

发布时间:2022-10-16 17:38:50阅读量:564


The graph below shows the proportion of the population aged 65 and over between 1940 and 2040 in three different countries.


The line graph compares the percentage of people aged 65 or more in three countries over a period of 100 years.

It is clear that the proportion of elderly people increases in each country between 1940 and 2040. Japan is expected to see the most dramatic changes in its elderly population.

In 1940, around 9% of Americans were aged 65 or over, compared to about 7% of Swedish people and 5% of Japanese people. The proportions of elderly people in the USA and Sweden rose gradually over the next 50 years, reaching just under 15% in 1990. By contrast, the figures for Japan remained below 5% until the early 2000s.

Looking into the future, a sudden increase in the percentage of elderly people is predicted for Japan, with a jump of over 15% in just 10 years from 2030 to 2040. By 2040, it is thought that around 27% of the Japanese population will be 65 years old or more, while the figures for Sweden and the USA will be slightly lower, at about 25% and 23% respectively.(178 words, band 9)


A Of all mankinds manifold creations, language must take pride of place. Other inventions — the wheel, agriculture, sliced bread — may have transformed our material existence, but the advent of language is what made us human. Compared to language, all other inventions pale in significance, since everything we have ever achieved depends on language and originates from it. Without language, we could never have embarked on our ascent to unparalleled power over all other animals, and even over nature itself.

B But language is foremost not just because it came first. In its own right it is a tool of extraordinary sophistication, yet based on an idea of ingenious simplicity: ‘this marvellous invention of composing out of twenty-five or thirty sounds that infinite variety of expressions which, whilst having in themselves no likeness to what is in our mind, allow us to disclose to others its whole secret, and to make known to those who cannot penetrate it all that we imagine, and all the various stirrings of our soul’. This was how, in 1660, the renowned French grammarians of the Port-Royal abbey near Versailles distilled the essence of language, and no one since has celebrated more eloquently the magnitude of its achievement. Even so, there is just one flaw in all these hymns of praise, for the homage to languages unique accomplishment conceals a simple yet critical incongruity. Language is mankind’s greatest invention — except, of course, that it was never invented. This apparent paradox is at the core of our fascination with language, and it holds many of its secrets.

C Language often seems so skillfully drafted that one can hardly imagine it as anything other than the perfected handiwork of a master craftsman. How else could this instrument make so much out of barely three dozen measly morsels of sound? In themselves, these configurations of mouth — p,f,b,v,t,d,k,g,sh,a,e and so on — amount to nothing more than a few haphazard spits and splutters, random noises with no meaning, no ability to express, no power to explain. But run them through the cogs and wheels of the language machine, let it arrange them in some very special orders, and there is nothing that these meaningless streams of air cannot do: from sighing the interminable boredom of existence to unravelling the fundamental order of the universe.

D The most extraordinary thing about language, however, is that one doesn’t have to be a genius to set its wheels in motion. The language machine allows just about everybody — from pre-modern foragers in the subtropical savannah, to post-modern philosophers in the suburban sprawl — to tie these meaningless sounds together into an infinite variety of subtle senses, and all apparently without the slightest exertion. Yet it is precisely this deceptive ease which makes language a victim of its own success, since in everyday life its triumphs are usually taken for granted. The wheels of language run so smoothly that one rarely bothers to stop and think about all the resourcefulness and expertise that must have gone into making it tick. Language conceals art.

E Often, it is only the estrangement of foreign tongues, with their many exotic and outlandish features, that brings home the wonder of languages design. One of the showiest stunts that some languages can pull off is an ability to build up words of breath-breaking length, and thus express in one word what English takes a whole sentence to say. The Turkish word ?ehirlili?tiremediklerimizdensiniz, to take one example, means nothing less than ‘you are one of those whom we cant turn into a town-dweller’. (In case you were wondering, this monstrosity really is one word, not merely many different words squashed together — most of its components cannot even stand up on their own.)

