默默的祝福的英文句子 精选80句
1. On the night of Mid-Autumn Day, a brigh tmoon and shining stars bring my best wishes to you.
2. A happy new year from all of your students.祝您新年快乐,您的全体学生敬上。
3. 祝你春节愉快,新年快乐!
4. When you wake up in the morning, set a goal that today you must be,better than yesterday. Do it everyday, grow better! 早上醒来时,给自己定个目标:今天一定要比昨天好!每天坚持,一定会大有收获!
5. 愿你生活如翱翔的小鸟,高飞云端。
6. Tonight we start the season of white dew. The moon is just as bright as in my homeland. The round moon in the sky makes me feel homesick.
7. 愿事业盼成功归来,团团圆圆。
8. Do not weep at missing a shooting star,as the sun still rises radiantly tomorrow. 当你错过流星时,请不要流泪,明天,还会有灿烂的太阳升起。
9. 元旦节,殷殷心,送我意,传我情,祝君节日快乐,合家幸福健康安平!
10. You'rewonderfulfriend,andItreasureyoumorewitheveryyear.
11. 祝友友工作生活皆顺利,幸福吉祥永安康。
12. 愿你尝尽人间甘甜,幸福遂愿!
13. 前途光明你会有,祝你与快乐长斯守!
14. Happy Mid-autumn Festival!
15. If you need someone to talk to, I'm always available.
16. 与你空间相遇,是一种幸福,愿幸福伴随你到永久。
17. 愿你一生欢喜,不为世俗所及。
18. Sweet cakes will be served with my blessings. Wish you a successful life and a bright future.
19. 愿时光能缓,愿故人不散。
20. 新年一年只有一次,但每次来临都带来喜悦。
21. East or west,home is best.
22. Love is always my gift to you.Happy Birthday! 爱恋永远是我给你的礼物。生日快乐!
23. 在生活中,要做好受伤的准备,因为,受伤也是生活的一部分。但如果你总是受伤,一定是太在乎自己了。有时候,太把自己当盘菜,原本就是人生中一道难以治愈的暗伤。
24. Permit me to congratulate you on your graduation! I hope the future will bring you further success and a whole world of happiness. 请允许我为你毕业表示祝贺,愿你未来前程似锦,生活幸福!
25. 漫天雪花飘飘,迎来了新年,让久违的心灵相聚吧,新年快乐!愿我的祝福能融化寒冬,温暖你的心灵。
26. 给我的丈夫,用我全部的爱祝你生日快乐!
27. It seems that Christmas time is here once again, and it is time again to bring in the New Year. We wish the merriest of hristmas to you and your loved ones, and we wish you happiness and prosperity in the year ahead.
28. 让我这份新年的祝福通过电波,跨过重重高山,越过滔滔江水,掠过高楼大厦,飞到你身边。
29. No words are necessary between two loving hearts.
30. Life is the flower for which love is the honey.
31. 愿所有梦见过远方的人,心有惊雷,生似静湖。
32. 辛楣道:我早看破他是个色鬼。他上岸时没戴墨晶眼镜,我留心看他眼睛,白多黑少,是个淫邪之相,我小时候听我老太爷讲过好多。鸿渐道:我宁可他好色,总算还有点人气,否则他简直没有人味儿。
33. 祝你生活不单调,幸福又美满!
34. 愿,此生过得舒舒坦坦,了无遗憾。
35. Thepossibilityofenhancingone'sknowledgeislimitless.Graduationonlymarksastageofone'seducation.Unceasingacquisitionofknowledgewillunceasinglyescalateustoeverhigherandhigherattainments.
36. 微信祝福开道,扫除一切烦恼。
37. 万千不舍,离别祝好,未来一帆风顺!
38. On this special day, I want to send you a light, faint scent to celebrate your colorful life. Happy Mid-Autumn Day, my best friend.
39. 你的心里是不是有一片那么让你难以割舍的情!
40. On a night, the night you and me, you just gently Road to the sound of my Beauty wish you happy holidays!有月的夜晚,有你和我的夜晚,只想轻轻的向你道声,我的佳人祝你节日快乐!
41. 祝你天天开心,好运连连。
42. 愿您万事胜意,以自己喜欢的方式度过一生。
43. 珍爱的记忆与时光同在且日益珍贵,愿那些美好的昨天帮助你减轻今天的悲哀。
44. 愿你所遇皆善良,愿你所求都如愿。
45. 新年快乐,新的一年要开心,我也继续爱你。
46. We won't forget you this holiday season.假期里,我们不会忘记您的。
47. 愿你熬过万丈孤独,藏得下星辰大海。
48. 祝你的事业和生活像那中秋的圆月一样,亮亮堂堂,圆圆满满!
49. May the beauty and joy of New Year remain with you throughout the new year!愿新春美景与欢乐常伴随你!
50. 乾坤未定,你我皆黑马。
51. 总有起风的清晨,总有温暖的午后,总有灿烂的黄昏,总有流星的夜晚,总有一个人在祈祷世界上所有的美好全部属于你!祝你狗年快乐,心想事成!
52. Angels are bright still, though the brightest fell.
53. 开心每一秒,快乐每一天,幸福每一年,健康到永远!祝新春快乐!
54. 祝君来年新气象,策马奔腾事业高。
55. Keep up your bright swords, for the dew will rust them. (Othello 2)
56. Wish you and your family a happy Mid-autumn Festival!
57. I will tell you the phone numbers of a stranger, he is joking that he would help to the Mid-Autumn full moon night, I tell you;I thought you,I am your mind, heart,I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!我将你的手机号码告诉了一个陌生人,他叫月老,他会在中秋月圆夜要帮我告诉你;我心思你,我心念你,我心祝你中秋快乐!
58. 祝愿你,人生精彩,陶醉!
59. Don’t surrender to this dark woeld.别向这个混蛋的世界投降。
60. 愿幸运之光,普照你人生的每一个日子!
61. 扫去一年的疲惫和风尘,让我们共同在新的一年里,努力奋斗!希望你一切都顺利!新春佳节,吉祥如意!
62. Best of luck in the year to come.愿你在未来的一年里,吉星高照。
63. 愿你眼里有星辰,身边有微风,心中有暖阳。
64. 愿您享受最好的,接受最坏的。
65. 祝你乘风破浪,满载而归。
66. To the world you may be just one person. To the person you may be the world.
67. 是你给了我整片的星空,好让我自由来去。我享有的是一片深沉宽广的爱!我对你的爱就像一封没写回信地址的信,只懂得寄出,却知道没有办法收到什么。
68. 你要一直陪我,就像我一直陪你一样,陪伴与守护,才是最长情的告白。
69. 愿你事业马到成功,好运永远!
70. Good health, good luck and much happiness throughout the year.恭祝健康、幸运,新年快乐。
71. I've blown the night wind you've blown. Then we're embracing each other?
72. 悠悠岁月,夏至是个再普通不过的日子,我在这样一个普通的日子发信息给你,并非是有意选择,而是真的想你了,祝你在每一个普通的日子里都能开心快乐!
73. 祝开开心心,心想事成。
74. 有你在的每一天都像在过圣诞节。
75. 与你空间相遇,是一种美丽,愿美丽闪耀你的人生。
76. 牛年好运来,保准你发财。
77. 我才不想过什么圣诞节,只不过是,找个理由来见你而已。
78. 远方的朋友,愿健康和快乐永远伴随着你!
