
发布时间:2023-03-16 12:37:38阅读量:305

关于职业的英文句子 精选89句

1. He's talking in terms of starting a completely new career.

2. 一些人希望成为科学家。

3. Was going to college a good preparation for your career?

4. ②Ihopetobeapolicemaninthefuture.

5. Thesingergaveadismalperformanceofsomeoldsongs.

6. Icouldhearherconferringwithsomeone.

7. 我长大后会当一名老师。

8. Weencountersomanyproblemsinourwork.

9. Adopting the right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one.

10. 许多人认为他是有史以来最优秀的歌手。

11. 与城市里的同类中心相比,这里有更低的房租和更低的工资,该公司表示,只要花许多公司一半的价钱就可以完成与他们相同的外包工作。

12. Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough. – Og Mandino如果成功的决心足够强烈,失败就永远不会打倒我。

13. 希望明年世界锦标赛再度举行时我能身体健康

14. ①Hehopetobescientist.

15. 询问将要做的事情

16. She's built a new career for herself.

17. She tries to balance home life and career.

18. 公司把这工作给别人了。

19. Therewillbefewerjobsforpeoplebecausemorerobotswilldothesamejobsaspeople.

20. Peoplewilldothesamejobsaspeople.

21. Doesheknowchinese?

22. Heisnowwellestablishedinhiscareer.

23. Icanworkaboutaswellasbefore.

24. While there is life there is hope.生命不息,希望不止。

25. Studying for new qualifications is one way of advancing your career.

26. make short work of something:含义是很快完成.

27. Work is the glorious duty of every able-bodied citizen. 劳动是一切具有劳动能力公民的光荣职责。

28. work like a horse:含义是辛勤工作,非常努力的工作

29. We aim to help students make more informed career choices.

30. 他们想使商店的销售总额增加至五倍。

31. get down to work:意思是不再放松,开始做重要的事情,完成重要的任务.

32. throw a monkey wrench in the works:含义是把看上去很清楚明白的事情搅乱. 例

33. What work do you do?

34. Sheforgedanewcareerinthemusicbusiness.

35. 她年轻时没受过什么就业指导。

36. Othershopetobescientists.

37. 不然,我就把我的商店出盘。

38. 表示前面所说动作,以避免重复.

39. ----what’s your hobby? ----你的爱好是什么? ----i like collecting stamps.----

40. 她为自己开辟了一条新的谋生之路。

41. 她接受了这项新工作以进一步发展她的事业。

42. 总有一天,我们会自豪地成为温室的主人。

43. Labor vanquishes all. 劳动征服一切。

44. 机器人:会,我会用我的双手干活。

45. IwillbeateacherwhenIgrowup.

46. IwillbeadoctorwhenIgrowup.

47. ----what’s the tiger doing? ----那只老虎在干什么? ----it’s running. ----它在奔跑。

48. IwillbeafarmerwhenIgrowup.

49. 歌手苦练以便每一个音都唱得清晰。

50. ④Shehopetobeasingerinthefuture.

51. 他在外交部有过一段光辉的事业。。

52. 我工作的干劲和以前一样。

53. ----what are the elephantsdoing? ----那些大象在干什么? ----they’re

54. Idon'tdohomeworkonSundays.

55. 她力图兼顾家庭生活和事业。

56. 我希望自己以后能成为一名警察。

57. This was a big step up in his career.

58. 询问正在做的事情

59. 这个学院是培养商务人才的。

60. Studyingfornewqualificationsisonewayofadvancingyourcareer.

61. 这是他在事业上向前迈出的一大步。

62. Labour breeds our body, learning breads our soul.劳动教养了身体,学习教养了心灵。

63. She is taking time out from her music career for a year.

64. Theworkwillbemorefruitfulunderthisplan.

65. Sheisnowconcentratingonacareerasafashiondesigner.

66. The college prepares students for a career in business.

67. What do you do for living?

68. Healwaysshoppedattheco-op.

69. She found herself in conflict with her parents over her future career.

70. Icanworkwellunderpressure.

71. ③XiaominghopetobeaTVreportinthefuture.

72. He had a very distinguished career in the Foreign Office.

73. 是的,我能用的我手工作。

74. 他住在那商店上面的一套房间里。

75. Ihopetobeagoodman.

76. 小明希望未来能成为一名电视台记者。

77. Hespentmuchofhiscareerinpublicoffice.

78. 那歌手去年六月和妻子分手了。

79. Wasgoingtocollegeagoodpreparationforyourcareer?

80. 你懂汉语吗?

