

发布时间:2023-01-04 19:12:35阅读量:538

分析与判断英语作文范文 第一篇


(1)Can I suggest that we put it off until early august?

(2)Would you mind if we we put it off until early august?


Dear Chris,

How is everything going?

I remember we planned to visit Yunnan in July but now bucause my left foot was injured, I cannot go with you as planned.

I’m sorry about it. Can I suggest that we put it off until early august? I wish you could understand. I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.



分析与判断英语作文范文 第二篇

I like reading. I like reading very much. When I was a little girl, I was very interested in reading picture books of science and history.

I entered primary school and began to read more books. Now I am a middle school student, I have a lot of lessons to learn. I have to finish a lot of homework every day.

I am very busy, but when I am free, I still want to read some story books. One day my sister brought me a book. You will read this book with interest.

I like monkey king a lot.




分析与判断英语作文范文 第三篇

The rapid development of science and technology has brought about great changes to human great benefits brought about by this progress is hailed in every corner of the electronic appliances have made our life simpler than ever inventions have helped us to organize our daily job can be done and QQ have made it easier to communicate with other has enabled us to know and understand other culture and society better.

However,The disadvantages about this development should not be neglected .Some of scientific inventions have even caused great harms or disastersto example,advanced technology can be easily manipulated by irresponsible 'll be too dependant on technology fails,we are helpless

Sometimes,it affects our health and lifestyles(we'll be complacent and lazy.) The chemicals may be hazardous).What's worse,Science and tecnology may even destroy our simple and healthy life(Sometimes How we miss the traditional style of living!).In addition ,The appearance of new technology may invade our privacy.

To sum up,humans must be alert against the possible harm while enjoying the benefits from them.

分析与判断英语作文范文 第四篇

The advantages and disadvantages of the automobile is one of the most important inventions in human history. The automobile has improved our way of life in the past century. However, the global warming has brought about the serious impact of excessive use of the car.

This makes me feel that the car is helping or destroying human beings. It is impossible for us to face the life without a car. The same car brings comfort and there is no need for it Do you think you can arrange a weekly trip to the supermarket without the help of a car carrying your daily necessities? I don't think cars may have many advantages, but everything has its disadvantages.

Now the cost of driving will become very out of control. Insurance, oil, transportation, and even the price of buying a decent car are very expensive. Anyone who owns a car will know that one of the most annoying problems with cars is traffic jams, but driving can also be very dangerous.

You never guess when Where accidents can happen, but there's one drawback that's worse than all of them combined: global warming, reckless driving can only endanger yourself and some unfortunate passers-by, but overuse of your car can endanger the world as a result of global warming. In short, cars are very important to human beings, but their use is very important. They should help prevent climate change in a more limited way.

But it is hoped that with the new discovery of energy resources, cars will become more and more popular in the future.



分析与判断英语作文范文 第五篇


词典是学习一门语言的工具,很多学生学英语没有经常查英语词典的习惯,这是不良的学习习惯,应该多多使用词典。有的语言学家认为甚至看一个学生使用什么样的词典就可以判断的的学习水平。我认为首选的应该是经济实惠的英汉双解词典,如:《郎文英汉双解活用词典》(LONGMAN ACTIVE STUDY ENGLISH-CHINESE DICTIONARY)(上海译文出版社,32元),然后再过度到使用英英词典。当然,查名词通常需要借助汉英词典。在查英语词典的时候我们还应该学习的是词语的搭配。如:because of后只能接名词词组(做宾语),because后只能接表示原因的从句。学习单词时请记住英语单词的词性。如bribe可以是名词,也可以作为动词来使用。如:The bank teller bribed his banker.(银行出纳员贿赂他的上司) The banker was charged with taking bribes from the bank teller.(银行经理被指控接受出纳员的贿赂)The government fights against the bribery(政府打击行贿受贿)。学习词的时候一般情况下不要孤立地学,否则容易忘记。尽量作到“词不离句,句不离文。”有的学生写作文的时候从英语词典里找到他们需要的词。这并不是明智的学习英语写作的方法。或者根据自己的汉语思维将要表达的意思写出来,写出来的英语往往给人感觉非常蹩脚而不自然。前提是他在写作文以前到没有大量的阅读中去吸取知识的养分,培养语感,就象蜜蜂不采蜜就酿不出蜜的道理一样。


