

发布时间:2023-04-20 13:12:10阅读量:645

英文服务合同范本 第一篇

Both parties shall make effort to obtain the approval from the respective authorities, if necessary, within thirty (30) days after Contract is signed by the authorized representatives of the two parties. Either Party shall notify in writing the other party of the approval date. The later date of approval shall be taken as the Date of Effectiveness of Contract.

Contract shall be valid and remain in force for_______(____) years from the Date of Effectiveness.

The outstanding credit and debt between the parties under Contract shall not be affected upon the termination or expiration of Contract.

Appendices hereof shall be integral parts of Contract and have the same legal force as the text of Contract itself. The text of Contract shall prevail in case of any discrepancies between the text of Contract and Appendices.

All amendments, supplements, subtractions, or alterations to Contract shall be made in writ

英文服务合同范本 第二篇

Whereas Client desires to obtain the technical consultancy service of from Consultant and Consultant has agreed to perform such services.

The Scope of Technical Services is defined in Appendix 1.

The Time Schedule for the Services is shown in Appendix 2.

The Manning Schedule is described in Appendix 3.

Consultant shall complete the Services within__________months from the Effective Date of this Contract and furnish the final technical service report, including drawings, designing documents, all kinds of standards and photos, within____months. Consultant shall keep aware, free of charge, Client of the latest development of similar projects and any progress made in order to improve the designing of the project.

英文服务合同范本 第三篇

Client shall furnish to Consultant the pertinent data, technical service reports, maps and information available to him and shall give to Consultant the reasonable assistance necessary for carrying out of his duties. Particularly Client shall nominate a general representative who shall be available at reasonable time.

Client shall assist Consultant with the responsible authorities for obtaining visas, work permits and other documents required by Consultant to enter the country and to have access to the Site of the Project. The above expenses shall be borne by Consultant.

Consultant shall furnish a sufficient number of competent personnel to perform its obligation hereunder, in addition to those personnel specifically listed in Appendix 3. All personnel employed by Consultant in carrying out the work shall be exclusively Consultant's responsibility, and Consultant shall hold Client harmless from any claims of any kind by Consultant's personnel arising out of any acts by Consultant or its personnel in connection with the work performed hereunder.

Consultant shall provide Client all the technical technical service reports and relevant documentation within the Scope of Technical Services and within the Time Schedule of the Time Schedule for the Services.

Consultant shall assist Client'S personnel in his country in obtaining visas and in arranging lodgings. Hotel and boarding expenses shall be borne by Client. Consultant shall supply to Client'S personnel office space and necessary facilities as well as transportation.

Consultant shall be responsible for and shall indemnify Client and his employee in respect of injury to person or damage to property occurring in connection with the services, to the extent that such damage or injury directly results from negligence of Consultant's personnel while engaged in activities under this shall be liable only to the work under this Contract.

Any and all liability of Consultant with respect to this Contract shall be limited to the Total Contract Price received by Consultant for his profession services and shall terminate upon expiration of the warranty period set forth in Article .

英文服务合同范本 第四篇

Final version of the technical service report submitted to Client and all relevant data such as maps, plans and supporting material compiled in performing the Scope of Services, shall be the property of Client. Such materials shall be sorted and indexed by Consultant prior to transmission to Client.

Consultant shall be permitted to retain copies thereof, provided however that such materials, including the material furnished by Client as stated in Article 5 of this Contract, shall not be used by Consultant for purposes not related with this Project without the prior written approval of Client.

英文服务合同范本 第五篇

Consultant warrants that he has the experience and capability to efficiently and expeditiously perform the services in a satisfactory manner and that the services performed by him under this Contract shall be performed by competent personnel in accordance with accepted standards.

In the event of a failure of Consultant to provide to Client satisfactory services within the scope of work described in Appendix at any time for any reason within the control of the Consultant, Client may notify Consultant of such dissatisfaction. Consultant shall be afforded a period of days to correct or remedy the matter. Should Consultant within the time afforded by Client fail to correct or remedy the matter to the satisfaction of Client, all charges shall cease forthwith until such time as Consultant is able to provide satisfactory services in accordance with the Scope of work described in Appendix.

Consultant guarantees to Client that he shall, after receipt of notice from Client, promptly correct at no cost any errors in the services arising out of the negligent performance thereof.