F And if that sounds like some one-off freak, then consider Sumerian, the language spoken on the banks of the Euphrates some 5,000 years ago by the people who invented writing and thus enabled the documentation of history. A Sumerian word like munintuma’a (‘when he had made it suitable for her’) might seem rather trim compared to the Turkish colossus above. What is so impressive about it, however, is not its lengthiness but rather the reverse — the thrifty compactness of its construction. The word is made up of different slots, each corresponding to a particular portion of meaning. This sleek design allows single sounds to convey useful information, and in fact even the absence of a sound has been enlisted to express something specific. If you were to ask which bit in the Sumerian word corresponds to the pronoun ‘it’ in the English translation when he had made it suitable for her, then the answer would have to be nothing. Mind you, a very particular kind of nothing: the nothing that stands in the empty slot in the middle. The technology is so fine-tuned then that even a non-sound, when carefully placed in a particular position, has been invested with a specific function. Who could possibly have come up with such a nifty contraption?


Some people say that the only reason for learning a foreign language is in order to travel to or work in a foreign country. Others say that these are not the only reasons why someone should learn a foreign language. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.



You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 27-40, which are based on Reading Passage 3 on the following pages.

Questions 27-32

Reading Passage 3 has six paragraphs, A-F.

Choose the correct heading for paragraphs A-F from the list of headings below. Write the correct number, i-vii, in boxes 27-32 on your answer sheet.

List of Headings

i Differences between languages highlight their impressiveness

ii The way in which a few sounds are organised to convey a huge range of meaning

iii Why the sounds used in different languages are not identical

iv Apparently incompatible characteristics of language

v Even silence can be meaningful

vi Why language is the most important invention of all

vii The universal ability to use language

27 Paragraph A

28 Paragraph B

29 Paragraph C

30 Paragraph D

31 Paragraph E

32 Paragraph F

Questions 33-36

Complete the summary using the list of words, A-G, below.

Write the correct letter, A-G, in boxes 33-36 on your answer sheet.

The importance of language

The wheel is one invention that has had a major impact on 33 __________ aspects of life, but no impact has been as 34 __________ as that of language. Language is very 35 __________, yet composed of just a small number of sounds. Language appears to be 36 __________ to use. However, its sophistication is often overlooked.

A difficult B complex C original

D admired E material F easy

G fundamental

Questions 37-40

Do the following statements agree with the views of the writer in Reading Passage 3?

In boxes 37-40 on your answer sheet, write

YES if the statement agrees with the views of the writer

NO if the statement contradicts the views of the writer

NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this

37 Human beings might have achieved their present position without language.

38 The Port-Royal grammarians did justice to the nature of language.

39 A complex idea can be explained more clearly in a sentence than in a single word.

40 The Sumerians were responsible for starting the recording of events.


The pie charts below compare water usage in San Diego, California and the rest of the world.


The pie charts give information about the water used for residential, industrial and agricultural purposes in San Diego County, California, and the world as a whole.

It is noticeable that more water is consumed by homes than by industry or agriculture in the two American regions. By contrast, agriculture accounts for the vast majority of water used worldwide.

In San Diego County and California State, residential water consumption accounts for 60% and 39% of total water usage. By contrast, a mere 8% of the water used globally goes to homes. The opposite trend can be seen when we look at water consumption for agriculture. This accounts for a massive 69% of global water use, but only 17% and 28% of water usage in San Diego and California respectively.

Such dramatic differences are not seen when we compare the figures for industrial water use. The same proportion of water (23%) is used by industry in San Diego and worldwide, while the figure for California is 10% higher, at 33%.

(168 words, band 9)


Question 27

答案: vi

关键词: most important invention


解题思路:实际上,本段句话就点明此段主要谈及“语言在人类的所有发明中占据最重要的地位”,take pride of place意为“有最重要的地位”;接下来的每一句话都是在以不同的方式反复阐述原因所在和表现形式。第二句话说“其他发明改变的是人类的物质生活,而语言则是使人真正称其为人的原因”;第三句话说“一切发明跟语言比起来都会相形失色”;第四句话还说“要是没有语言,人类不可能发展到今天这样的状态”。无论正确理解其中哪句话的大意都不难看出正确选项为vi。

Question 28:


关键词:incompatible characteristics


解题思路:本段的解题难度比较高,原因是本段整段都是典型的承上启下,答案的定位主要集中在后三句话所表达的意思里。前三句话先是继续对语言的重要地位进行了进一步描述和赞美。从倒数第三句开始话锋一转,指出虽然语言如此伟大,但还是存在着不一致、相矛盾之处,conceal,隐藏;incongruity,不一致;倒数第二句提出:“语言是最伟大的发明,然而它却并不是被发明出来的”,进一步点出这其中存在逻辑上的矛盾;最后一句再次以paradox 一词来确证。后三句共同表达了类似的意思,即语言虽然伟大但却存在矛盾、悖论之处,正确答案为iv。