句子是由词组合而成的。有的学生在写英语作文的时候,喜欢用生僻的词,认为这样可以得到高分。我觉得这似乎有些“为赋新诗强说愁”的味道。如I deem(我想),而不用I think.一位美国的心理学博士Lois Gail认为:deem通常不可以取代 think. 因为 deem 是英语中非常正式的说法,包含了判断和权威。她用英语讲解:In current English, “deem” is very formal and almost connotes judgment and is not commonly used as a substitute for “think.” 用什么样的词要分场合。如果是一个非常庄严肃穆的场合,可以用deem, 但如果表达个人对某一问题的看法,还是要用think合情理些。

有的学生写作文的时候反复用一个词组,会给人枯燥的感觉。如:Every morning, I get up early, then go to do some sports. Doing sports makes me healthy and smart.作文中的用法都是正确的,但更好的则是:Every morning, I get up early to play basketball or go some jogging, which makes me healthy and energetic. 中国学生在英语作文中喜欢用的一个英语表达法do some sports(从事体育运动),是从中学英语课本学来的。可是在现代英语里,这个表达法几乎没有人使用了。如果从事体育运动,就具体表达成:play basketball, play football.等等。


写作文首先是从写正确的句子开始。一个句子从语法上讲是指由大写字母开始,由名词,动词或词组构成的一个陈述句,祈使句,惊叹句和疑问句。由句号,疑问号或惊叹号来结束。表示一个意思讲完了,它表示停顿和呼吸。音乐的乐谱讲“乐句,”一个乐句弹奏完了要停顿一下是一样的道理。 要注意的是很多(包括美国)学生在写英语作文的时候,不知道英语的句号要用在引号前面。正确的例句如:She said, “You are a good girl.”这一细节请注意。有的学生写英语作文喜欢用复合句,认为这样不容易出错。其实,很多学生连简单的英语句子都不能保证写对的时候,就写出来些错误的复合句。这就象一个小孩还没有学会走路就开始学跑步,肯定是要跌跤的。我认识一位美国的高中英语教师,美国文学学士Temple Sterling 女士认为将英语作为外语来学习的学生还是先学会使用简单句然后再学习复合句也不迟。


英语句子结构的特点是:相对于德语,法语,俄语,英语“比较简单,自然,合乎逻辑思维的自然顺序。”(李赋宁《英语学习经验谈》147页)。要写好英语作文首先要掌握基本的英语句型:英语千变万化的句子归根到底都离不开以下这五个基本的句型。(《大学英语》:语法与练习 第一册第1页)通常情况下,一个句子的关键在于动词。有人提出的观点是:动词是一个句子的灵魂。

1. Mary is a (主——动——主补)

2. The flowers are blooming. SV (主——动)

3. I have a pen. SVO(主——动——宾)

4. The mother will buy the girl a bike. SVOi (间接宾语)Od(直接宾语) (主——动——间宾——直宾)

5. The parents consider the child a genius. SVOCo (主——动——宾——宾补)

英语中的`系表结构也很常用。如:You look 与happy构成系表结构。


英语里有些短语就象水泥一样把整个段落的构连架连接起来。如:表示结果:as a result, consequently, therefore, etc. in contrast, however, etc. 递进:furthermore, in addition, etc. 总结:in a word, in brief, in short, etc. 转折:but, in spite of, etc. 原因:because, because of, 让步:though



平行结构例句1,Mary is a kind, cute, clever, happy girl.

例2,Every morning, after I get up, I get dressed, make bed,brush my teeth, wash my face, have breakfast and go to school.(有下划线部分为平行结构。)


英语里有一些缩写,如I#39;m , he#39;s , she#39;s, I#39;ve, I don#39;t 等等,you#39;re 的读音与your 相同。所有的这些缩写形式都是英语里不正式的用法和语气。在正式语体中,如果给美国总统写信,就不可以用缩写形式,而必须要用 I am, You are, He is 等等。用He is hard-working 比he works hard.语气弱。(be 结构比动词的气弱要弱。)long for语气很强,一般只能在恋人之间使用。如英语一首情歌歌词:I am longing for you.