79. 我真诚的祝福你天天顺顺心心,舒舒服服!
80. I give you endless brand-new good wishes. Please accept them as a new remembrance of our lasting friendship。给你我无尽的新的祝福,让它们成为我们永恒友谊的新的纪念。
默默的祝福的英文句子 精选63句
1. 来吧,好好把握,没人会介意你脚踏三只船,只期待你在春回大地时平安起步、幸福远航。春节吉祥!
2. Good luck and great success in the coming New Year。祝来年好运,并取得更大的成就。
3. Do you know there is someone thinking of you and caring you all the time ? Your smiling eyes are just like the sparkling stars hanging on the curtain of my heart.
4. Weareveryhappytoextendtoyouourutmostcongratulationsonyourfinishingyourcollegecoursesosuccessfully.Mayyouenteramoresuccessfullifeandthefutureyearsbringyoucontinuedhappiness.
5. 希望您多多保重身体,幸福快乐地度过每一天!
6. That is, I would like you to read you worried about your heart!Love you kiss you!Goodnight!念你牵挂你的心! 爱你吻你! 晚安!
7. 除夕晚上吃水饺,笑口常开活到老;狗年岁月真正好,所有厄运全跑掉;春节期间放花炮,万事如意能办到;正月十五吃元宵,好事接连喜眉梢!
8. 祝我亲爱的朋友生日快乐,幸福永远属于你!
9. Still remember the happy time on Mid-autumn Festival when we were children? Best wishes for you!
10. Being angry is like drinking poison and expecting others to
11. 愿灿烂的阳光属于你,祝你和你至亲天天快乐。
12. 祝你每天开心,欢乐无忧!
13. 让温馨的祝愿、幸福的思念和友好的祝福,在新年来到你身边,伴你左右。
14. 层层绿意中,祝福一重重,祝你生日快乐!
15. 早晨笑一笑,全天生活有情调。
16. 祝你开心幸福、健康吉祥。
17. 祝你新的一年,快乐幸福!
18. Life can not be too complete,but not necessarily regret.
19. So I love none In seeking to argument it,but still keep my bosom franchised(专利) and allegiance(效忠) clear, I shall be counseld.
20. 活络胫骨扭扭腰,生活健康每一秒。
21. 在圣诞祝你平安、快乐!
22. 愿君多福又多寿,吉祥安康喜洋洋!
23. 除夕之夜的使者,向你报一声平安,让这祥和的旋律,伴随你度过今晚。新年快乐,好运连连!
24. I look forward to your class after the new year.我期待着新年过后,再上您的课。
25. 愿你快乐,开心每一天。
26. I hope you have a most happy and prosperous New Year。谨祝新年快乐幸福,大吉大利。
27. 愿你的事业,红红火火!
28. 过去的一年我们合作的都很愉快,谢谢您的关照,新年伊始,祝您全家欢乐,心想事成!
29. 送你一对同心圆,花好月圆人团圆。
30. 人们可支配自己的命运,若我们受制於人,那错不在命运,而在我们自己。
31. The roundest moon can be seen on theMid-Autumn Day. My dearest, I miss you so much. May the beautiful fairy bring my best wishes and blessings to you.
32. 愿你所有快乐,无需假装。
33. 祝愿财源滚滚,涌向你!
34. 新年即将来临,在此,祝愿朋友新春愉快,身体健康,合家欢乐,万事如意!
35. 新的一年,传达我至爱的情怀!朋友,我在这里为你默默祝福,愿新年快乐、平安如意,幸福吉祥!
36. 生死存亡,日异月新。快心遂意,乐极悲生。
37. Wish us a long life to share the beauty of this graceful moonlight, even thousands miles apart.
38. 爱情,让人有了想念的理由,爱情,让人有了关心的借口,爱一个人就是关心一个人的生活,爱一个人就是在乎一个人的一切,有一种爱,只能在遥远他乡默默关心另一个人的所有,有一种爱,只能带着痛苦回忆慢慢进入梦乡的无奈!
39. 鸭子太多嘴总爱呱呱叫,太吵;小猫太多情总是爱撒娇,太腻;小狗太多事总爱汪汪汪,太闹;想来想去还是你,就算元旦狂欢也只呆在鼠圈里睡大觉。
40. the darkness is no darkness with thee.有了你,黑暗不再是黑暗。
41. 当此春风送暖之际,料想身心均康。
42. 有句话我一直不敢跟你说,可是新年再不说就没机会了:其实,你长得好可爱,就像一头小白虎!
43. 祝老师身体健康,万事如意!
44. 新的一年,新的起点,新的开始;心的祝福:祝你新年快乐。
45. 愿你展笑颜,踏上悠闲路!
46. Nothing for nothing. 不费力气,一无所得。
47. Dream what you want to dream;go where you want to go;be what you want to be,because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do.做你想做的梦吧,去你想去的地方吧,成为你想成为的人吧,因为你只有一次生命,一个机会去做所有那些你想做的事。
48. May the world be more gentle,and may you be less sad.
49. People who go back often cannot go far.频频回头的人,是走不了远路的。
50. One's real value first lies in to what degreeand what sense he set himself.(Einstein Germany)一个人的真正价值首先决定于他在什么程度上和在什么意义上从自我解放出来。
51. The homesick feeling will be stronger during the traditional festival. I want to say that my heart will always be with you no matter where I am.
52. I hope we can spend the holidays together.希望我们能一起过春节。
53. 愿你历经山河,觉得人间值得。
54. Look into my eyes - you will see what you mean to me.
55. May you walk all over the mountains and seas and feel that the world is worth it.
56. 愿你有前进一寸的勇气,亦有后退一尺的从容。
57. 亲爱的宝贝儿,最近好吗,想我了吗?要好好的照顾自己,好好的关爱自己啊!(www.mingyannet.com)
58. 希望我们都能脚踏实地,仰望星空。
59. Blow, winds, and crack cheeks! Rage! Blow! (King Lear 2)
60. 你把手机打开,我的祝福会随着铃声响起来!
61. The roundest moon can be seen in the autumn. It is time for reunions. I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Day and a wonderful life.
62. 祝你心情妙,幸福直到老!
63. 满天的雪花,是飞舞的音符,以思念谱成乐章,用祝福奏出所盼,带给你,欢欣快乐的新年!
默默的祝福的英文句子 精选60句
1. 希望你每一天都可以过得平安健康,祝你一切顺利。
2. 亲爱的朋友,谢谢你的真心,谢谢你的真诚!
3. 祝你永远开心、健康和吉祥!
4. 酷暑难耐,疲劳难怪,送你西瓜,逗你开怀:青翠欲滴的瓜皮祝你心情爽,鲜艳甜蜜的瓜瓤祝你身体安泰,小巧玲珑的瓜子祝你幸福愉快。夏天快乐!(名言网)
5. I can meet a person in a minute, like a person in an hour and love a person in a day, but it will take me a whole life to forget you.
6. 秋季养生四防:秋凉防感冒,冷水洗脸;秋冻防过头,及时添衣;秋燥防皲裂,选用护肤品;食果防秋痢,清洁消毒,不吃霉烂瓜果。愿秋季快乐好身体!
7. 春雨浇艳协助花,你我共赢天下。
8. 月亮元宵映衬你的欢笑,正月十五回荡你的歌调,_年新春充盈你的热闹,此时我心久恋你的美妙。
9. wishing you many years of joy and happiness. 祝你拥有永远的欢乐和幸福。
10. Because of loving you so much that I stood aside. Although my figure left you away, my heart didn’t. Today I have made up my mind to say “I love you”.