Question 29:


关键词:a few sounds, huge range of meaning


解题思路:本段的句话其实就是在委婉地夸奖赞美语言的设计精巧。第二句话则是以“设问”形式提出,语言用“three dozen”这么一点儿的发音元素是怎么组合成了“so much”意义表达呢?本句即是在表达“用一点点发音元素弄出许多许多表达”这个意思。之后的两句也是在进一歩展开说明这个论点,本段采用的是“总一分”结构,主旨句在第二句中,正确答案为ii。

Question 30:


关键词:universal ability




Question 31:


关键词:differences, highlight, impressiveness



Question 32:


关键词:silence, meaningful


解题思路:本段的结构与B段有类似之处:前半段进一步列举例证来说明不同语言之间存在着令人惊叹的差异之处,后半段才开始说到“即使the absence of a sound也可以具有某些意义”。不过文章读到了此处,备选答案只剩下iii和v两项,也可利用排除法来找出相对更加合宜的选项,正确答案为v。

Question 33:

答案:E: material

关键词:wheel, major impact

定位原文:A段第2句“Other inventions…”

解题思路:题干说 “车轮这个发明对生活的______方面有着重大的影响”,要定位wheel一词不难,通过对比原文也可以比较轻松地看出 existence与题干中的life互为同义替换关系,可得答案为选项E: material。

Question 34:


关键词:no impact

定位原文:A段第3句“Compared to language…”

解题思路:题干说“但是没有任何影响能像语言产生的影响那样_____”,原文中并未直接出现impact这样的单词,也没有as...as的句型结构,而是用 Compared to表达了语言与其他发明的比较关系,需要认真阅读理解原文。好在此空与上一题同处在一个句子之中,依序阅读文章句子可得答案为选项G:fundamental。

Question 35:

答案: B: complex

关键词: yet, small number of sounds

定位原文:B段第2句“In its own right…”

解题思路:题干说“语言非常_____,然而却由仅仅非常少量的声音组成”。根据本句中的yet转折关系可知空格中的答案应当与a small number of sounds所表达的“少量、简单”形成对比、转折的关系。找到“少量声音”所对应的twenty-five or thirty sounds,对比可知此处用来形容语言另一属性的词汇为sophistication,对应答案为选项B: complex。

Question 36:

答案: F: easy

关键词:to use, overlooked


解题思路:题干说“语言看似用起来是_____ ”,考生如果感觉此句给出的信息不够,可以再看下一句题干,得知“语言的复杂精密性常被忽略”这个补充定位信息。此题位置出在D段,如前文List of Headings中关于D段的讲解所言,本段的句子其实并不很难理解,但却用了大量比喻性用法拐弯抹角地表达语义,可以得出答案为选项F: easy。

Question 37:

答案: NO

关键词:achieved, present position, without language


定位原文:A段第3、4句“Compared to language…”

Question 38:

答案: YES

关键词:Port-Royal grammarians

定位原文:B段第3句“This was how…”

解题思路:题干说“Port-Royal的语法学家们正确地评价了语言的本质”,根据Port- Royal 定位,do justice to是“公平对待、公正评价”的意思,以及原文中celebrated eloquently the magnitude是“以极具表现力的方式赞美了其重要地位”的意思,可得答案为YES。

Question 39:


关键词:complex idea, sentence, single word


解题思路: 题干说“一个复杂的概念用一个句子来解释比用一个单词来解释会更清楚”,E段内容中句先指出“往往只有遭遇我们不熟悉的外语时我们才会注意到语言设计结构的精巧”;之后举出一个特长的土耳其词汇来对比与英语表达方式的不同,这是跟题干内容可能仅有联系的定位区域,但是这个例子只是为了说明语言的奇妙性,是个特例,而且说的是一个单词表达了一个句子的意思,并不是题目所表达的通用概念,这个观点没有出现过。所以答案是NG。

Question 40:

答案: YES

关键词:Sumerians, recording of events

定位原文:F段第1句“And if that sounds like…”

解题思路: 题干说“是苏美尔人开始了记录事件的做法”,Sumerians找到文中相应位置,看懂题干中recorcunff of events 与原文 documentation of history 的对应也应该没有太大问题,答案为YES。





The chart below shows the results of a survey of people who visited four types of tourist attraction in Britain in the year 1999.