一个典型的英语段落往往先点明主题思想,即(topic sentence),然后再对该主题加以分析,论证,即(support),最后是一个总结性的句子,即(conclusion)。(姚君伟《跨文化语境下的外语教学》188页)

例:(主题句:)Competition is common in every field of life.(展开部分:)(1:) For example, the Olympic Games is the most famous competition in the world. (2:)In the four hundred meter swimming race, the swimmers plunge into the water at the signal.( 3:)Each swings his or her arms and legs and tries his or her best to be the first. (4:)Also there is the competition for jobs, for promotion, for customers, and so on. (总结:)We can say ,in a certain sense, competition stimulating people#39;s interest in work helps society to go forward.

如果 将段落的结构再扩展,就成为一篇文章的结构。美式写作结构的特点是:段落层次分明,观点阐述平行推进,直线思维,逻辑性强,行文如流水,简洁明了。(崔晓霞《大学英语作文应试章法》第7页)


提高英语的作文可以从训练英语口语开始,口语是文字的先锋。“口头语言早在人类社会形成之初就已出现,至尽已经存在了几百万年,而书面文字的历史只有短短几千年。”(胡壮麟《语言学简明教程》133页)英国著名的英语教学专家格兰特在20xx年3月20日的英语《二十一世纪报》增刊上谈到口语的提高可以促进英语作文水平。他在文中指出:“Oral skills are important both in themselves, and also because they help one to prepare for writing. The best oral activities often lead to written activities that benefit from them.” 还应该多与英美人交流,在实际的生活中了解他们的语言习惯与思维习惯,还可以学到书本上学不到的知识。

思维是写作的前提条件。著名语言学家王力先生曾说“中国的语言是人制的,西洋的语言是法制的。”所以他们的语言逻辑性强,人情味淡;我们的语言逻辑性差,人情味强。如:1)我的祖母还健在。英语:My grandma is still alive(我的祖母还活着).我想只有通过大量的阅读才能培养良好的英语的思维和语感,克服来自母语的干扰。话题又回到阅读上来,读多了就自然培养英语思维,就可以不再受母语思维的干扰。“英语思维在写作中的好处是可以用英美人习惯的言语来表达思想。”

分析与判断英语作文范文 第六篇

Different people have different characters.

If we want to get along well with others, we had better learn their characters, so that we won’t step on landmines. For example, when we meet a person who is patient, we can show our opinions slowly.

But when we meet a hot temper person, we had better express our opinions as soon as possible and get away from him when he loses his temper. If we meet a person who is more bark than bite, we take the measure of sticking.

In a word, different people will accept different ways for communication. Analyzing personal characters help people get a good harvest in interpersonal communication.


分析与判断英语作文范文 第七篇

Nowadays, there is a widespread concern over (the issue that)___作文题目______. In fact, there are both advantages and disadvantages in __题目议题_____. Generally speaking, it is widely believed there are several positive

aspects as follows. Firstly, ___优点一______. And secondly ___优点二_____.

Just As a popular saying goes, xxxevery coin has two sidesxxx, __讨论议题______ is no exception, and in another word, it still has negative aspects. To

begin with, ___缺点一______. In addition, ____缺点二______.

To sum up, we should try to bring the advantages of __讨论议题____ into full play, and reduce the disadvantages to the minimum at the same

time. In that case, we will definitely make a better use of the ____讨论议题___.

分析与判断英语作文范文 第八篇

One day my uncle was reading a newspaper and learned that birds were our friends. We should get alone well with them. He looked at his nice bird in the cage, and decided to let it fly back home-nature. He took the cage with the bird in it and went to a little hill near his house by bike. He went home with the empty cage. When he got back, he sat in a chair and had a rest. A moment later, to his surprise, he found the bird back in the cage.



