文字表示 , 多位数 ( ≥ 10) 则趋向于使用阿拉伯数字 , 也遵循易读、易写、前后一致的原则。

有统计意义的、与单位符号及数字符号一起的数字 , 一般都用阿拉伯数字。

在编写时应注意下列问题 :(1) 表示概数时 , 只能使用英文数字 :about five hundreds ( 约 500), approximately forty thousands( 近 4 万 ) 。

(2) 阿拉伯数字不宜出现在句子的开头。

例如“ Six percent students voted. ” (6% 的学生投了票 ) 不宜为“ 6 percent students voted. ”。

这种情况下最好改写句子 , 避免用数字开头 , 例如“ Fifteen new products are set for release in the next year. ” ( 有 15 种新产品决定在明年推出 ) 可改写为 : “ The company decides to release 15 new products in the next year. ” ( 公司决定明年推出 15 种新产品 ) 。

(3) 2 项数字相连时 , 其中一个用文字 , 另一个用数字 , 具体看哪一种方式简短 : “ 36 fifty-watt amplifiers ”或“ thirty-six 50 watt amplifiers ” (36 个 50W 的放大器 ) 。

(4)4 位以上的数字最好每隔 3 位用 1/4 的空格分开。


鉴于有些国家用逗号表示小数点 , 为避免引起混淆 , 国际标准化组织建议科技书刊中用空格来分隔数字。


例如 ,US $ 23000, 9600000km 2; 在科技书刊中推荐采用 a × 10n 的形式。

(5) 由于在英、美等国 billion, trillion 及 quadrillion 所代表的数目不一致 , 科技文稿中应避免使用 , 例如“ 亿人口”最好表示为“ × 109 ” 。


论文摘要加英文范文 第十六篇













论文摘要加英文范文 第十七篇









论文摘要加英文范文 第十八篇



(3)删除无意义的或不必要的字眼。但也不要矫枉过正,将应有的字眼过份删除,如在英文中不应删除必要的冠词如a'' an'' the等。




论文摘要加英文范文 第十九篇

论文题目:On the Title of EST and Aesthetic Effect in Its Translation

Abstract: With the development of science and technology, translation of English of Science and Technology has become more and more important. A good title can help readers understand the main ideas about some articles of science and technology at the first step. And a good translation can also shows the artistic effect and the content of the translator. The author wants to offer all the translation learners some ways to attract more readers by researching the titles of EST and artistic effects of them in this essay.

Key words: EST; title; translation; artistic effects

论文摘要加英文范文 第二十篇




摘 要











关键词:人类 ;精神 ;女性意识;价值;


The Merchant of Venice is one of dramatic work write by Shakespeare. Its theme is to extol kindness, friendship and love,There, we mention Humanism—the main distinguishable feature of that period, also the bright characteristic which is shown from the important role in this play. Feminism is an important part of Humanism. And the main target and content are studied from this work are its humanism ideology and character image. In accordance with the related bibliographies and spirit essences of female and feminism, while combining with the main contents and backgrounds of the work, this paper sees through and analysis’s the work from the angle of the female and feminism, as well as makes judgments on three female characters’ appearances and behaviors in this drama and reveals the feminism and female ideology that The Merchant of Venice has deeply reflected. The paper intends to make an analysis of the merchant in Venice in the critics of the women image of feminism and finds that the women image in Shakespeare's works is not the two extreme type created by female authors who are criticized by the feminism critics: good woman and bad woman; on the contrary, he creates the female characters with anti-tradition and modern ideas. Compared with the male characters, the female ones are active and in central position and the male ones passive and subornation. Thus the patriarchy-centered and deconstructs the definition of women in a patriarchal society and indicates the feminism tendency in Shakespeare's works.

Keywords: human; spirits; female consciousness; value

论文摘要加英文范文 第二十一篇







论文摘要加英文范文 第二十二篇







根据内容的不同, 摘要可分为以下三大类: 报道性摘要、指示性摘要和报道-指示性摘要.

(1) 报道性摘要: 其特点是全面、简要地概括论文的目的、方法、主要数据和结论.