11. 如果今夜祥和的旋律从你的梦中流过,那么你是否想到,这是我跨越了千山万水来到你的梦中。
12. 愿你拥有一个海风习习,潮来汐往的未来。
13. 仰首是春,俯首是秋。愿所有的幸福都追随着您。祝您新年快乐。祝您新年快乐!
14. 我愿意陪你熬过寒冬,度过圣诞节,一起迎接万物复苏的春光。
15. 我不允许你熬夜,理由和第二条一样,身体是革命的本钱,我不想你死我前头。
16. 新的一岁继续加油,
17. 霞光满天,牛年幸福无限。
18. 送你一个铁三角,健康平安人更俏。
19. 寄一份诚挚的问候,字字句句都是幸福快乐。
20. 你是一位难得的挚友,我对你的珍重与岁俱增。
21. To have a moonlight walk with you tonight is my best dream.
22. 漫漫的长路,你我的相逢,珍惜难得往日的缘分,默默的祝福,亲亲的问候,互道今朝多保重。
23. May its blessings lead into a wonderful year for you and all whom you hold dear.祝福你及你所爱的人新的一年中万事如意。
24. 温降了,天冷了,对你的思念加深了;风起了,雨落了,对你久久的惦念了;雪飘了,福到了,对你的关怀送到了:冬来天寒地冻,愿你添衣保暖从此幸福了!
25. If you weeped for the missing sunset,you would miss all the shining stars.如果你为着错过夕阳而哭泣,那么你就要错群星了。
26. 奶奶是充满祝福的阳光,照耀我身;奶奶是慈祥和蔼的别名,爱的象征。愿您的生日特别快乐!
27. With the compliments of the season. 谨祝新年快乐幸福,大吉大利。
28. I hope your eyes always smile and get what you want.
29. A New Year greeting to cheer you from your daughters.愿女儿的新年祝福带给你快乐。
30. 去年元夜时,花市灯如昼。月上柳梢头,人约黄昏后。本年元夜时,月与灯依旧,不见客岁人,泪湿春衫袖。
31. You and I have never met,heart is my first gift to you.
32. 朋友,愿我的衷心的祝福,随着一声声钟鸣,一次次飘到你的身边。祝你新年快乐!
33. 祈祷你天天有今日快乐,岁岁有今朝幸福。生日快乐!
34. 祝你新年快乐,岁岁安怡!
35. Life is sad at times, but it is up to you to make your own life happy.生活有时是令人沮丧的,但你可以努力让自己的过得开心。
36. 愿,快乐将在眼前。
37. A bright moon and stars twinkle and shine. Wishing you a merry mid-autumn day and a happy life.
38. When I was lonely and sorrowful,you comforted me with warm greeting,making me moved and encouraged.All these I will consider to be the most valuable wealth in my life. 在我孤独忧伤的时候,你默默地给我温暖和问候,使我感动,使我振奋,我将把这一切视为生命中最宝贵的财富。
39. Grandma means sunshine filled with blessings from above, Grandma means kindness because it's another name for love May this be a special birthday for you. 奶奶是充满祝福的阳光,照耀我身;奶奶是慈祥和蔼的别名,爱的象征。愿您的生日特别快乐!
40. 只要你一直往前走,幸福会一直跟着你的!
41. May we have long-term happiness and dreams
42. As the clouds dissipate,everyone knows I love you.
43. 祝你新年快乐!万事如意!在新的一年里身体健康!事业有成!芝麻开花节节高!
44. 委托快乐,为你制作热流。
45. If I could rearrange the alphabet,I’d put Y and I together.如果我能重新来排列字母,我要把Y( 你)跟I(我)在一起。
46. I hope you can get drunk if you have wine.someone will
47. Never, never, never, never give up . 永远不要、不要、不要、不要放弃。
48. 愿你一路顺风,永不放弃低落。
49. You know you're thought of lovingly each day throughout the year. 您知道我们无日不把你亲切思念。
50. Grandmameanssunshinefilledwithblessingsfromabove,Grandmameanskindnessbecauseit'sanothernameforloveMaythisbeaspecialbirthdayforyou.
51. 愿你梦里漫天星辰,醒来有粥已温。
52. May the joy and warmth of Christmas fill your home with happiness. 愿圣诞的欢乐和温馨,带给你家无边的幸福。
53. 愿我们心灵相牵,陶醉在这开心的乐园里!
54. Tomorrow is another day.
55. 圣诞节我们一直在一起。
56. 送你一棵圣诞树,树根是健康的体魄,树干是幸福的家庭,树枝是顺心的事业,树叶是美满的爱情。
57. 天天好运道,日日福星照。
58. 愿你像瘾,总有人为你马不停蹄!
59. I want that my love to you will turn into bright sunlight so that to warm your heart.
60. 祝福送吉祥,愿你拼搏精神,心中收藏,事业放光芒。
默默的祝福的英文句子 精选94句
1. 其实,我们都知道爱情不能挽回,我们都知道回忆的感觉很美,我们都知道一切的不可能只是安慰心灵的借口,爱很美,爱很累,爱或许只是一种难以告白的故事,爱或许只是不经意在你空间踩一下的匆忙,爱又或许只是遥不可及的一种默默的关心!
2. 时间如流,却挡不住那份执着。
3. Tomorrow, and tomorrow,and tomorrow Creeps(爬) in this petty(狭窄) pace from day to day To the last syllable of recorded time.
4. 愿你去往之地皆为热土,愿你所遇之人皆为挚友。
5. No matter where you are from, regardless whether we gather or leave, all those blessings are forever linked in my mind. I wish you success and only things beautiful!
6. Sound blessing for me to breeze transmission,whereas caring for the occasional water I placed,although not often rode together,but it always about you.
7. Thoughwordscannotexpressthethoughtstheheartwouldliketosay,stillmayyouknowthatotherscareandmpathizetoday.
8. Mayfriendsgiveyoustrengthatthistimeofsorrow.Mayfaithgiveyouhopeforeverytomorrow.
9. Laughter is the root of all evil.(As You Like It, 2)
10. Bear welcome in your eye, Your hand, your tongue;look like the innocent flower, But be the serpent(蛇) under it.
11. Because the things you're scared of are usually the most worthwhile.每天都尝试去一件你害怕的事情,因为,你所害怕的事情,往往是最值得的。
12. 愿你惦记的人能跟你道声晚安,独闯的日子里不孤单。
13. 青春阳光欢笑,为这属于你的日子,舞出欢乐的节拍,祝你生日快乐!
14. The Mid-Autumn Day approaches. Although I am far from home, I have conviction in my mind. I wish my family happiness and blessings forever.
15. Love remained short,but the memory lasts long.爱那么短,遗忘那么长。
16. Life is short, so don't wake up with regret every day.人生苦短,所以每天不要带着遗憾醒来。
17. 成功的骗子,不必再以说谎为生,因为被骗的人已经成为他的拥护者,我再说什么也是枉然。
18. I wish that your career and life, just like the round moon on Did-Autumn Day, be bright and perfect.
19. New honors come upon him,Like our strange garments(服装), cleave(劈开) not to their mould(模具) But with the aid of use.
20. 祝你如意、好运,永永远远!