(1)看报(Let Birds Fly);






分析与判断英语作文范文 第九篇

Now TV PK programs are very popular in China, attracting many young people. Some young people even give up their studies to participate in these programs, hoping to become famous overnight. Some people think that these programs provide more opportunities for young people to show their talents, while others think that it is not good for young people to participate in these programs.

For me, I prefer the latter view. It should be admitted that young people like Li Yuchun stand out in many PK programs, but this does not mean that participating in PK shows is a good success for young people The following reasons can support my view. Firstly, TV PK programs breed agitation and induce young people to pursue fame and wealth at all costs.

Secondly, TV PK programs will subvert the values of young people. They think that participating in PK programs is a shortcut to success. Therefore, they may eventually despise the way to success through hard work.

If young people fail in these programs, they will not be able to do so, They will suffer from psychological imbalance. Entering TV PK program is not a good way for young people to succeed. I suggest that young people should think twice before deciding to participate in PK program.



分析与判断英语作文范文 第十篇


词典是学习一门语言的工具,很多学生学英语没有经常查英语词典的习惯,这是不良的学习习惯,应该多多使用词典。有的语言学家认为甚至看一个学生使用什么样的词典就可以判断的的学习水平。我认为首选的应该是经济实惠的英汉双解词典,如:《郎文英汉双解活用词典》(LONGMAN ACTIVE STUDY ENGLISH-CHINESE DICTIONARY)(上海译文出版社,32元),然后再过度到使用英英词典。当然,查名词通常需要借助汉英词典。在查英语词典的时候我们还应该学习的是词语的搭配。如:because of后只能接名词词组(做宾语),because后只能接表示原因的从句。学习单词时请记住英语单词的词性。如bribe可以是名词,也可以作为动词来使用。如:The bank teller bribed his banker.(银行出纳员贿赂他的上司) The banker was charged with taking bribes from the bank teller.(银行经理被指控接受出纳员的贿赂)The government fights against the bribery(政府打击行贿受贿)。学习词的时候一般情况下不要孤立地学,否则容易忘记。尽量作到“词不离句,句不离文。”有的学生写作文的时候从英语词典里找到他们需要的词。这并不是明智的学习英语写作的方法。或者根据自己的汉语思维将要表达的意思写出来,写出来的英语往往给人感觉非常蹩脚而不自然。前提是他在写作文以前到没有大量的阅读中去吸取知识的养分,培养语感,就象蜜蜂不采蜜就酿不出蜜的道理一样。


句子是由词组合而成的。有的学生在写英语作文的时候,喜欢用生僻的词,认为这样可以得到高分。我觉得这似乎有些“为赋新诗强说愁”的味道。如I deem(我想),而不用I think.一位美国的心理学博士Lois Gail认为:deem通常不可以取代 think. 因为 deem 是英语中非常正式的说法,包含了判断和权威。她用英语讲解:In current English, “deem” is very formal and almost connotes judgment and is not commonly used as a substitute for “think.” 用什么样的词要分场合。如果是一个非常庄严肃穆的场合,可以用deem, 但如果表达个人对某一问题的看法,还是要用think合情理些。

有的学生写作文的时候反复用一个词组,会给人枯燥的感觉。如:Every morning, I get up early, then go to do some sports. Doing sports makes me healthy and smart.作文中的用法都是正确的,但更好的则是:Every morning, I get up early to play basketball or go some jogging, which makes me healthy and energetic. 中国学生在英语作文中喜欢用的一个英语表达法do some sports(从事体育运动),是从中学英语课本学来的。可是在现代英语里,这个表达法几乎没有人使用了。如果从事体育运动,就具体表达成:play basketball, play football.等等。


写作文首先是从写正确的句子开始。一个句子从语法上讲是指由大写字母开始,由名词,动词或词组构成的一个陈述句,祈使句,惊叹句和疑问句。由句号,疑问号或惊叹号来结束。表示一个意思讲完了,它表示停顿和呼吸。音乐的乐谱讲“乐句,”一个乐句弹奏完了要停顿一下是一样的道理。 要注意的是很多(包括美国)学生在写英语作文的时候,不知道英语的句号要用在引号前面。正确的例句如:She said, “You are a good girl.”这一细节请注意。有的学生写英语作文喜欢用复合句,认为这样不容易出错。其实,很多学生连简单的英语句子都不能保证写对的时候,就写出来些错误的复合句。这就象一个小孩还没有学会走路就开始学跑步,肯定是要跌跤的。我认识一位美国的高中英语教师,美国文学学士Temple Sterling 女士认为将英语作为外语来学习的学生还是先学会使用简单句然后再学习复合句也不迟。