通常, 这种摘要可以部分地取代阅读全文.

(2) 指示性摘要:一般只用二三句话概括论文的主题, 而不涉及论据和结论, 多用于综述、会议报告等.


(3) 报道-指示性摘要: 以报道性摘要的形式表述一次文献中的信息价值较高的部分, 以指示性摘要的形式表述其余部分.




(1)目的: 研究的目的、范围、重要性;

(2)方法: 采用的手段和方法;

(3)结果: 完成了哪些工作取得的数据和结果,;

(4)结论: 得出的重要结论及主要观点,论文的新见解。


(1) 摘要中应排除本学科领域已成为常识的内容;切忌把应在引言中出现的内容写入摘要,一般也不要对论文内容做诠释和评论(尤其是自我评价)。




论文摘要加英文范文 第二十三篇

Tutor profound professional knowledge, rigorous attitude, improving work style, tireless in teaching others the noble morality noble demeanor, Yanyilvji, broad-minded toward others, chastity, amiable and easy of approach personality charm has profound influence on me. Not only that I set a lofty academic goals, grasp the basic research method, but also make me understand a lot of the way of getting along with people and Weirenchushi truth. From the to, each step is completed under the guidance of the tutor, and devoted a lot of effort to the tutor. Here, wish to tutor paid tribute and heartfelt thanks!

This paper successfully completed, cannot do without teachers, classmates and friends to care and help. Thank Yue Baozhen engineering, Professor Zhang Ceng, Li Bingyun teacher, He Wanfen teacher's guidance and help; thank the Key Laboratory of Wu Hong, Lai Yanming, Zhu Xianjun, Cheng Haifen, Luo Xian, Liu Daoheng, Wu Shenglong and other teacher's guidance and help; thank FAFU Xie Yong group, Professor Professor Chen Lihui, Huang Liulian engineering concern, support and help;

During the three years of study, Wang Xu, Liu Qianjun, Tan Chengrong, Li Zongquan, Ho, Fan Juan, Kong Fangong, Wang Jian, Ma Minjiang, Wang Xiwen, Huang Youhe, Xu Lili, Mo Jialin, Guo Sanchuan, Li Jianwen, Zhong Zehui, Yang Qifeng, Liu Mengru, Yin Tanwei, Zhang Chun, Liu Ruiheng, Tu Qiliang, Hui, Zhuo Yu, Zhang Chengfeng, Xue Bing, Jiang Shoule Zhang Xiaochao, He Zhuoya, Liang Dongmei, Li Qiang, Liu Hao, Liu Chuanfu, Yu Dongmei, Lai Yurong, Chi Congcong, Cheng Xiaolian, Shi Haiqiang, Wang Shaoguang, and younger brother of care and help, to express deep gratitude. Without their help and support, there is no way to finish my Ph. D. Thesis. Friendship between students will last forever.

论文摘要加英文范文 第二十四篇

In the paper completed, I feel excited. From the topics of the paper, the collection of data to the writing and layout of the paper, I got a lot of enthusiastic help.

First of all, I would like to thank Mr. Zhang Yuqing, who led me to the door of information security, and put forward a lot of valuable comments on my research, so that my research work has a goal and direction. In the past two years, he was careful guidance and education to me. It enables me to study and improve continuously, and the research results of these topics have also become the main material of this paper. At the same time, Zhang profound knowledge, rigorous scholarship attitude also makes me very admire, is my model of learning and work. Thank the teacher for my care and attention, in this to express our sincere gratitude.

Thanks to my parents and girlfriend bear, giving unlimited love in life, especially the cubs, and when she did not cherish the love, her love, lost her life and perhaps even too late to regret, for there is no chance, when approaching graduation, deeply regret to say to you: xxxyou love let me grow up and know how to love, and I let you scarred, and you have to flee, if there is any chance, if there is the afterlife, I will put you in the palm of carexxx.

Thank you for working life in the prevention center colleagues, Dr. Zhang Dehua, Dr. Liu Xiangning, Dr. Mao Jian, Zhao Honghao, Jia Suping, Li Haibao, Sun Pengpeng, Yang Xiaoyan, Huang Dandan, Wang Ruoxin, Yang Ni, Yu Junsong, because you have a wonderful and fulfilling life.