The pie chart compares figures for visitors to four categories of tourist attraction and to five different theme parks in Britain in 1999.

It is clear that theme parks and museums / galleries were the two most popular types of tourist attraction in that year. Blackpool Pleasure Beach received by far the highest proportion of visitors in the theme park sector.

Looking at the information in more detail, we can see that 38% of the surveyed visitors went to a theme park, and 37% of them went to a museum or gallery. By contrast, historic houses and monuments were visited by only 16% of the sample, while wildlife parks and zoos were the least popular of the four types of tourist attraction, with only 9% of visitors.

In the theme park sector, almost half of the people surveyed (47%) had been to Blackpool Pleasure Beach. Alton Towers was the second most popular amusement park, with 17% of the sample, followed by Pleasureland in Southport, with 16%. Finally, Chessington World of Adventures and Legoland Windsor had each welcomed 10% of the surveyed visitors.

(181 words, band 9)





You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Some people think the university education is to prepare students for employment, others think it has other functions. Discuss and say what the other functions are?

You should write at least 250 words.

You should use your own ideas of knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.

Some people think the university education is to prepare students for employment. While we admit that preparation for employment is an important function of education, it is not the only one. We should see this issue with an all-sided view. In the perspective of society, education is for improvement. Students make use of what they have learned to create new theories and tools. This is the way in which our human society develops. And also, through education, government can teach people how to be appropriate citizens, thus in this way, people’s moralities and behaviors are constrained in a value system and the social stability can be maintained.

In the perspective of individuals, education can enrich personal lives. Through education, we can explore different cultures and customs. Thus in this way education can open our eyes and broaden our mind. And education can also meet interests of each student.

While of course, all the functions mentioned above have one common prerequisite: one can make a living in the first place. For this society is practical, many university students have studied for four years, but their ability to deal with practical things is too low to be acceptable. So education should provide the basic general knowledge to university students, so that they can be get employed and make a living. And if a nation wants to develop and to compete with other nations, it needs skilled workers to support economic development and to maintain the people creative, which can only be achieved through education.

So it has some sense to realize that students’ preparation for employment is the function of education, but it has far more function which should not be neglected. (280 words)


You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Some people think that examinations have some bad effects on both students and teachers. Some people say they do a good job in the evaluation of the students’ performance. What is your opinion?

You should write at least 250 words

You should use your own ideas of knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.

From elementary schools to universities, students have to take many examinations. They even regard examinations as an indispensable part of their life. In most schools and colleges, examinations are used as a chief means of deciding whether a student succeeds or fails in a subject. However, although they do the job efficiently, their side effects are also enormous.

Examinations are unable to evaluate one’s true ability. They can only test memory or the skill of working rapidly under pressure. Sometimes the future of a candidate may be decided in a single examination. How can one do his best when he is under the extreme pressure? In other words, it does not mean that all of those who get high scores on examinations possess creativity in dealing with various problems. There are many stories that examinations failures turn out to be great scientists or successful entrepreneurs.

Another effect is that examinations encourage bad study habits. Students tend to lay emphasis on the content which will be tested. They are encouraged to memorize rather than to think. Moreover, examinations induce cramming during the exam week. However after the examination, most children forget nearly all the information and facts they stuff into their heads.

Examinations lower the standards of teaching as well. They deprive teachers of all freedom. Since teachers themselves are often judged by examination results, they have to train students in exam techniques instead of teaching their subjects. Furthermore, students are required to learn only what teachers tell them.

In conclusion, even though examinations have been used in the past, they should no longer be used as the only means of evaluation. They cannot assess a student’s performance in learning and they also have negative impacts on both students and teachers. (290 words)


Topic: You recently started work in a new company.

Write a letter to your friend.

In your letter: Explain why you changed jobs Describe your new job

Tell him/her your other news


Dear Jenny,

I hope this finds you and your family well, and I am sorry I have not been in touch recently. I am writing now to let you know about my new job.

You remember that I was working for that construction company a few miles outside the city? Well, I just got so fed up with it- I was working really long hours and, to be honest, the pay was not great. So basically I applied for a job at a new international company that was looking for

admin staff for a new branch in the city centre.