21. A thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step. 千里之行,始于足下。
22. Do what you say,say what you do 做你说过的,说你能做的。
23. 思念弥漫,祝福飘散,愿您悠闲徜徉幸福的河岸。
24. When the words “I love you” were said by you for the first time, my world blossoms.
25. 愿你的爱情,只有喜悦与幸福,没有悲伤与愧疚。
26. 愿你眉眼如初,岁月如故。
27. 祝你新年愉快,快乐常在!
28. 每天都在你身边,不用苦苦地想你,也不必酸酸地恋你,只需甜甜地喜欢你,我的宝贝,生日快乐!
29. I wish you a happy New Year. All affection and best wishes to you and yours.以我所有的爱心与真诚祝你及全家圣诞快乐。
30. 愿你抛弃一切烦恼,抓住所有的美好。
31. Best wishes for a wonderful new year. 献上最诚挚的祝福,祝您新年愉快。
32. 今天是你的生日,而我却不能与你共度良宵,不能为你点燃蜡烛,看你许下心愿,纵然有千言万语从心海升起,我却只能望着满天的星星,默默地把祝福点燃!
33. I like old song, old friend and constant lover.
34. On the night with blooming flowers and a full moon, I want to express my best wishes and blessings. May you have asweet dream!
35. Even if i can't tell you now i fell ,i will spend my life showing you how much i live you
36. 我与你的朋友们共同祝贺你毕业。今日世界正需要你这样有眼光.有勇气的年轻人为人类谋福利,愿你万事顺利,愿你的事业带给你巨大的快乐和幸福。
37. Real and gentle,realistic but not sophisticated.
38. You will know tomorrow will be omnipresent SMS surrounded the outset let me wise blessing over high-rise buildings across the mountains through the streets,and passed the old lady selling tea,into your ear: a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!
39. Though words cannot express the thoughts the heart would like to say, still may you know that others care and mpathize today. 虽然言语不能表达内心欲诉的哀愁,仍愿你知道朋友们今天都为你分忧。
40. At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.
41. 新一年,幸福快乐早实现。
42. 祝友谊长青,情深义重,永永远远。
43. 每天都希望你开心快乐,是我最真诚的祝愿!
44. It’s funny how the people that hurt you the most are the ones who said they never would.有意思的是,伤害你最深的人,往往是那些声称永远不会伤害你的人。
45. 愿你幸福一年更胜一年,快乐永不间断!
46. 祝好运永远伴你左右!并祝你天天快快乐乐!开开心心!
47. 汤圆翻滚闹元宵,琼浆玉液庆团圆,家家赏月齐欢笑,处处花灯争吐艳;祝:老婆元宵节快乐!幸福平安!健康永远带身边!
48. 迎来了新年,祝新年快乐。
49. 你把窗户打开,我的祝福会随着阳光射进来。
50. I like you,like it all over the mountains.
51. Wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful season.愿你拥有美丽的新年所有的祝福。
52. 愿,玫瑰收集全世界的雨露阳光,送给你迷人花香。
53. 愿你开心快乐,幸福如意!
54. 愿你健康永驻,平安长在!
55. 新年伊始,喜气洋洋,祝快乐开心朝午暮夜!辞旧迎新,如烟往事随风逝,愿轻松幸福春夏秋冬!
56. Keep everything you like with me,this is the meaning of hard work.
57. I have never seen happiness and love that will not disappear.
58. I know you like this song most and I know what you are thinking about ,too, I miss you .
59. 愿你的梦想,开花结果!
60. 新春快乐!愿你在新年月月赚钱,天天开心,时时快乐,分分精彩,秒秒幸福!
61. Did the passing wind tell you that someone missed you very much.
62. 问候你,是我真诚的心音。
63. 新年好!祝新年心情好,身体好,一切顺心。
64. 早上好!行动,是打败焦虑的最好办法。
65. Love is merely a madness. (As You Like It, 2)
66. 又是一年落叶黄,一层秋雨一层凉,整日奔波挺辛苦,天凉别忘添衣裳,爱惜身体加餐饭,珍视有友情长想想,短信情长言未尽,唯愿朋友多安康。
67. 愿你:天天逍遥游!
68. 新年、新事、新开始、新起点、定有新的收获,祝朋友们事事如意,岁岁平安,精神愉快,新年好。
69. Nothing can’t be figured out.The past just can’t be reached again.没有什么过不去,只有回不去。
70. 我最要好的朋友,祝你生日快乐!
71. 当鸟儿倦了的时候,它会选择飞回巢穴,当人儿累的时候,他会选择回到家里,卸去疲惫的伪装,放松自己心情,原来生活是这样的美好,晚安,朋友!
72. Take but degree away, untune that string, and, hark, what discord follows! (Troilus and Cressida 3)
73. 愿你幸福直到永远,快乐平安与你同在!
74. 因为不知道下一辈子还是否能遇见你,所以我今生才会那么努力把最好的给你。亲爱的,平安夜快乐!
75. Is there something wrong?
76. 恭祝新年吉祥,幸福和欢乐与你同在。
77. 一起去啊,更远的地方。
78. Warm greetings and best wishes for happiness and good luck in the coming year。衷心祝福来年快乐、幸运!
79. what ever with the past has gone, the best is always yet to come."无论过去发生过什么,你要相信,最好的尚未到来。
80. 愿你岁岁平安,事事如意!
81. 祝你常感日月星,心怀精气神,一生潇洒如神仙。
82. Best wishes for the holidays and happiness throughout the New Year.恭贺新禧,万事如意。
83. 愿你新的开始,所遇皆良善,所行是坦途。
84. 愿你日子清净,抬头遇到的都是柔情。
85. 霞光万道,只为今朝绚烂,早安。
86. Rather than doing nothing, it is better to make waves.
87. 祝您牛年美满,团团圆圆!
88. 愿节日的愉快伴你一生。
89. The darkness is no darkness with thee.
90. Go all out for everything, including happiness.
91. Let the round moon accompany you and me.The bright moon will take my wishes and blessings to you. Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! May the round moon bring you a happy family and a successful future.
92. Let us embrace life,create life,seize today and wake up tomorrow with all fervor. 拥抱生活,创造生活,把握住每一个今天,让我们用全部的热忱,去唤醒明天。
93. 今晚和你在月光中散步是我最大的梦想。
94. I send my miss to the scattering stars and wish you a sweet dream under the light shedding through your window.
默默的祝福的英文句子 精选35句
1. You are a hot heart,but also silent.
2. No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。
3. 送上开心,把笑容留住。
4. Happy Mid-Autumn Day! Wish that you go well and have a successful and bright future.
5. Live a good life meet slowly。
6. 愿你的城市,有清风有烈酒。
7. 愿您天天交好运,年年交好运,分分秒秒交好运。
8. 祝福给你每天顺,吉祥平安幸福家。
9. Tomyhusband,Happybirthdaywithallmylove!
10. 亲爱的朋友,祝你生日快乐,一生如意。
11. 烦躁了,有我的祝福跟你聊天。
12. With little stars hidden in my heart, life can be bright.
13. Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you.
14. 祝你天天好运,时时大发。
15. When opportunity knocks, open the door even if you’re in your bathrobe.当机遇敲门时,打开门,即便但是你是穿着浴袍。
16. 关心是一种爱,是一种福气,关心你的人是牵挂你的人,关心那的人是默默为你祝福的人,有一种爱叫默默的关心,虽然不再见过面,确是心底一种无私的关怀!
