

发布时间:2023-03-06 13:16:20阅读量:871

朗诵比赛英语作文模板范文 第一篇








朗诵比赛英语作文模板范文 第二篇

henny-pennyone day henny-penny went for a walk. an acorn fell. the acorn hit henny-penny on the head!xxxoh, dear,xxx said henny-penny. xxxthe sky is must go and tell the king.xxxxxxwhere are you going xxxasked cocky-locky.xxxi am going to tell the king the sky is falling,xxx said henny-penny.xxxi'll come with you,xxx said the way they met ducky-lucky.xxxwhere are you going xxx asked ducky-lucky.xxxwe are going to tell the king the sky is falling,xxx they said.xxxi'll come with you,xxx said the way they met goosey-loosey.xxxwhere are you going xxx asked goosey-loosey.xxxwe are going to tell the king the sky is falling,xxx they said.xxxi'll come with you,xxx said the way they met turkey-lurkey.xxxwhere are you going xxx asked turkey-lurkey.xxxwe are going to tell the king the sky is falling,xxx they said.xxxi'll come with you,xxx said they met foxy-loxy.xxxwhere are you going xxx asked foxy-loxy.xxxwe are going to tell the king the sky is falling,xxx they said.xxxyou are not going the right way,xxx said foxy-loxy.xxx xxxi will show you a good way to go.xxx so they followed stopped in front of a dark hole.xxxthis is a good way to go to the king,xxx said went in first. turkey-lurkey followed went in next. ducky-lucky followed goosey-loosey.


朗诵比赛英语作文模板范文 第三篇

I like playing basketball since I was a child, because I was influenced by my father. He liked watching basketball games very much. I would watch basketball games with him.

So when I went to school, I joined the basketball team of our class. Last week, we formed a basketball team. We were asked to participate in our first game for the first time.

At the beginning of the game, I was very nervous and I was afraid that I could not be very much Good cooperation with my team, I watched the basketball, moved with the ball, I forgot my job, I was asked to cover the captain, I realized my mistake, I changed my action, finally, I successfully covered our captain, our team won the game, I learned a lot from the game, team cooperation first.



朗诵比赛英语作文模板范文 第四篇





朗诵比赛英语作文模板范文 第五篇

The Spring Festival is coming, I will go back to my hometown to stay with my relatives. There will be many people watching basketball games on the first and second day of the new year's day. This is a good tradition.

The basketball game makes people feel different from the general festival atmosphere. There are not so many things happening in this small town. The life here is very simple.

With different things, it can tell people that the town is developing The first day of the new year is really a big day for Chinese people. They will go out and hang out. Many of my old friends will meet when we watch the basketball game.

We have a good chat, saying that the new year's blessing traditional games can give people a place to meet and chat with friends You can also communicate with people who enjoy the game.



朗诵比赛英语作文模板范文 第六篇

每个人都有令自己难忘的场面,当然,我也不例外。我们学校组织过很多朗读比赛,如:小学生读报比赛.庆国庆朗读比赛……令我最难忘的是那一次英语朗读比赛。那是我第一次上台朗读。当时我的心里像装了一只兔子似的—— 忐忑不安。





朗诵比赛英语作文模板范文 第七篇

Singapore, also known as the lion city, is located at the crossroads of Asia. It combines Chinese, Indian and Malay cultures with the influence of the West. This small country celebrates the uniqueness of each culture in its own unique way.

Today, the areas designated by the former British colonists for various nationalities are still in use, and Chinatown and little India are used as religions and cultures The heart is booming, but no matter what their ethnic background, every citizen claims to be a Singaporean http://wwhoteltravelcom/cn/singapore/guides/introductionhtm Brazil is a country in South America. It is the fifth largest and the fifth most populous country in the world. Its coastline is kilometers long, and it is the birthplace of various animals, plants and rich natural resources.

Brazil is one of the most populous countries in the world. The official language is Portuguese. Despite important economic achievements, many social problems still hinder development.




朗诵比赛英语作文模板范文 第八篇

Yesterday was the Dragon Boat Festival. At the beginning, there was a dragon boat race in the park. My mother wanted to take me there, but she suddenly had no time.

Then my friends and I went there. Great. There are a lot of people cheering for the groups they support.

It's a happy day.



朗诵比赛英语作文模板范文 第九篇

It seems that the dragon boat race on both sides of the river is the first time for me to see the dragon boat race on both sides of the river. It seems that I am very excited to see the dragon boat race on both sides of the dragon boat race. It is like the first time for me to see the dragon boat race on both sides of the river The people tried their best to make the boat forward, and the onlookers cheered for them.

The air was very active.



