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美丽的句子英文怎么说 精选104句

1. 呵,真可笑,我拼了命为你等下去,你却对我说分手。

2. 不要那么相信回忆,里面的那个人,不一定会怀念你。Don't trust the memory so much. The person in it will not necessarily miss you.

3. to be a dream boat

4. 我听过最可笑的故事,是你和她的爱情。

5. Just need some warmth, even if it is a little bit of self righteous memorial.

6. 早晨的一缕阳光,把我从睡梦中吵醒。

7. 载着我满满的怀念,你渐行渐远。

8. 我的世界没有爱,命中注定要分开。

9. As long as you live better than me, die early.

10. The most painful distance is that you are not around, but in my heart.

11. A girl needs to wear two things to look great : Confidence and Smile !

12. Time is not to let people forget the pain, it just makes people used to pain.

13. 转弯只为遇见你,却忘记了,你也会转弯。

14. 眼泪是情绪的一种宣泄。

15. 爱来爱去像个xxx一样,值得吗?

16. 这世上所有的久处不厌,都是因为用心。All the longevity in this world is due to intentions.

17. 最痛的距离,是你不在身边,却在我的心里。

18. 快乐要懂得分享,才能加倍的快乐。

19. When you are young, you may want several love experiences. But as time goes on, you will realize that if you really love someone, the whole life will not be enough. You need time to know, to forgive and to love.

20. I will not beat you, you don't know me but.

21. 世态炎凉我不得不让自己伪装成个刺猬。

22. 其实真正对你好的人,你一辈子,也不会遇到几个。

23. Carrying my full memory, you're far away.

24. 有没有人愿意陪我一起疯,疯到全世界都感动。

25. There is no one willing to accompany me crazy, crazy to the whole world are moved.

26. A woman who truly loves you will be angry at you for many things, but will stick around.

27. 人生如烟花,不可能永远悬挂天际;只要曾经绚烂过,便不枉此生。Life is like fireworks, it can not hang in the sky forever; as long as it has been brilliant, it will not be in vain.

28. 冷漠,有时候并不是无情,是一种避免被伤害。

29. Actully love can be expressed in many ways,your way is one of them.Sometimes it's not that he doesn't love you anymore,but you didn't understand his way of love.

30. 宠的多了就会放肆,忍的多了就会怨恨,所以爱要懂得分寸。More spoiled will be wanton, more tolerant will resent, so love to know how to measure.

31. 有些东西,你珍惜了就会失去,比如说爱情。

32. 在冬天,最想去的地方除了被窝还有你的怀里。

33. Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to

34. 有些事,不说是个结,说了是个疤。

35. 万里长篇不及你只言片语,风和日丽不如你寥寥一面。Ten thousand miles is not as long as you just say a few words, the wind and sunshine is not as beautiful as you.

36. 哪有什么来日方长,从来都是三旬过场,人走茶凉。Where there's a long way to go, always in March, people go to tea.

37. Tears are a kind of emotional release.

38. I walk on the road to escape the fate, but fate and accidentaly across.

39. Sometimes, I'm not ignoring you, just waiting for you to open your mouth.

40. 很多事没有来日方长,很多人只会乍然离场,很多话未出口先成伤。Many things are not as long as the future, many people will just leave the scene suddenly, many words are injured before exporting.

41. 我把自由还给你,突然发现真的好轻松。

42. There is a name installed in the heart, some words so rotten in the heart.

43. Some people, some things, remember enough, don't need to care about.

44. 我只是再也不想离开你,一刻钟都不想。

45. 有些人,有些事,记得就够,不需要刻意在乎。

46. 你是我的命,没有你我活不下去。

47. Love is ever lasting. The aspect may change, but not the essence.

48. The whole world can be yours, but you can only be mine.

49. 淡淡的日子,淡淡的心情,淡淡的阳光,淡淡的风,凡事淡淡的,就好。Light days, light moods, light sunshine, light wind, everything light, just fine.

50. Some things, you will lose the treasure, for example, love.

51. Similar people for fun, complementary fit to grow old together.

52. 我走在逃离命运的路上,却与命运不期而遇。

53. 爱是永恒的,外表可能改变,但本质永远不变。

54. To find a happy excuse, over my spring, no matter who you are.

55. 不是因为我执着,而是因为你值得。

56. 就算生活中有再多的失望,也希望你能试着接受,并且学着不为难自己。Even if there are more disappointments in life, I hope you can try to accept them and learn not to embarrass yourself.

57. I have heard the most ridiculous story, is you and her love.

58. 岁月静好,从年少到暮夕,唯有深情共白头。Years are quiet, from youth to dusk, only affectionate hoary head.

59. Why, always have to wait until after the happiness left, only to find that it had come.

60. 有时候,我不是不理你,只是在等你先开口。

61. A ray of sunshine in the morning, woke me from my sleep.

62. One may fall in love with many people during the life time. When you finally get your own happiness, you will understand the previous sadness is kind of treasure, which makes you better to hold and cherish the people you love.

63. Worthy of nostalgia will never leave, leaving forever is not worth my nostalgia.

64. There is no love in my world, it's meant to be apart.

65. 与你缠绵的每一秒,都是我生命里的永远。

66. 灯光,继续闪耀。烟花,继续绽放。音乐,继续回响。

67. Encounter a smile, missed the despair, each station is not alone.

68. 不乱于心,不困于情。不畏将来,不念过往。如此,安好。Not confused in the heart, not trapped in the feelings. Don't fear the future, don't miss the past. So, good.

69. 时间不是让人忘了痛,它只是让人习惯痛。

70. If the outcome is bound to be sad, then I would rather choose to give up.

71. 时光轻缓,微风正好;彼时当年少,莫负好时光。Time is gentle, the breeze is just right; then when you were young, don't miss the good time.