17. 愿你御梦为马,随处可栖。
18. 当时光悄悄在时间轮回变迁中,当岁月刻画在最凄凉的沧桑里,当灿烂流星坠落在无低深渊后,当熟悉的影子再一次让你无地自容时,在痛苦边缘徘徊的你可否真心实意的为爱祝福!
19. If you are still single, it is the luckiest thing. Please look up. God is watching you. He said, I want to arrange a special person for this child.
20. If you have a dream, you must protect it.如果你有梦想的话,就要去捍卫它。
21. 愿你幸福无忧,好运接踵而至!
22. 愿你以梦为马,不负韶华。
23. 愿你的生活,春光无限!
24. 想念的话,说也说不完;关怀的心,永远不改变;真挚的友谊,永远不会忘,愿我的祝福将你围绕。
25. 愿你好运多点,快乐加倍!
26. 祝你仕途平坦,青云直上,步步高。
27. 声声祝福,丝丝情谊,串串思念,化作一份礼物,留在你的心田,祝新年快乐,万事如意,新年吉祥!
28. 新年到,好心情,事事顺利!
29. 朋友,祝你开心多多,幸福满满!
30. 初春雪漫漫,人间处处新!新年快乐,新年幸福!辞旧迎新,心想事成。
31. 希望您健康、平安、幸福、快乐!
32. You are everything when you are with me, and everything is you when you are not.
33. 祝愿友友健康、好运和幸福到永远。
34. 虽然言语不能表达内心欲诉的哀愁,仍愿你知道朋友们今天都为你分忧。
35. 愿您幸福快乐,每一天!
默默的祝福的英文句子 精选143句
1. 愿你困顿时,有臂膀靠依。
2. 愿你一生清澈明朗,所求遂所愿!
3. 没心没肺,才能活着不累!愿你心情明媚!
4. 祝你们永远相爱,携手共渡美丽人生!
5. 半山腰总是最拥挤,我们要山顶见。
6. You are everything to me, and I was so blessed when god sent you here for me.
7. 愿你生活如意,事业永远辉煌!
8. 生栋覆屋,日增月盛。快人快事,乐昌分镜。
9. Don't let it get you down.
10. 大家心里说不出有多高兴,脚下好像生了风,走得又快又有劲。
11. May the joy of New Year be with you throughout the year.愿新年的快乐一年四季常在。
12. 年夜饭,“黏住”所有的团圆如意,放鞭炮,奏响新年幸福快乐歌,红灯笼,映照今夜大地的美景,小短信,送出新春最大的祝福:祝你除夕人开怀,心飞扬!
13. Hearing you say good night to me every night is the simplest and the most lasting happiness I have.
14. What you see is amazing/has been experienced by mediocrity.
15. Life was like a box of chocolate,you never know what you are gonna get.生活就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道下一块是什么味道
16. 愿吉祥对你格外关照,幸福对你永远微笑。
17. 愿你好运挡不住,幸福就是一生!
18. 生活的烦恼,愿你早日丢掉。
19. 祝愿友友你福运缭绕,事事如意!
20. Precious things are very few in this world. That is the reason there is just one you.
21. My heart beats for you every day. I am inspired by you every minute, and I worry about you every second. It is wonderful to have you in my life.
22. May everything you work for have a romantic ou tcome in the future.
23. 随着除夕之夜的到来,向你说一声:永远平安。让这祥和的旋律,伴你度过一生。
24. If I could rearrange the alphabet,I’d put Y and I together.
25. 但愿你流下每一滴泪,都让人感动。
26. Atthistimeofsorrow,deepsympathygoestoyouandyours.
27. Butit'snicetomentionitagainwhenspecialdaysarehere.
28. 我要把一切喜讯变成奶油,所有祝福柔成巧克力,所有快乐做成蛋糕答谢你,然后说声圣诞快乐!
29. Happy birthday to my husband! For all you do the whole year through,this brings world of love to you. 祝我的夫君生日快乐,感谢你一年到头辛苦劳碌,让贺卡带给你倾心的爱慕。
30. 愿有人给你波澜不惊的爱情,陪你看细水常流的风景。
31. May everything beautiful and best be condensed into this card. I sincerely wish you happiness, cheerfulness and success。愿一切最美好的祝福都能用这张贺卡表达,真诚地祝你幸福、快乐、成功!
32. 秋风送福,福气福份福来到。
33. 往后的路,愿你前进的步伐坚定,一帆风顺。
34. Wish you a perfect life just like the roundest moon in Mid-Autumn Day.
35. 女儿,今天是你的生日在这特别的日子里全家把祝福的心化作快乐的音符,作为礼物捎给你你祝生日快乐!在你生日的今天,全家人一起真诚的祝愿你愿你每年拥有365个美丽的日子愿你的生日欢歌笑语愿你的生活充满阳光愿你的希望美梦成真愿你健康平安永远快乐开心幸福!
36. 愿我的每一个祝福,都能在你的心中生长出幸福和快乐。
37. Don't be so sad. Try to keep your chin up!
38. To be or not to be,thats a question。(生存还是死亡,那是个问题。)
39. A true friend is the one who holds your hand and touches your heart.一个真正的朋友会握着你的手,触动你的心。
40. 当摇曳的烛光映照你幸福的脸庞,当悦耳的生日歌在你耳边响起时,今天是一个快乐的日子,日月轮回,潮起潮落,一切都在永无止境地进行着,很高兴又来到了今天——你的生日,平凡的轮回送上一份诚挚的祝福,祝你有不平凡的快乐,愿你事事顺心如意生日快乐!
41. 愿你从容,不慌不忙享受安宁清风。
42. Just off the beautiful Chang E,ushered in the birthday of the motherland.刚刚送走了美丽的嫦娥,又迎来了祖国的华诞。
43. 今天,我的英语单词测验得了100分。我真是抑制不住内心的喜悦,蹦蹦跳跳地进了家门。
44. 愿岁月如花,绽放脚下似锦如织。
45. God bless you and yours, and surround you ever with his blessing. 愿上帝祝福你和你的爱人,永远赐福于你们。
46. 纵情欢笑,烦恼丢掉,愿快乐在你身边绕。
47. Grow old along with me! the best is yet to be
48. 送上问候,把美好留住。
49. I take this opportunity goes to you my heartfelt blessing: I wish you all the best and every success.
50. What's got you down?
51. All things come to those who wait. 苍天不负有心人。
52. 岁岁长欢愉,万事皆胜意。
53. 祝你生日快乐,如果不能快乐,那就平安。
54. 祝你生日妙不可言,整年沉浸在幸福里!
55. 祝你生日快乐,愿幸福永远相伴!
56. 愿你落落大方,枯木逢春,不负众望。
57. New Year comes but once a year. But when it comes it brings good cheer.新年一年只有一次,但每次来临都带来喜悦。
58. 在这美丽温馨的世界里,聆听大地的祝福,这样洋溢希望的一年,祝愿你生活快乐,学习进步。
59. 当你一次次为伤感买醉,一次次感动着自己,一次次痛苦着回忆,一次次为爱掏空灵魂的你可否满腹诚意为对方默默的期盼幸福!
60. 愿,永远有个倚靠的肩膀。
61. 短信滴滴响,捎来了朋友的祝福。
62. 新年佳节,愿你宏图大展!