I was a bit nervous in the interview, but in the end I got a job as one of the senior administrators. I am so happy! The pay is better, the working conditions are great and I do not have to drive to work anymore.

Anyway, I have to stop now because my sister is staying with me and has brought my baby nephew to meet me. She sends you lots of love and is asking when we can all meet up. Soon, I hope.

With love, Tina


The charts below show the main reasons for study among students of different groups and the amount of support they received from employers.


The bar charts compare students of different ages in terms of why they are studying and whether they are supported by an employer.

It is clear that the proportion of students who study for career purposes is far higher among the younger age groups, while the oldest students are more likely to study for interest. Employer support is more commonly given to younger students.

Around 80% of students aged under 26 study to further their careers, whereas only 10% study purely out of interest. The gap between these two proportions narrows as students get older, and the figures for those in their forties are the same, at about 40%. Students aged over 49 overwhelmingly study for interest (70%) rather than for professional reasons (less than 20%).

Just over 60% of students aged under 26 are supported by their employers. By contrast, the 30-39 age group is the most self-sufficient, with only 30% being given time off and help with fees. The figures rise slightly for students in their forties and for those aged 50 or more.(178 words, band 9)


The pie charts below show how dangerous waste products are dealt with in three countries.


The charts compare Korea, Sweden and the UK in terms of the methods used in each country to dispose of harmful waste.

It is clear that in both the UK and Sweden, the majority of dangerous waste products are buried underground. By contrast, most hazardous materials in the Republic of Korea are recycled.

Looking at the information in more detail, we can see that 82% of the UK’s dangerous waste is put into landfill sites. This disposal technique is used for 55% of the harmful waste in Sweden and only 22% of similar waste in Korea. The latter country recycles 69% of hazardous materials, which is far more than the other two nations.

While 25% of Sweden's dangerous waste is recycled, the UK does not recycle at all. Instead, it dumps waste at sea or treats it chemically. These two methods are not employed in Korea or Sweden, which favour incineration for 9% and 20% of dangerous waste respectively.(159)



Happiness is considered very important in life. Why is it difficult to define? What factors are important in achieving happiness?

Happiness is very difficult to define, because it means so many different things to different people. While some people link happiness to wealth and material success, others think it lies in emotions and loving personal relationships. Yet others think that spiritual paths, rather than either the material world or relationships with people, are the only way to true happiness.

Because people interpret happiness for themselves in so many different ways, it is difficult to give any definition that is true for everyone. However, if there are different kinds of happiness for different individuals then the first step in achieving it would be to have a degree of self-knowledge. A person needs to know who he or she is before being able to know what it is that makes him or her happy.

Of course, factors such as loving relationships, good health, the skills to earn a living and a peaceful environment all contribute to our happiness too. But this does not mean that people without these conditions cannot be happy.

Overall, I think an ability to keep clear perspectives in life is a more essential factor in achieving happiness. By that I mean an ability to have a clear sense of what is important in our lives (the welfare of our families, the quality of our relationships, making other people happy, etc.) and what is not (a problem at work, getting annoyed about trivial things, etc.)

Like self-awareness, this is also very difficult to achieve, but I think these are the two factors that may be the most important for achieving happiness.




Task 1





The given diagrams offer a glimpse of the real estate market in five major cities around the world over two periods, from 1990 to 1995,and from 1996 to 2002 compared with the average house prices in xxx.

Madrid is the only city which saw housing prices climb throughout the ten-year period. In the first five years, a 2% rise was recorded in Madrid. The increase accelerated in subsequent years, with a 3% gain seen. To great surprise, London and New York underwent similar trend, to be exact, compared with xxx, the latter had a fall of 7% in the first 5 years but enjoyed an astounding 12% increase over the period between 1996 and 2002 as against the former (5%, 5%).

By contrast, the property market of Tokyo was continuously at recession, reflected in an average drop. It is notable that the decrease in the housing price in Frankfurt was narrower, 2% of growth against 1998, but still disappointing, compared to its 3% increase in the first half of 1990s.

To recall, there were significant differences in the housing market in those five cities in the last decade of the last century. While some experienced a long period of growth, the rest were subject to price fluctuations.







The bar chart compares the number of incidents and injuries for every 100 million passenger miles travelled on five different types of public transport in 2002.

