

发布时间:2023-03-05 17:36:45阅读量:619

航空工程英语作文范文 第一篇

China's space industry was founded in. After China's space industry created a miracle, China successfully launched its first man-made earth satellite, becoming the fifth country in the world to independently develop artificial earth satellites. China began to implement the manned space program.

China's manned space project successfully launched the Shenzhou-5 manned spacecraft, making China the third country to launch a manned spacecraft, The launch of Chang'e-1 has become the first man-made moon satellite in Shenzhou, the fifth manned spacecraft successfully launched, laying the foundation for the development of China's space station.



航空工程英语作文范文 第二篇

The history of China's space industry began in February. Qian Xuesen, a famous scientist, put forward xxxopinions on Establishing China's national defense and aviation industryxxx to the central government. In April, the aviation industry commission of the people's Republic of China was established to lead China's aviation and rocket industry.



航空工程英语作文范文 第三篇

生命 小时候,经常刚在楼下,玩耍、嬉戏。

春天到了,和风轻轻的抚摸着我,小花儿开了,开得那么鲜艳;小草从土里钻出来了,显出一片新绿;天空是那么的蓝,不时的有燕子翩翩飞来…… 记忆最深的,还是那两棵从夹角分儿中钻出的不知名的花儿,每逢春天到了,它都会开出黄色的花,我便知道是春天来了。



偶然间,我看了一篇关于生命的短文,又记起了童年的那一段往事,又记起了那两棵小花,一瞬间我被一股生命的力量所震撼! 生命是多么的可贵,令人珍惜。


航空工程英语作文范文 第四篇

After graduation, he was one of the greatest physicists and rocket experts in the world. As he became the leader and core figure of American rockets, he became the key point as soon as he got his . in physics.

At the same time, nothing could stop him from returning to his motherland. After struggling, Qian Yongqiang was considered as the father of China's Aerospace Science and technology Ever / ever+.



航空工程英语作文范文 第五篇

您好During the summer holidays, I visit to Shanghai with my parents. We took a plane there. It was my first time to take a plane. I was excited but nerves. I was excited because I never took a plane before and I was looking forward to it. Flying in the high sky is really cool. I was nerves because some people said that it would be dizzy when the plane takes off and lands. However, the whole journey on the plane was so great. It was a happy experience.希望对您的学习有帮助【满意请采纳】O(∩_∩)O谢谢欢迎追问O(∩_∩)O~祝学习进步~...