Thank you in the study of information security professional students spend time together students, Jiang Bailiang, Shi Miaolei, Zhang Jun, Cheng Liang, Jing Wong, Wu Jingjing, Hu Hao, Jia Wei, Liu Ziwen, Liu Jingxuan, Deng Yi, Wang Xianggen, Wei Yong, Ren Rong, and spend the internship at the state Key Laboratory of information security years.

论文摘要加英文范文 第二十五篇












论文摘要加英文范文 第二十六篇

First and foremost, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to mysupervisor, Professor Jia Aiwu. I have benefited tremendously from her criticalthinking and insightful viewpoint. Through his patient instruction,I finally focusedon the object studied in this thesis, and obtained valuable advice on aspects rangingfrom frame work constructing and data collection to elaborated analysis.

Secondly, I'm profusely grateful to my respected predecessors and teachers.

Without their precious suggestions, I could not have come this far in this thesis.

Moreover, I owe my thanks to my family and friends, who have always supportedme with their generous encouragements and praises.

Last but not least, I sincerely thank my fellow classmates. We share joys andanxieties, which propels us forward together throughout the arduous journey.

论文摘要加英文范文 第二十七篇


【摘要】 作为第三产业,历经20多年的发展,江苏省淮安市的房地产业已成为全市经济快速发展的支柱产业之一,对于淮安经济的快速增长的促进作用是很明显的,但是近年来,随着经济增速的.放缓和国家房地产政策的不断调整,我国的房地产市场进入了调整期,此轮房地产进入了发展周期的下行阶段。当前,中国经济将迎来可持续发展的新阶段,国内房地产业政策、市场等外部环境将随之发生变化,对淮安市房地产发展也将产生深远的影响。本文在对房地产业的相关理论简要的阐述的基础上,探讨了房地产业在国民经济中的地位和作用,借鉴国内外房地产理论成果,从房地产业构成要素、运行机制及发挥的作用等方面,对我国房地产市场发展现状进行分析,通过收集近5年的统计数据,采取定量与定性结合的研究方法,对淮安市房地产业发展状况进行了较为深入、全面的研究,在此基础上,运用SWOT分析法,从淮安市房地产业发展的优势、劣势、机遇与挑战等方面对目前淮安市房地产业的发展趋势进行深入分析,分析得出,目前淮安市在当前经济条件下所表现出的如支柱产业地位较不突出、房地产开发投资不足、房价相对偏高、融资渠道略显狭窄、政府调控效果不明显等几个方面的问题,并针对当前淮安市房地产市场存在的问题,提出了淮安市房地产业如何能够体现其支柱产业地位、增大房地产投资力度、优化房地产投资结构,遏制全市房价增速过快、加大政府宏观调控力度及如何完善房地产金融市场等解决对策。通过本文的研究,力求从源头上寻求解决淮安市房地产业可持续发展的新思路,并能为职能部门制定更加切实有效的调控政策提供参考。

【关键词】 淮安; 房地产; 发展趋势; 局限; 对策;

论文摘要加英文范文 第二十八篇


【摘要】 价格促销作为营销组合中的重要一环,必然会对品牌权益产生深刻的影响。




















论文摘要加英文范文 第二十九篇

The accomplishment of this thesis has covered half a year,s experiment and another halfa year's analysis. It can not be denied that whole process is quite tough. Despite all theproblems during research and limitations, the thesis finally comes into being. However, thiscan not be achieved without the help of many people.

First and foremost, I would like to give my sincere gratitude to my distinguished andrespectable supervisor, Prof. Qi Yuanfang, for his all-along supports during not only theresearch process, but the whole post-graduate year. He is the one who gives me inspiration ofthe thesis topic, enlightens me empirical method helps me conduct teaching experiment, andinstructs me analyzing approaches. I have to say that this thesis is born from his and warm encouragement.