英语句子结构的特点是:相对于德语,法语,俄语,英语“比较简单,自然,合乎逻辑思维的自然顺序。”(李赋宁《英语学习经验谈》147页)。要写好英语作文首先要掌握基本的英语句型:英语千变万化的句子归根到底都离不开以下这五个基本的句型。(《大学英语》:语法与练习 第一册第1页)通常情况下,一个句子的.关键在于动词。有人提出的观点是:动词是一个句子的灵魂。

1. Mary is a (主——动——主补)

2. The flowers are blooming. SV (主——动)

3. I have a pen. SVO(主——动——宾)

4. The mother will buy the girl a bike. SVOi (间接宾语)Od(直接宾语) (主——动——间宾——直宾)

5. The parents consider the child a genius. SVOCo (主——动——宾——宾补)

英语中的系表结构也很常用。如:You look 与happy构成系表结构。


英语里有些短语就象水泥一样把整个段落的构连架连接起来。如:表示结果:as a result, consequently, therefore, etc. in contrast, however, etc. 递进:furthermore, in addition, etc. 总结:in a word, in brief, in short, etc. 转折:but, in spite of, etc. 原因:because, because of, 让步:though



平行结构例句1,Mary is a kind, cute, clever, happy girl.

例2,Every morning, after I get up, I get dressed, make bed,brush my teeth, wash my face, have breakfast and go to school.(有下划线部分为平行结构。)


英语里有一些缩写,如I#39;m , he#39;s , she#39;s, I#39;ve, I don#39;t 等等,you#39;re 的读音与your 相同。所有的这些缩写形式都是英语里不正式的用法和语气。在正式语体中,如果给美国总统写信,就不可以用缩写形式,而必须要用 I am, You are, He is 等等。用He is hard-working 比he works hard.语气弱。(be 结构比动词的气弱要弱。)long for语气很强,一般只能在恋人之间使用。如英语一首情歌歌词:I am longing for you.


一个典型的英语段落往往先点明主题思想,即(topic sentence),然后再对该主题加以分析,论证,即(support),最后是一个总结性的句子,即(conclusion)。(姚君伟《跨文化语境下的外语教学》188页)

例:(主题句:)Competition is common in every field of life.(展开部分:)(1:) For example, the Olympic Games is the most famous competition in the world. (2:)In the four hundred meter swimming race, the swimmers plunge into the water at the signal.( 3:)Each swings his or her arms and legs and tries his or her best to be the first. (4:)Also there is the competition for jobs, for promotion, for customers, and so on. (总结:)We can say ,in a certain sense, competition stimulating people#39;s interest in work helps society to go forward.

如果 将段落的结构再扩展,就成为一篇文章的结构。美式写作结构的特点是:段落层次分明,观点阐述平行推进,直线思维,逻辑性强,行文如流水,简洁明了。(崔晓霞《大学英语作文应试章法》第7页)


提高英语的作文可以从训练英语口语开始,口语是文字的先锋。“口头语言早在人类社会形成之初就已出现,至尽已经存在了几百万年,而书面文字的历史只有短短几千年。”(胡壮麟《语言学简明教程》133页)英国著名的英语教学专家格兰特在20xx年3月20日的英语《二十一世纪报》增刊上谈到口语的提高可以促进英语作文水平。他在文中指出:“Oral skills are important both in themselves, and also because they help one to prepare for writing. The best oral activities often lead to written activities that benefit from them.” 还应该多与英美人交流,在实际的生活中了解他们的语言习惯与思维习惯,还可以学到书本上学不到的知识。