63. 借此机会我呈上对你衷心的祝福:祝你一切顺利,万事如意。
64. You can’t change the past,but you can ruin the present by worrying about the future.你改变不了昨天,但如果你过于忧虑明天,将会毁了今天。
65. From now on,i will expect nothing ,and just take what i get.从现在起,我将不再期待,只珍惜我所拥有的。
66. 愿你的接下来幸福健康,快乐安康,吉祥如意。
67. 愿我的祝福像高高低低的风铃,给你带去叮叮铛铛的快乐,我要祝福你一生幸福永相伴。
68. 愿你常开心,常欣喜,有趣有盼,无灾无难。
69. It will all work out.
70. Although I am not around you at this moment, my blessings and wishes will always be around you. Take care, my dearest.
71. Love understands love; it needs no talk.相爱的心息息相通,无需用言语倾诉。
72. 播下一种行为,收获一种命运。
73. It’s not being in love that makes me happy, but is being in loving with you.
74. It will have blood;they say blood will have blood.
75. 美景依然,愿幸福绵绵。
76. 在思念之中,我想起了你的生日,我谨用这只言片语,表达对你的情怀,愿将一份宁静和喜悦悄悄带给你,此时此刻祝你生日快乐!
77. 愿你所有的日子,都比不上明天的光辉。
78. A new book is like a boat steering people from a narrow stream to a vast ocean of life.May you brave the wind and waves in the sea of knowledge. 一本新书像一艘船,带领着我们从狭隘的地方,驶向生活的无限广阔的海洋,愿你能在知识的海洋中乘风破浪。
79. 除夕的风儿暖暖的',除夕的焰火艳艳的,除夕的美食馋馋的,除夕的气氛融融的,除夕的祝福美美的,除夕的时光赞赞的。过年快乐!
80. 送你一份快乐,让你忘记烦恼。
81. 过了今天,你就变成大姑娘了,希望我的小公主快乐,永远快乐
82. 愿你我的青春,永远鲜艳灿烂快乐吧!
83. Company is better than detail than love.
84. I miss you so deeply that my love just like a kite has broken its line and won’t stop flying until it reaches you at last.
85. Tenderness is the eternal light in the dark world。
86. 祝贺你以优异的成绩从著名大学毕业!我真诚地期望并深信,毕业仪式只是你美好人生的开端,更令人满意.更加灿烂的前程将等待着你。
87. With me, you are the basis of everything.
88. 流金岁月如火点亮你青春的笑颜,流梦时光如歌般唱出我衷心的祝愿,当流星划过一道流彩,生日烛光里,快乐平安将记载你生命的流年!
89. There are 80000 in the world,but only lovekill the most people.
90. Time would heal almost all wounds. If your wounds have not been healed up, please wait for a short while.时间几乎会愈合所有伤口,如果你的伤口还没有愈合,请给时间一点时间!
91. Things will get better.
92. 祝我心中的你生日快乐,一切安好!
93. Are you ok?
94. 我们兵分两路,然后顶端相见。
95. May our golden youth radiate indelible light. Grasp today! Wish you success in the College Entrance Examination! 让我们黄金般的青春,放射出不可磨灭的光彩。把握现在吧!祝你高考成功!
96. 愿所有的期许及祝福涌向你,让你的佳节洋溢着喜悦,更祈望你一年比一年更加璀璨美好。
97. If we can only encounter each other rather than stay with each other,then I wish we had never encountered.如果只是遇见,不能停留,不如不遇见
98. Look at me,believe me,I will pull you ashore and love you so much.
99. 今天是美丽的你的生日,在这里祝你学业有成,万事如意!
100. Would you like to talk about it?
101. It is your graduation day.Please accept my best wishes for your bright future. 在你毕业之时,请接受我最美好的祝福,祝你前程似锦。
102. O, how bitter a thing it is to look into happiness through another man’s eyes! (As You Like It)
103. 祝老师身体健康,新年精神更好,福气更旺!
104. Thank you for your hard work and patience on this holiday season.值此佳节,谨对您的辛勤栽培表示感谢。
105. 祝您牛年吉祥,万事顺意!
106. Sometimes there is no way out exlept to say goodbye.有时候,除了说再见,别无选择。
107. No matter how long the rain lasts, there will be a rainbow in the end. No matter how sad you may be, believe, that happiness is waiting.不管雨下多久,最终彩虹总会出现。不管你有多难过,始终要相信,幸福就在不远处。
108. 祝贺你毕业真是一件快事。在未来的岁月中,你的努力会使你的梦想成真,请记住:有志者,事竟成。
109. 多穿点衣服,要降温了,小心着凉。
110. 愿长夜里总有梦想发亮,愿人海中常有良友相伴。
111. 祝福到你身边,永远不离开。
112. No matter how low you consider yourself ,there is always someone look up to you wishing they were that high.不管你觉得自己多么低,总有人仰视着你,希望他们自己有你那么高大!
113. 不管今生来世,愿你世世随愿。
114. 祝你平安快乐永甜蜜,幸福属于你。
115. 愿你心情美好灿烂,生活舒心。
116. 祝你运气、财气、好福气!
117. 开心每一秒,快乐每一天,幸福每一年,健康到永远!
118. Of all the biessings I prefer,as you wish.
119. 一颗心愿,一份真情,愿你充满活力,青春常在,生日快乐!
120. I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards.( America) 我走得很慢,但是我从来不会后退。
121. Love is a fire which burns unseen.
122. 愿大家健康、好运。
123. The warm smile,if the quality.微笑向暖,安之若素。
124. 不管今天明天,都愿你幸福每一天。
125. 愿新年的烛光带给你祥和与喜悦,祝你新年充满爱。
126. 放弃时间的人,时间也会放弃他。
127. Be yourself and stay unique. Your imperfections make you beautiful, lovable, and valuable.坚持做唯一的自己,正是你的缺点体现了你的美丽,你的可爱,更体现你的价值。
128. 愿有人待你如初,疼你入骨,从此深情不被辜负。
129. 祝你幸运之星照又罩,幸福吉星高照。
130. Into the air, and what seemd corporal melted As breath into the wind.
131. 让一句祝福,为你送上知心的暖阳。
132. 恭祝万事顺,幸福不止步。
133. 尚未佩妥剑,转眼便江湖。愿历尽千帆,归来仍少年。
134. 你的心里是不是有一个那么让你牵肠挂肚的人!
135. 愿所有的美好和期待,都能如期而至。
136. 真心祝您在新的一年里平安快乐、身体健康,愿您所有的梦想都能在新年得以实现。
137. I hope the round moon will bring my best wishes to you, my best friend.
138. 第一个愿望送给你,愿你永远幸福又温馨。
139. You know my loneliness is only kept for you, my sweet songs are only sung for you.
140. 祝你早日找到真爱,走上人生巅峰!
141. To wish you special joy at the holidays and all year.祝你在节日和新的一年中享有无限的快乐。
142. May you be gentle in the world,and l will light you with fire when
143. 你的生日又到,愿生日快乐,好运连连!
默默的祝福的英文句子 精选127句
1. 祝朋友永远快乐、吉祥、安康!
2. 愿,梅花美妙片片雪花的圣洁,送给你最动人的成长。
3. 让笑永驻,让友情永存,让美好永恒!
4. The course of true love never did run smooth. (A Midsummer Night’s Dream 1)
5. Losing my mind for you is my greatest sincerity in this relationship.
6. Wishingyouawonderfuldayandayearfilledwithhappiness!
7. 轻轻地一声祝福,祝朋友幸福、快乐!