81. 他现在已经在事业上稳住了根基。

82. 为提高学历而进修是促进事业发展的一个办法。

83. 得有一个人在他们当中进行仲裁。

84. Gettingajobinmarketingwasagoodcareermove.

85. 随你怎么说,反正她唱歌唱得很好。Manyratedhimthebestsingerofalltime.

86. What do you do?

87. 我长大后会当一名律师。

88. Shereceivedverylittlecareerguidancewhenyoung.

89. IhopetobefitwhentheWorldChampionshipcomesaroundnextyear.

关于职业的英文句子 精选62句

1. 将会有更少的工作给人们因为更多的机器人将会像人们一样做同样的工作。

2. Shefoundherselfinconflictwithherparentsoverherfuturecareer.

3. 找份市场营销的工作是一个不错的职业选择。

4. HehadaverydistinguishedcareerintheForeignOffice.

5. Theyhopetobeabletopatchtogetheratemporarysettlement.

6. 机器人将会像人们一样做工作。

7. dirty work:指的是必须要做的但很无聊或很难的工作,其实也就是做苦工,或者是吃

8. Theterroristdrovethecarstraightthroughtheshopwindow.

9. 他的事业生涯中大部分时间从事政府工作。

10. 我们在工作中遇到如此多的问题。

11. Ihopetobebackinafortnight.

12. Thecollegepreparesstudentsforacareerinbusiness.

13. 他总在合作社购物。

14. 我听见她和某人嘀咕了几句。

15. 她从未能实现成为一名职业歌手的志向。

16. Evenafteryearsasasinger,hestillsuffersfromnervesbeforeaperformance.

17. Plus,evenIcanworkaniPad.

18. IwillbealawyerwhenIgrowup.

19. Getting a job in marketing was a good career move.

20. 他把这项任务看作事业发展的途径。

21. He spent much of his career in public office.

22. Duringhiscareer,hewrotemorethanfiftyplays.

23. 他正在谈论开创全新的事业。

24. Theshopbelljangledloudly.

25. Someonestoleapaintingfromthemuseum.

26. 随你怎么说,反正她唱歌唱得很好。

27. Business is the salt of life. 事业是生命之盐。

28. Theresearchprojectinvolvestrackingthecareersof400graduates.

29. ThesingersplitwithhiswifelastJune.

30. She started her career as an English teacher.

31. IwillbeafirefighterwhenIgrowup.

32. Sheistakingtimeoutfromhermusiccareerforayear.

33. Thesingerisregardedasarepresentativeoftheyouthofhergeneration.

34. What is your occupation?

35. 构成否定句:

36. work out for the best:含义是最后完成得很好.

37. Sheneverrealizedherambitionofbecomingaprofessionalsinger.

38. 那位歌手在美国已成为人们狂热崇拜的偶像。

39. IwillbeapolicemanwhenIgrowup.

40. She'sbuiltanewcareerforherself.

41. 这位歌手被看作是她那一代年轻人的典型代表。

42. 尽管已做歌手多年,他在演出前仍然神经紧张。

43. Helivedinaflatabovetheshop.

44. She took the new job to further her career.

45. Hesawtheassignmentasawaytoforwardhiscareer.

46. 我们旨在帮助学生作出更有依据的职业抉择。

47. 有人从博物馆盗走了一幅画。

48. ----what are you doing? ----你在做什么? ----i’m doing the dishes.----我在洗盘子。

49. Herfatherkeptagrocer'sshop.

50. Thesingerwasdiscoveredwhilestillatschool.

51. 他该从旁观者的角度来反思一下自己的职业生涯了。

52. What's your title?

53. Robot:Yes,Icanworkwithmyhands.

54. do构成疑问句:

55. 她现在专注于时装设计这一行。

56. 另外,我可以用iPad工作。

57. 她在乐坛上另创一番新事业。

58. Theysupporteachotherintheirwork.

59. 她父亲开了个杂货店。

60. 我希望两周后回来。

61. Weaimtohelpstudentsmakemoreinformedcareerchoices.

62. What's your position?

关于职业的英文句子 精选67句

1. (英国剧作家 莎士比亚.W.) Every manxxxs work, whether it be literature of music of pictures or architecture of anything else, is always a portrait of himself. (Samuel Brtler, Averican educator) 每个人的工作,不管是文学、音乐、美术、建筑还是其他工作,都是自己的一幅画像。