思维是写作的前提条件。著名语言学家王力先生曾说“中国的语言是人制的,西洋的语言是法制的。”所以他们的语言逻辑性强,人情味淡;我们的语言逻辑性差,人情味强。如:1)我的祖母还健在。英语:My grandma is still alive(我的祖母还活着).我想只有通过大量的阅读才能培养良好的英语的思维和语感,克服来自母语的干扰。话题又回到阅读上来,读多了就自然培养英语思维,就可以不再受母语思维的干扰。“英语思维在写作中的好处是可以用英美人习惯的言语来表达思想。”

分析与判断英语作文范文 第十一篇

In the past, when people buy SIM cards, they don't need to show their ID cards or register their ID cards. In addition to some SIM cards designated for specific groups, no matter what kind of SIM cards, how many cards you want, you can almost get what you want. All this is obviously so simple and convenient.

The ease of use of SIM cards also has its disadvantages. The most annoying is the proliferation of spam information and phone calls The reason for harassment and fraud is: it is difficult to track anonymous callers or senders with a mobile phone number that does not provide useful information. When purchasing SIM cards, many users will abandon their SIM cards at will, resulting in a waste of resources.

However, since SIM cards can identify the identity of users, users will feel trapped when sending spam mail or conducting phone fraud. Therefore, the above problems are easy to solve. In fact, the above problems are easy to solve Their SIM cards contain confidential information related to personal interests, which makes people think twice before they act.

From now on, real name registration is officially implemented in China. When consumers buy mobile phones, they must hold certificates to handle life. Old mobile phone users have to submit personal information.

In the past three years, your class has discussed the real name system. The advantages and disadvantages of the discussion are as follows: boycott and reduce the use of mobile phones Restriction and management of criminal activities.



分析与判断英语作文范文 第十二篇

In recent years, the Internet has been popularized at an alarming speed. Some people think that the Internet has brought us a lot of benefits. On the other hand, many people strongly advocate that we should not ignore its shortcomings.

It is understandable that people with different backgrounds have different views. People who think that the Internet has many advantages first give us such reasons: the Internet has brought us a lot of advantages For example, we can e-mail our friends in other countries in a few minutes, while sending a traditional letter takes at least a week and is expensive. Second, we can make friends with people from all over the world.

It overcame geographical barriers and made the world smaller. In addition, the Internet has accelerated the flow of information and spread education around the world. However, on the other hand, we can easily and quickly access the latest information from all over the world.

One side strongly opposes that the Internet has many weaknesses. On the one hand, it can easily lead to psychological problems. A person who goes online tends to be isolated, self-centered and uncommunicative.

On the other hand, the number of cyber crimes has risen sharply, and financial crimes such as money laundering have increased rapidly. In addition, the number of Internet related crimes has increased sharply Being light on people also has negative effects, because there are a lot of obscene and violent contents on the Internet. I think these two arguments are reasonable.

I fully agree with the latter view, that is, the Internet does more harm than good. It causes people's psychological problems and leads to various computer crimes. Moreover, it is harmful to the growth of young people.

Measures should be taken as soon as possible to protect people from the negative effects of the Internet.


分析与判断英语作文范文 第十三篇








误:my father and my mother is all teacher。

正:my father and my mother are both teachers。


在汉语中没有动词的句子是允许的,但英语中每个完整的句子都必须有动词来构成,如:“我累了。”这个句子没有动词作谓语,而用形容词,但英语形容词不能作谓语,一定要写成:i'm tired。

误:i happy i can come to beijing zoo。

正:i am happy i can come to beijing zoo。

误:the apples cheap. i'll take some。

正:the apples are 'll take some。



误:because heavy rain we can't hold the sports meeting。

正:because of the heavy rain we can't hold the sports meeting。



误:i mother and i went to the shop to buy a present for i father。

正:my mother and i went to the shop to buy a present for my father。



误:many students have a hard time passing all the tests to get into example,my friend in high school。


正:many students have a hard time passing all the tests to get into college,for example,my friend in highs chool。



例 one have knowledge,he can do what he want to do。



改为when one has knowledge,he can do what he wants(todo)。



误:when i get to the station the train leave。

正:when i got to the station the train had left。



分析与判断英语作文范文 第十四篇

As time goes on, people are getting richer and their life is getting better and better. As a result, more people are ready to buy cars for their own use. But different people have different ideas about whether they should buy cars for personal use.