8. Bing single means that you are strong enough and patient to wait for the one who deseres you.单身意味着你足够坚强,有足够的耐心去等待值得拥有你的那个人。
9. Who can come to the front of the time, help me find the next screen.谁能走到时间的前面,帮我看看未来的画面。
10. Congratulations on your success in the national college entrance examination.I beg you to take this little gift as a souvenir. 恭贺高考旗开得胜,奉上这份小礼物以作纪念。
11. 和你在一起的每一个日子,都有特殊的意义,更何况是我们的第一个圣诞节。
12. 祝你事业如日中天,财神爷爷追你跑。
13. 愿,每天彩虹依旧。
14. 愿你好运永不缺,幸福永不绝。
15. 黎明将至,春宵苦短,少女前进吧。
16. Look into my eyes – you will see what you mean to me.
17. 谢谢你,女儿!谢谢你十八年来伴我们走过的每一天。是你的降临,让我们懂得了什么是责任,什么是义务;什么叫父爱如山,什么叫母爱如歌……
18. 微风替我传送声声祝愿,流水替我传递缕缕思念。
19. 圣诞树上飘落的雪花,带给你丰润的来年;圣诞树上摇摆的礼物,映照着你灿烂的笑脸。
20. Wishing you a wonderful day and a year filled with happiness! 祝你生日妙不可言,整年沉浸在幸福里!
21. 我来时,请阳光守候你醒来,我走时,让月光陪伴你窗外。我把祝福和快乐放在你枕边,别忘了收。请相信:我一直都在,从未离开!想你!(名言网)
22. 送你一个项链,对你永远思念。
23. 脆弱啊,你的名字是女人!
24. Love understands love; it needs no talk.
25. 朋友,愿你和美满慢摇,把幸运拥入胸怀!
26. 都说流星可以有求必应,如果可以我愿意在夜空下等待,等到一颗星星被我感动,为我划过星空带着我的祝福落在你的枕边。生日快乐!
27. 愿你快乐、幸福每一天。
28. 祝你,钱多事少乐逍遥。
29. 愿你事事都顺利,时时都精彩。
30. As sparrows(麻雀) eagles,or the hare(野兔) the lion.
31. I am glad to hear that you have passed the examination with a good record.And wish you the best of everything in the future. 很高兴听说你以优异的成绩通过了这次考试,祝你在未来的日子里一切顺利。
32. 祝君事业有成,合家欢乐,步步高升。
33. May the glow of New Year candle fill your heart with peace and pleasure and make your New Year bright。Have a love filled New Year!愿新年的烛光带给你祥和与喜悦,祝你新年充满爱。
34. 愿你风雨中像个大人,阳光下像个小孩。
35. 愿我的这一声问候,带给你一天的开心和快乐!
36. You have to believe that the right person will meet after going around
37. 愿朋友们在你悲痛的时刻给你力量,愿信念给你的每一个明天带来希望。
38. At New Year and always, may peace and love fill your heart, beauty fill your world, and contentment and joy fill your days。新年的祝福,平日的希冀,愿你心境祥和、充满爱意,愿你的世界全是美满,愿你一切称心如意,快乐无比。
39. How many loved your moments of glad grace,and loved your beauty with love false or true.But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you, and loved the sorrows of your changing face.多少人爱你青春欢畅的时辰, 爱慕你的美丽,假意或真心。只有一个人爱你那朝圣者的灵魂, 爱你衰老了的脸上痛苦的皱纹;
40. there is no hopeless situation, only the man who falls into despair. 世上没有绝望的处境 ,只有对处境绝望的人。
41. 我把最真诚的祝福送给你,祝你开心快乐每一天。
42. 拜托吉祥,为你打开暖风。
43. I will make you happy when you are depressed. I will make you delighted when you are in great sorrow!
44. 其实我根本不了解圣诞节,也不知道有什么独特的意义,我只是想找个理由见你。
45. You're wonderful friend, and I treasure you more with every year. 你是一位难得的挚友,我对你的珍重与岁俱增。
46. My best wishes for your success in the examination and look forward to hearing in due course that you have passed. 预祝你考试顺利,并盼望届时听到考试通过的消息。
47. 愿你有少年的清澈与光芒,心怀远方,仗剑天涯。
48. To my husband,Happy birthday with all my love! 给我的丈夫,用我全部的爱祝你生日快乐!
49. 愿你处暑人健康,快快乐乐笑不停!
50. 愿你的新年光彩夺目,愿你的新年灿烂辉煌!佳节快乐!
51. 我送去一阵轻轻的晚风,吹走你一周工作的倦意。
52. Someday I’ll make a wish that when i wake up ,i’ll be a place where all of my troblems have disappeared。有一天我会许愿,希望当我醒来 时身处一个没有烦恼的地方。
53. 愿有一人倾其所有,护你一世安好。
54. 圣诞节祝福你轻松愉快。
55. 你以优异的成绩完成了大学学业,我们很高兴并祝贺你。愿你未来的生活更成功,并不断地给你带来幸福。
56. 清清爽爽,快快乐乐每一天!
57. Things are never as bad as they seem.
58. 祝你身体健康,万事如意,心情愉快。
59. 愿我们在彼此看不到的地方,熠熠生辉。
60. No one will live to be an island.l hope you will always have love
61. 愿幸福伴随你冬季,快乐伴随你心田。
62. May the New Year be a time of laughter and real enjoyment for you. Best wishes. 愿新年不仅是你欢笑的时刻,更是你欢喜的日子。祝福你。
63. 愿你能活的没心没肺,不负好时光不做痴情郎。
64. Even ferocious beasts, if always kept in cages, will lose their courageous nature. —— Tacitus即使是凶猛的野兽,如果总关在笼里
65. 新年,老师快快乐乐!健健康康!
66. 家是我们情之所系的地方,虽只身在外,但心系家园。
67. 人生就是一部戏,哪能事事都如意。好戏坏戏皆是戏,何必那么太在意!放开心胸,愿你心情更美丽!
68. 在这个属于你最光耀的日子里,我真挚的奉上一句最古老但又是最新颖出炉的祝福:生日快乐!终身俊丽!
69. I give all my love to you this New year. 值此佳节,献上我对你所有的爱。
70. 愿你三冬暖,愿你春不寒。
71. 平安夜我们去聚餐,圣诞夜我们去唱歌,狂欢夜我们去蹦迪。我要和你在一起!
72. 愿你们的圣诞光彩夺目!
73. 祝你吃得好、睡得好、身体倍棒好!
74. 愿你幸福到永远,愿我们情谊永不变!
75. 我却只送了一份小小的祝福,希望你生日快乐。
76. 清晨,愿我的祝福,如一抹灿烂的阳光,在您的眼里流淌。
77. Itisyourgraduationday.Pleaseacceptmybestwishesforyourbrightfuture.
78. 学海无涯。毕业只标志着一个人受教育的一个阶段。不断求知,持续进取,才能使我们提升到一个更高的台阶。
79. 你的心里是不是有一段那么让你刻骨铭心的事!
80. 祝快乐伴你身旁,吉祥如意随你徜徉!
81. You are my today and all of my tomorrows.
82. 愿君幸福,健康平安,事事顺利,万事大吉!