72. We take a minute to know someone, one hour to like someone, and one day to love someone, but the whole life to forget someone.

73. 瞬间就能把心塞满,这就是你与他人的区别。

74. A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book.

75. 值得留恋的永远不会离去,离去的永远不值得我留恋。

76. My world because of you, my life is crazy because of you.

77. If you really get to me, I guess you will not continue and you Hu kan.

78. 我只不过是想找个可以管住我的人。

79. 我想牵着你的手,一直走,逃离这颗星球。

80. 只要你过得比我好,死的一定早。

81. The moment you can fill the heart, this is the difference between you and others.

82. 要是你真的惹到我,你猜我还会不会继续和你胡侃。

83. Happiness is not about being immortal nor having food or rights in one's hand. It's about having each tiny wish come true, or having something to eat when you are hungry or having someone's love when you need love.

84. 纠结的爱,是你不得不让我选择微笑着离开。

85. Lights, continue to shine. Fireworks, continue to bloom. Music, continue to echo.

86. Turning only to meet you, but you forget, you will turn.

87. Whether it is to leave or to get together, always so painful.

88. 有那么个名字装在心里,有些话就这么腐烂在心里。

89. I want to love my seal in your heart.

90. 如果结局注定悲伤、那我宁愿选择放弃。

91. 我知道我不懂爱,我只是想方设法的去爱你而已。

92. 疯狂的想念,哪里都是你。

93. Love makes man grow up or sink down.

94. I began to learn to imagine, the idea of a place where you and I.

95. 碎了一地的诺言,拼凑不回的昨天。

96. I just want to find a person I can manage.

97. Oh, really funny, I fight for you and so on, but you said to me.

98. Broken the promise of a place, put together not back yesterday.

99. 我不打你,你就不知道我文武双全。

100. I want to hold your hand, walk, escape from the planet.

101. 为什么,总要等到幸福离开后,才发现它曾经来过。

102. Every second that you are touching, it's always in my life.

103. 邂逅了微笑,错过了绝望每一站也算不孤单。

104. 我不要短暂的温存,只要你一世的陪伴。I do not want short-term warmth, as long as you accompany the whole life.

美丽的句子英文怎么说 精选45句

1. 再怎么不开心,生活都得继续,不如笑着过每一天。

2. 因为无能为力,所以顺其自然。因为心无所恃,所以随遇而安。Because there is nothing to do, let it be. Because the heart has nothing to depend on, so be at ease with circumstances.

3. Some things, do not say is a knot, say is a scar.

4. In winter, the best place to go in addition to bed and your arms.

5. 无论是离开还是相聚,总是那么的让人心痛。

6. A person who truly loves you will never let you go, no matter how hard the situation is.

7. 能让你活得最像自己的人,必然会是那个最爱你且你最爱的人。The person who makes you live the most like yourself is the one who loves you the most and you love the most.

8. 心甘情愿才能理所当然,理所当然才会义无反顾。Willingness is the only way to take it for granted, and righteousness is the only way to take it for granted.

9. Love is a lamp, while friendship is the shadow. When the lamp is off,you will find the shadow everywhere. Friend is who can give you strength at last.

10. 全世界都可以是你的,但是你只能是我的。

11. 只是需要一些温暖,哪怕是一点点自以为是的纪念。

12. I love you not for who you are, but for who I am with you.

13. The fickleness of the world I have to make myself disguised as a hedgehog.

14. to be a fox.

15. All or nothing, now or never 。

16. No matter how unhappy, life has to continue, it is better to laugh every day.

17. 国际上有两个我,一个伪装高兴,一个诚心伤心。

18. Anyone can make you smile. Many people can make you cry. But it takes someone really special to make you smile with tears in your eyes.

19. 闲看花开,静待花落,冷暖自知,干净如始。Watch the flowers open, wait for the flowers to fall, cold and warm self-knowledge, clean as ever.

20. Not because of my persistence, but because you deserve it.

21. 我开始学会想象,构思一个有你我的地方。

22. I know I don't understand love, I just try to love you.

23. A smile is the most charming part of a person forever.

24. 是否紧闭眼眶,眼角的泪就不会轻易地落下。

25. 相似的人适合一起欢闹,互补的人适合一起变老。

26. 我多想让爱神把我封印在你心里。

27. 就算世界荒芜,总有一个人,他会是你的信徒。Even if the world is deserted, there will always be someone who will be your follower.

28. I just don't want to leave you, I don't want to.

29. 找一个快乐的借口,过我的春天,无所谓你在谁身边。

30. Whether closed eyes, eyes of tears will not easily fall.

31. to be a cutie; to be a babe

32. 我的世界因为你闪亮,我的生活因你而疯狂。

33. Indifference, sometimes not heartless, is a kind of avoid being hurt.

34. 听闻爱情,十有九悲,听闻过往,十忆九伤。Hearing of love, nine out of ten sorrows, hearing of the past, nine out of ten memories.

35. Age wrinkles the body. Quitting wrinkles the soul.

36. You are my life, I can't live without you.

37. If you can hold something up and put it down, it is called weight-lifting; if you can hold something up but can never put it down,it's called burden-bearing. It is a pity, most of people are bearing heavy burdens when they are in love.

38. 不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。

39. There are two in the world I, a disguise happy, a sincere sad.

40. 任何东西只要足够迷惑你,就足以毁了你。心软是病,情深致命。Anything that confuses you enough is enough to destroy you. Soft heart is a disease, and deep feeling is fatal.

41. to be a beauty queen;

42. Happy to know how to share, to be more happy.

43. Tangle of love, is that you have to let me choose to smile to leave.

44. In fact, the real good for you, your life, will not meet a few.

45. I gave it back to you, and I found it really easy.