Some people hold the belief that buying cars for personal use can help develop motor industry in our country. With the help of cars, it will be convenient for them to go to and off work. Besides, cars can make their life more colourful and beautiful.

As we all know, every coin has two sides. Some people think that more personal cars will make roads more crowded and produce more dirty gases. In addition, more cars will use more resources. Therefore, too many cars will make energy supply more demanding.

As far as I am concerned, I think it necessary for people to buy their own cars as long as they are able to.

分析与判断英语作文范文 第十五篇

Bus: you can take a bus to almost any place you want to go. There are thousands of routes in the city. You can choose anyone according to your needs.

The road is cheap and convenient. The buses are getting more and more crowded, depending on the traffic conditions. You may be late.

The buses are too crowded during rush hours. When you need to be far away from home, it is cheaper to take a train than to take a plane. You have a lot of space on the train.

You can play with your friends as you like. If you need to spend the night on the train, sometimes it will be noisy to sleep. There may be a thief train on it You can also enjoy the beautiful sea or river at will.

The boat can go to some places that the train can't go. The boat often goes slower. When the ship shakes with the waves, you may feel sick.

The plane can also take you to the place you want to go in a short time. The service on the plane is very good. You can eat delicious food and even watch videos.

The airport is usually far away from the city center and it will take you some time to get to the airport. In addition, aircraft are often delayed or cancelled due to bad weather.




分析与判断英语作文范文 第十六篇

Now many of my classmates like to surf the Internet in their spare time. I think surfing the Internet can bring us both advantages and disadvantages. For example, if I encounter difficulties in my study, I can look for more useful information on the Internet, and I can make more friends on the Internet.

Some of my classmates said that when they chat with more friends who have similar hobbies, they will feel very happy. However, the Internet will also bring some problems. If you spend too much time on the Internet, you will become lazy and unable to concentrate on your study, which will be fair.

What's worse, if you think you can't live without the Internet, so we must be careful when using the Internet.


分析与判断英语作文范文 第十七篇

Advantages :have a good rest/spend more time …with …Disadvantages:…cause a lot of trouble…/be crowded everywhere…In 20XX, ‘May golden week’ was canceled, but this year people have discussed the problem whether we should renew ‘May golden week’ or people think the 7-day holiday is very important.

Firstly, we could have a good rest and refresh ourselves after several months of hard work.

Secondly, we could spend more time staying with our family.

Thirdly, we will be able to use the one-week vacation to travel to some farther places such as foreign , other people hold the opposite view. They think it causes a lot of problems.

It may lead to traffic jam and visitors will not enjoy themselves if the travelling spots are a student, I prefer a 7-day holiday. Not only can I sleep well and do exercise, but also I can read some interesting books. How I wish a 7-Day holiday would come soon and we will have a 7-day holiday then!

分析与判断英语作文范文 第十八篇













分析与判断英语作文范文 第十九篇

The advantages and disadvantages of blog have been widely used in the world. However, it has also led to many problems. Blog has its advantages and disadvantages, which enables people to communicate with each other.

By providing a platform for people to publish and comment on their lives, it also damages people's privacy. Nowadays, many lecherous men and girls track people through blog. The advantages of blog are far away Greater than the disadvantages, so people should use it, but also be aware of the potential risks.



分析与判断英语作文范文 第二十篇

Nowadays,it is universally acknowledged that (主题) plays a more and more important role in not only the improvement of the living standard of people but also in the development of the society.

However,when it comes to (主题), the opinions concerning it vary from individual to individual. Some people are in favor of (主题), while others are against such choice.

Those who are in favor of (主题) believe that it has following advantages: 优点一,二,三, (To begin with, in addition, lastly)

On the other hand, it also causes some problems, which can not be ignored by us. 缺点一,二,三。

Like everything else, we are all aware that ( 主题) has both favorable and unfavorable aspects.

But I believe that the positive aspects carry more weight than the negative ones.

There must be some measures taken to hold back the disadvantages.

