
发布时间:2023-03-02 13:51:31阅读量:394

英文歌词唯美句子 精选50句

1. 《I Have Nothing》(我一无所有)

2. 《Nothing Compares To You》(你无与伦比)

3. 《A Little Love》(浅浅的爱)

4. 《The Greatest Love Of All》(最伟大的爱)

5. We meet in the night in the Spanish café, I look in your eyes just don't know what to say.It feels like I'm drowning in salty water.——《Just One Last Dance》那个夜晚,,我们在西班牙咖啡馆相遇,我望着你的双眸,心有千言竟无语,感觉就像我沉浸在泪水之中!——《最后一支舞》

6. 《Sound of Silence》(寂静之声)

7. 《When You Believe》(只要相信)

8. 《Only Love》 (只有爱)

9. 《Scarbourough Fair》(斯卡布罗集市)

10. 《You Are The Love Of My Life》(你是我一生的至爱)

11. 《The Color of The Night》(夜色)

12. 《Right Here Waiting》(此情可待)

13. 《I Lay My Love On You》(我把爱献给了你)

14. 《Tell Me Why》(告诉我为什么)

15. 《What A Wonderful World》 (多么美妙的世界)

16. 《Fly To Your Heart》(飞向你的心灵)

17. 《No Matter What》(无论如何)

18. 《My Heart Will Go On》(我心永恒)

19. 《You Raise Me Up》(你鼓舞了我)

20. 《Cry On My Shoulders》(想哭的时候,就靠在我肩膀上吧)

21. 《Seasons In The Sun》(阳光季节)

22. 《I Believe I Can Fly》(我心飞翔)

23. It was songs of love,that I would sing to them.And I'd memorise each word.Those old melodies, still sound so good to me!——《yesterday once more》那是我唱给他们的旧情歌,至今我仍能记得每一个文字,那些旧旋律,仍然悦耳动听。——《昨日重现》

24. It seems to me you lived your life, Like a candle in the wind, Never fading with the sunset.When the rain set in, And your footsteps will always fall here!——《Candle in the Wind》对于我而言,你的一生,就像是风中之烛,光芒从不随夕阳消失。即使大雨倾盆不止,你的足音也将永远回响。——《风中之烛》

25. 《I swear》 (我发誓)

26. 《Because I Love You》(因为我深爱你)

27. 《Can You Feel The Love Tonight》

28. That you are not alone, for I am here with you, though you are far away, I am here to stay. ——《You are not alone》你并不孤单,因为我会永伴在你身旁,不管你在多远的地方,我都会在这里守候!——《你并不孤单》

29. 《Over The Rainbow》(彩虹之上)

30. Timeless, don’t let it fade out of sight, just let the moments sweep us bot us both away, lifting us to where we both agree. ——《Timeless》永恒的,不要让它消失在视线之外,让那些时刻把我们都带走,把我们带到我们都认同的地方。——《永恒的》

31. 《Nothing s Gonna Change My Love For You》(没有什么能改变我对你的爱)

32. 《Let It Be》(顺其自然)

33. 《A New Day Has Come》(新的一天已经来临)

34. 《Unchained Melody》(不羁的旋律)

35. I’d trade my soul for a wish.Pennies and dimes for a kiss.I wasn’t looking for this, But now you’re in my way.——《Call Me Maybe》我为这个愿望抛弃我的灵魂,付出所有金钱只求一个亲吻,我从未追求过这些,直到你出现在我的生命里。——《有空电我》

36. 《We Are The World》(四海为一家)

37. I know That my heart will go on.We'll stay forever this way, You are safe in my heart, And my heart will go on and on.——《my heart will go on》我知道我心与你相依,我们永远相携而行,在我心中你安然无恙,我心属于你,爱无止境!——《我心永恒》

38. 《My Love Will Get You Home》(我的爱会带你回家)

39. The best things in life, they're free.But if you wanna cry, cry on my shoulder——《Cry On My Shoulder》生命中美好的东西,那是无价的。但若你想哭,就靠我肩膀上哭吧!——《在我的肩上哭泣》

40. 《Hero》(英雄)

41. 《We Will Get There》(我们终会到达)

42. I can’t cry, Because I know that's weakness in your eyes.I m forced to fake a smile, a laugh everyday of my life! ——《Because of you》我不能哭,因为我知道,这在你眼里这就是懦弱,此后的每一天我被迫强颜欢笑!——《因为你》

43. 《Heal The World》(拯救这世界)

44. 《When A Child Is Born》(当孩子降生)

45. 《Take Me Home, Country Road》(乡村路带我回家)

46. 《There You'll Be》(有你相依)

47. 《I Will Always Love You》(我会一直爱你)

48. I hear your voice on the line, but it doesn’t stop the pain. If I see you next to never, how can we say forever? ——《Right here waiting》电话里传来你的声音,相思之痛却不能稍减。如果我们再也不能相见, 我们的爱又如何久远?——《此情可待》

49. 《Be The One That You Wanna Be》(成为你想成为的人)

50. 《Can t Take My Eyes Off You》(我的视线无法转移)