83. 愿你有肉有酒,活的自由。
84. You're the luckiest guy in the world. 你是世界上最幸运的人儿。
85. 在你毕业之时,请接受我最美好的祝福,祝你前程似锦。
86. 天空中银白的雪花,圣诞树五彩的灯光,而你是第三种绝色。
87. 祝所有的朋友,幸福快乐苦涩打折!
88. You are the apple of my eye.你最珍贵.
89. 牵挂你,是我美丽的心情。
90. 祝爱我的人和我爱的人,团团圆圆,美美满满!
91. Being someone’s first love maybe great ,but to be the last is byond perfect.成为别人的初恋固然好,但更好的是成为他们最终的爱人。
92. 新春快到了,给最善良最能干最聪明最美丽的女人发个短信:祝她永远平安幸福健康快乐!
93. 愿你身畔有一人,始终小心护住你的孩子气。
94. My arms are wide open for you this New Year. 我张开双臂,盼与你共度新春佳节。
95. Wishing you peace, joy and happiness through the coming year.在新年来临之际,祝福你平安、快乐、幸福!
96. 在精致的蛋糕上点燃蜡烛,点燃希望,点燃祝福。
97. Brevity is the soul of wit. (Hamlet 2)
98. 我让清风捎上思念,我让明月带去问候,在这月光如水,爱人如梦的时候……元宵节快乐!
99. There is a long way to go .It’s OK to walk slowly.
100. Love never dies.爱情永不死。
101. 送你一晚璀璨星空,让你美梦连绵。
102. I want to start afresh and make myself different.我要重新开始,做不一样的自己。
103. 祝你总如愿,快乐在人间!
104. 愿你幸福直到永远,友谊快乐无限。
105. All l want is a clear expression of your love forme,that’s all.
106. 愿我暖暖的祝福带给你,欢乐无限,幸福无数。
107. Hearty congratulations on your passing the examination with excellent result.It is a well deserved reward for the hard effort you have made during the past year. 衷心祝贺你以优异的成绩通过了这次考试,这是过去一年中你努力学习所应得的奖赏。
108. 愿我的祝福如飞舞的柳絮,绕你身旁!
109. 愿你度过美好的圣诞节!
110. 愿你今日怀里溢满礼物,生日过的让人嫉妒。生日快乐!
111. New Year time is here. I hope you have a wonderful New Year. May every day hold happy hours for you. 新年来临,祝新年快乐,愿你时时刻刻幸福欢乐!
112. Season's greetings and sincere wishes for a bright and happy New Year!献上节日的问候与祝福,愿你拥有一个充满生机和欢乐的新年。
113. 祝你快乐,愿你健康相伴,幸福通行!
114. 清新的空气,清晰的你,愉快的心情笼罩你。
115. wishing you a world of happiness and love as all your dreams come true. 但愿天从人愿,幸福与爱情无边!
116. It'sjoytoknowyou,wishingthenicestthingsalwaysforyou,notonlytoday,butalltheyearthroughbecauseyouarereallyajoytoknow.
117. When life give you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.当生活给你一百个理由哭泣时,你就拿出一千个理由笑给它看。
118. 逢寿辰当然要把这话再说一遍。
119. memory is a wonderful thing if you don’t have to deal with the past.回忆本来是非常美好的,只要你能让过去的都过去。
120. 祝你精力足,心情灿烂。
121. I’ll pray a thousand prayers for thy death but no word to save thee. (Measure for Measure 1)
122. If you can look into the seeds of time,and say which grain will grow and which will not,speak then to me,who neither beg nor fear your favors nor your hate.
123. 年年有今日,岁岁有今朝。
124. 秋风送梦,美梦佳梦梦成真。
125. Wish many good wishes for the holidays and the coming year.新的一年,向你献上最诚挚的祝福。
126. 祝你,家庭和睦不争吵。
127. 播下一种性格,收获一种行为。
默默的祝福的英文句子 精选37句
1. Love, so soft and warm beside me, if I were to give my heart, it would have to be to you.爱,围绕在我身边,如此温柔,如此温馨,如果我要奉献我的信,那它只属于你。
2. 送你一根如意棒,万事如意身体棒。
3. 愿所求皆如愿,所行化坦途,多喜乐,长安宁。
4. What you are doing now reflets how you will live in the future.现在怎么做代表着你以后怎么活。
5. your way to me has softened all kinds of circumstances.
6. One of the most simple: a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!
7. 忙忙碌碌一整年,只为等到这一天,虽然年底没红包,送张贺卡也过年。祝你新年快乐,万事如意!
8. Give yourself a smile and tell yourself that it will be better today.给自己一个微笑,告诉自己今天会更美好。
9. I want to make a toast. I Wish that theround moon take my best blessing to you. May you have a happy family and a bright future.
10. 愿你一直走在,开满鲜花的路上。
11. His heart missed a beat when he met her eyes.
12. Love never dies.
13. Though all things foul would wear the brows of grace,Yet grace must still look so.
14. Treasuredmemoriesliveandgrowmorepreciouswithtime.Maythosebeautifulyesterdayshelptoeasetoday'ssorrow.
15. 愿你有肉有酒有姑娘,能贫能笑能干仗!生日快乐!
16. Never underestimate your power to change yourself! 永远不要低估你改变自我的能力!
17. 今天是你的生日,一切顺心,安逸!
18. 天亮了,是思念开始放荡了;云淡了,是温情有点泛滥了;风吹了,是期盼的心情放飞了;鸟鸣了,是浪漫开始横行了;花笑了,是关心你是否睡好觉了。亲,晚上睡的可好?短信问声早,祝你每天心情好。
19. I prefer having your accompanying for life-long time to the short-time tenderness.
20. Time and space shuttle, you are my most beautiful back, the best of us will meet tomorrow.
21. On the Mid-Autumn Day, may your life always be filled with happy times and may all your wishes come true. Happy Mid-Autumn Day!
22. 祝你生活平安相伴,幸福相随。
23. 深深的情谊与祝福,绵绵的思念与问候,在这特别的日子里,把祝愿随着短信带给远方的你:春节快乐!
24. 新春到,吃大餐,少喝酒,多吃菜,够不着,站起来,有人敬,耍耍赖,吃不了,兜回来。
25. Do you have a map? Because I just keep losing in your eyes.
26. 愿,自己就是太阳,无需凭借别人之光。
27. Want to give you a hug,let the world knod.
28. Life is the flower for which love is the honey.生命如花,爱情是蜜。
29. 在这悲戚的时刻,谨向你和你的亲人致以深切的慰问。
30. Let our life be brimming with smile!The sweet smile predicts our brilliant future. 让我们的生活充满微笑吧!这甜蜜的微笑,将预言着我们无限美好的未来。
31. 朋友祝你健康缠绵,顺利无边,吉祥常伴!
32. 朋友,愿你幸福,开心永远!
33. 十八年前的这个时刻,你在晨曦微露的黎明时分,送来一声嘹亮的啼哭,向这个世界报到;十八年后的这个时刻,我在凉爽的微风中为你写下生日寄语,送去我心语一片,心香一瓣。希望我的女儿健康快乐的成长,快快乐乐过好每一天!生日快乐!
34. I am glad that you are with me on the full moon night. I want to whisper to you that Happy Mid-Autumn Day,my dearest.
35. 在圣诞和新年来临之际,祝福你平安、快乐、幸福!
36. With best wishes for a happy New Year! 祝新年快乐,并致以良好的祝福。
37. 愿你此去星辰大海,前程锦绣如画!
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