Therefore ,if we make all our efforts to avoid the disadvantages and make full use of the advantage, surely, we will benefit from (主题)

分析与判断英语作文范文 第二十一篇

Dear mark, I have read your letter. You said that you have encountered some difficulties in English, but you don't know how to deal with these problems, so I will try my best to give you some suggestions. On the one hand, your grammar is very poor.

I personally think you should buy a book that summarizes and summarizes English grammar atically, and then you need to study it very patiently. On the other hand, you think your spoken English is not very good, you can't express your meaning clearly in English, and you don't know how to say something. In this case, I think you need to practice speaking English every day.

Rome is not built in a day. You should pay more attention to English. You can get up early and read English aloud, because practice makes perfect.

You must find the best way to do it Third, you can read many English related magazines and newss and recite some useful sentences. I hope you can overcome the difficulties of English as soon as possible. Your sincerity, Tom.



分析与判断英语作文范文 第二十二篇

We can say that the world can't live without China. Everyone knows that China is a very big country in the world. It has a long history.

There are many interesting places here, such as the great wall and the summer palace. Every year, many people come here to visit it. It will be held in, and it will become more and more beautiful people living and working on the land that makes up the total population of China Especially in these years, China is a big country with a history of 5000 years.

It is located in Asia, on the West Bank of the ocean, covering an area of square kilometers.



分析与判断英语作文范文 第二十三篇

【试题回放】实现有效的沟通,建立良好的人际关系,不仅要善于言表,更要学会倾听。请你根据下表中所提供的信息,写一篇题为“Being a Good Listener” 的英文演讲稿。







1、 对所给要点,逐一陈述,适当发挥,不要简单翻译。

2、 词数150左右。开头和结尾已经写好,不计入总词数。

3、 演讲稿中不得提及考生所在学校及本人姓名。

Good afternoon, everyone.

The topic of my speech today is “Being a Good Listener”.

Good listening can always show respect, promote understanding, and improve interpersonal relationship.

Many people suggest that parents should listen more to their children, so they will understand them better, and find it easy to narrow the generation gap; teachers should listen more to their students, then they can meet their needs better, and place themselves in a good relationship with their students; students should listen more to their classmates, thus they will help and learn from each other, and a friendship is likely to be formed.

What I want to stress is that each of us should listen to others. Show your respect and never stop others till they finish their talk; show you are interested by a supportive silence or a knowing smile; be open-minded to different opinions even though you don’t like them. In a word, good listening can really enable us to get closer to each other.

Thank you for your listening!


分析与判断英语作文范文 第二十四篇

Advantages and disadvantages people have different views on advantages and disadvantages. Some people think that some people support me. I agree with the latter view because its advantages outweigh its disadvantages.

There are more than a dozen reasons behind my belief. First, the second reason is that everyone can see. For example, from the above, we can easily see whether it is beneficial to yes / no, which has been a controversial issue for a long time The question is whether some people think that, while others point out, as far as I am concerned, the latter view has more weight on one thing.

For another matter, now, after careful examination, it is not difficult. Therefore, it is concluded that as a college student, we should have a / B now. Therefore, some people are worried about AB, but I don't think their worry is necessary because a first of all It has some unique advantages over B.

However, B goes further. For example, last but not least, a and B are opposite. In short, a, B and a have some advantages that B does not have,.


利与弊人们对利与弊的看法千差万别,有人认为,有人支持我,我同意后一种观点,因为它的优点大于缺点,我的信仰背后有十几个原因,首先,第二个原因是每个人都能看到的例如,从上面我们可以很容易地看出,是否有利于是/否,长期以来一直是一个有争议的问题,即是否有人认为,另一些人则指出,就我而言,后一种观点在一件事上更有分量,对另一件事来说,现在,经过仔细审查,这并不困难因此得出结论,作为一个大学生,我们现在应该a/B,因此,有些人担心AB,但是我认为他们的担心是没有必要的,因为a首先比B有一些独特的优势,然而,B更进一步,例如,最后但并非最不重要的,a B是相反的,简而言之,a B,A有一些B没有的优点,。