It is clear that the most incidents and injuries took place on demand-response vehicles. By contrast, commuter rail services recorded by far the lowest figures.

A total of 225 incidents and 173 injuries, per 100 million passenger miles travelled, took place on demand-response transport services. These figures were nearly three times as high as those for the second highest category, bus services. There were 76 incidents and 66 people were injured on buses.

Rail services experienced fewer problems. The number of incidents on light rail trains equalled the figure recorded for buses, but there were significantly fewer injuries, at only 39. Heavy rail services saw lower numbers of such events than light rail services, but commuter rail passengers were even less likely to experience problems. In fact, only 20 incidents and 17 injuries occurred on commuter trains.(165 words, band 9)








和小作文保持了相同的规律,剑15大作文的题型也分布平均,从Test 1到Test 4分别是:








这是剑15 Test2的大作文:


Although more and more people read news on the Internet,

newspapers remain the main source of news for the majority of people. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Some people think traveling abroad is necessary while others think that is not necessary because TV and the internet can give the same information.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.()

Some people think computers and the Internet are more important in child’s education. Others believe that schools and teachers are essential for children to learn.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.()













老师这就带大家来walk through剑15的范文。


一类是Modal Answer,所谓考官范文,也就是大家常常看到的“This modal has been prepared by an examiner as an example of a very good answer ”.

还有一类是Sample Answer,也就是考生在考场上实际发挥的样本。





看Modal Answer,就像膜拜一个大神,想想你们身边的学霸,是不是每天在暗中观察想抄人家的作业以及思考怎么抄。

看Sample Answer,就像看一个和自己不相上下的对手,人家写的明明和你差不多但竟然比你高,你不服于是要揣摩下别人赢在哪;人家写的明明和你差不多但是只得了,你不明所以也要看看这局怎么死的。



1. 这本书没有一篇Modal Answer

2. 这本书的Sample Answer分数区间都在6-7


其实从剑11开始,考官范文Modal Answer就已经在剑雅书上退场了(剑14是个例外,大小作文各有一篇Modal Answer)。










Sample Answer


Modal Answer



除了刚才说的没有了Modal Answer这个惯性规律,我们发现,还减少了分数段比较低()的例文。





Topic: You and your family are living in rented accommodation in an English-speaking country. You are not satisfied with the condition of some of the furniture.

Write a letter to your friend. In your letter: Introduce yourself Explain wht is wrong with the furniture Say what action you would like the landlord to take


Dear Mr Smith,

I am your tenant from Flat 3 on Riverside Street. We met each other when I signed the rental agreement in your office.

I have lived here for 6 months now and I am writing to complain about some of the furniture. As you may remember, the dining table is in very poor condition and has uneven legs. It also does not match the dining chairs as these are too low to be comfortable for a table of that height. When I first point this out to you, you agreed to provide a brand new dining set. However, you have not done so and I would really like to resolve this matter as soon as possible.

If it is more convenient for your, perhaps you could simply replace the table by finding one of a suitable height for the chairs. This would solve the problem without too much cost, so I hope you agree to this proposed solution.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

. Egil


题目:You can get up-to-date news from radio, television and Internet. Which one you think is the best to know about news.


Nowadays, there are all kinds of channels to get news, such as radio, television, newspaper and internet. In my opinion, internet is the best among these.

Since its invention, the Internet has been keeping booming as a prospective industry. Not only because it is a combination of texts, audios and videos, but also due to its convinience. It has threatened the domination of spreading news of the traditional media, and, I would say, is about to take control.

We can find what we want on internet such as latest news, books, songs, movies and so on. With radio, we can merely hear. Compared with newspaper, radio and television can provide the lastest information. For instance, it was immediately availalbe of the breaking news of the Americans’ attacking on Iraq, as well as that the Twin Towers of New York were destroyed on September 11, 2001. However, we just cannot carry television.

Internet is a convinient way of getting information, as long as your mobile phone is connected or you possess a laptop. When I am on a vehicle, I usually have my cellphone connected to internet, then browse what happend in the past few hours, or begin a conversation with my friends. Reading newspaper is also a good way to kill time, but for me, a youngster, it is not so modern as “surfing online while being transported”.

The traditional media will never disappear, though internet has taken a big advantage in the competition. And definitely, there is still a long way for internet to go. Anyway, internet benefits me the most, and I highly appreciate it.




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