2. A man can be destroyed but not defeated.

3. AlthoughIgetonwellwithmycolleagues,ifyouhangaroundtogetherallthetimeyoujustenduptalkingshop.

4. Don'tbothertoanswertheletter.不要烦你回信了.

5. 我长大后会当一名医生。

6. ----where are you going thisafternoon?-今天下午你准备到哪儿去? ----i’m going to thebookstore. ----我准备到书店去。

7. It is no use doing what you like; you have got to like what you do. (Winston Churchill, British prime minister) 不能爱哪行才干哪行,要干哪行爱哪行。

8. -----how many people are therein your family? ----你家有几口人? -------three. ----

9. 我长大后会当一名农民。

10. What is your job?

11. 在他的创作生涯里,他共写了五十多部剧作。

12. He saw the assignment as a way to forward his career.

13. What is your job role in your company?

14. Thiswasabigstepupinhiscareer.

15. 他的歌艺未达到专业歌手水平。

16. He'stalkingintermsofstartingacompletelynewcareer.

17. She forged a new career in the music business.

18. Learn wisdom by the follies of others. 从旁人的愚行中学到聪明。

19. 按照这一方案,做这工作将更有成效。

20. 我长大后会当一名经常。

21. ----what are you going to do?----你准备做什么? ----i’m going to the cinema.----我准备去看电影。

22. 他们希望能草草搭成一个临时安置区。

23. ThestaroftheshowwasayoungItaliansinger.

24. 他和他的妻子经营他们自己的古董店。

25. The research project involves tracking the careers of 400 graduates.

26. 商店的钟发出丁零当啷的巨大响声。

27. 她作为作家比作为歌手名声要大。

28. 那歌手唱了几首老歌,唱得不怎么样。

29. Andoneday,wehopetobetheproudownersofthegreenhouse.

30. Hiscarcareeredintoariver.

31. ShestartedhercareerasanEnglishteacher.

32. 他希望能成为一名科学家。

33. 那台节目的主角是一位年轻的意大利歌唱家。

34. 这儿忽然有人提出一个问题来。

35. ----what’s your father doing? ----你父亲正在做什么? ----he’s writing an e-mail.----他正在写电子邮件。

36. 我长大后会当一名消防员。

37. Withmuchlowerrentandwagesthaninsimilarcentersincities,thecompanysaysitcandothesamejobsasmanyoutsourcingcompaniesforhalftheprice.

38. Remember, you're the one who can fill the world with sunshine.

39. 她将抽出一年的时间,暂不从事音乐事业。

40. Someonemustarbitratebetweenthem.

41. Thecompanyofferedthejobtosomeoneelse.

42. ----what’s mike doing? ----迈克正在干什么? ----he’s watching insects.----他正在观察昆虫。

43. 我工作抗压能力很好。

44. Heresomeonestruckinwithaquestion.

45. Otherwise,myshopwillsellout.

46. Hewon'tcutitasaprofessionalsinger.

47. What line of work are you in?

48. Heandhiswiferuntheirownantiquesshop.

49. what are you?

50. It was time to stand back and take stock of his career.

51. 她以当英语教师开始了她的职业生涯。

52. Theywanttoquintuplethetotalsalesoftheirshop.

53. 尽管我和同事们相处得很融洽,但如果老呆在一起最后往往就谈论工作了。

54. 他们在工作中互相支持。

55. Doyouworktogether?yes,theydo.你们在一起工作吗?是的.

56. 我的愿望是成为一个好的男人。

57. Shetookthenewjobtofurtherhercareer.

58. ThesingerhasbecomeacultfigureinAmerica.

59. Saywhatyoulikeabouther,she'safinesinger.

60. 她发现自己在将来择业的问题上与父母存在着分歧。

61. He is now well established in his career.

62. 上大学是否为你的事业打下了良好基础?

63. 这个研究项目对400名毕业生的事业发展情况进行跟踪调查。

64. Shetriestobalancehomelifeandcareer.

65. Shewasmorefamousasawriterthanasasinger.

66. Itwastimetostandbackandtakestockofhiscareer.

67. Thesingerworkedhardonthecleararticulationofeverynote.