Secondly, I also own my appreciation to Prof, Gongrong who gives me a lot ofinspiration, insightful advice and instructions.

And also, this thesis can not be accomplished without teachers of Foreign LanguagesSchool who impart knowledge to me and classmates who offer me help.

Last but not least, I would like to extend my thanks to the students participating in thisresearch for their patient corporation.

论文摘要加英文范文 第三十篇

It is a significant and unforgettable experience for me to spend such a long time onwriting, modifying and polishing this thesis. Many kind-hearted people give me a greatamount of help, professional advice and encouragement. Thus, here I would like toexpress my sincere gratitude to them.

First of all, I will show my sincere thanks to my supervisor Professor Jia Aiwuwho has given me invaluable guidance and constant support and the whole processes. During my study of English education in this two ahalf years and the witting of this thesis, she has always been generous to offer me usefulsuggestions, answer my question and discuss research questions with me. Her detailguidance and helpful comments on my thesis encourage me to overcome difficultiesand think more critically during the processes of writing.

Secondly, I will also express my sincere gratitude to other professor and teacherswho had give me constructive suggestion to my thesis and thanks to them forinstructing me to construct my knowledge in English teaching in the past two and a halfyears.

Thirdly, I want to thank all my affectionate classmates and friends. During the twoa half years' study and the writing of this thesis, they have given me a lot of support andencouragement in their own ways.

At last, I will give the deepest gratitude to my family for their regretless supportand love to me.

论文摘要加英文范文 第三十一篇

[Abstract] The exam-oriented education in this high speed, high-efficiency society has both advantages and disadvantages. On one hand it helps students to improve the proportion of entering higher grade schools, on the other hand, such one-sided quality educational pattern and environment also influence the students physique development. As the organic component, dancing education had played an important role in remedying such a defect. It can not merely enrich students emotion, develop students’ imagination, strengthen students’ self-confidence, sense of pride, but also make teenagers get calisthenics tall and straight limbs, noble sentiment, graceful makings, dignified instrument when they accept the education. So, the author set out from the connotation of the dancing education discussed its benefit factor and proposed some more tentative plan.

[Key words] exam-oriented education dance education


论文摘要加英文范文 第三十二篇

论文题目:On Cultural Gaps and Untranslatability in Chinese Version of The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe from Perspective of Functionalism

Abstract:This thesis is an attempt to apply functionalism to literary translation and prove its feasibility by analyzing the untranslatability of the Adventures of Robinson Crusoe causing by cultural gaps. Functionalism is a broad term for various theories that approach translation by focusing on the function or functions of texts and translations. And the four important representatives of functionalism are Katharina Reiss, Hans J. Vermeer, Justa Holz-Mnttri and Christiane Nord. This thesis attempts to apply the core rules of Skopostheorie –?to analyze the untranslatability of the Adventures of Robinson Crusoe which is caused by cultural gaps, in the hope of gaining a better understanding of literary translation from the perspective of functionalism.

This paper is composed of four chapters. The first one is introduction. Chapter 2 introduces the German Functionalism and translation theories including a brief introduction to the Adventures of Robinson Crusoe and the author Defoe. Chapter 3 goes over the application of the main translation theory Skopostheorie in analyzing the untranslatability of the Adventures of Robinson Crusoe causing by cultural gaps with analyzing the culture factor in translation. Besides, this chapter also analyses the limitations of Skopostheorie. In chapter 4, the final conclusion is that functionalism is also applicable to literary translation and can provide a different perspective in solving the untranslatability causing by cultural gaps.

Key Words: functionalism; skopostheorie; untranslatability; culture gaps; The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe

论文摘要加英文范文 第三十三篇

For the violation of legitimate rights and interests of consumers a variety of offenses, how to provide for the corresponding legal responsibilities and how the legal liability system reflected the special protection of consumers should be xxxConsumer Protection Lawxxx key solved a legal issue.

To solve this legal problem, it is necessary to further establish a regulated market operating order to protect legitimate interests of consumers and improving the legal liability system.

On the one hand is to establish a legal system the concept of protection of consumers;

The other hand, is to improve consumer protection legal liability system.





