
发布时间:2023-03-20 09:57:57阅读量:594

关于健康生活的英语句子 精选33句

1. Feed by measure and defy physician.

2. 练练力出,缩缩病出。早起做早操,一天精神好。

3. After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile.

4. Please let me see them. 让我看看。

5. The surest way to be happy i s to be busy.

6. Reading is to the mind while exercise to the body.

7. A sound mind in a sound body.

8. Why did you go there? 你为什么去那儿?

9. To live long is a I most everyone,s wish,but to live well is the ambition of a few.

10. Give me a definite answer, please. 请给个明确的答复。

11. 没有革命的理论,就不会有革命的运动。

12. Please give me your advice. 请给我提些建议。

13. Hygiene is two thirds of health.

14. 跑跑跳跳浑身轻,不走不动皮肉松。

15. Don't hesitate any more. 别在犹豫了。

16. Health is happiness.

17. It's up to you. 由你决定。

18. 静止便是死亡,只有运动才能敲开永生的大门。

19. I think you’re mistaken about that. 我想你那样不对。

20. Diseases come on horseback, but steal away on foot.

21. 体育与教育一样,能使人更加健康健全。

22. Do you really want to know what I think? 你真想知道我怎么想吗?

23. The windows open more will keep the doctor from the door.

24. Often and little eating makes a man fat.

25. What are you doing next week? 下周你干什么?

26. 智齿这两天折磨着我,吃不了嚼不动,不能运动,还得不停吃止疼药。

27. Will it rain tomorrow? 明天会下雨吗?

28. A good healthy body is worth more a crown in gold.

29. I suppose I can finish the project next year. 我想我明年完成此工程。

30. I've decided not to sell the house. 我决定不卖房子了。

31. 生命不只在于运动,更在于折腾。运动使身体健康,折腾使生活有意义。

32. 饭后百步走,活到九十九;饭后三百步,不用进药铺。

33. 活动有方,五脏自和。

关于健康生活的英语句子 精选142句

1. How did you get there? 你怎么去的?

2. 人们的举止应当象他们的衣服,不可太紧或过于讲究,应当宽舒一点,以便于工作和运动。

3. Onion treats seven ailments. //If a person eats an onion every day, he will remain healthy and not need a doctor.

4. 养生之道,常欲小劳,但莫大疲,及强所不能耳。

5. The love of beauty is an essential part of a I I healthy human nature.

6. 运动是意志的煅烧,是心态的锻炼,是爱国的煅烧。

7. What do you think about it? 你对此怎么看?

8. If you can walk, you can dance; If you can talk, you can sing.

9. Young man may die but old men must die.

10. I get up at 8 every morning. 每天早上我8点起床。

11. He's made up his mind to quit his job. 他已决定辞去他的工作。

12. 我的胜利说明,黄皮肤的运动员能够像那些黑人和白人跑得一样快。

13. I put on a bit of makeup. 我化一点妆。

14. I suppose he was sick. 我猜他大概是病了。

15. I‘m thinking of going to my grandma’s. 我想去外婆家。

16. Good luck! 祝你好运。

17. Sickness shows us what we are.

18. Do you have any idea? 你怎么想?

19. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

20. Exercise, temperance; fresh air, and needful rest are the best of all physicians.

21. Where did you visit? 你去参观了哪些地方?

22. 天天练长跑,年老变年少。

23. I buy some food on my way home. 我回家路上买些吃的。

24. Sickness is felt,but health not at all.

25. I wake my sister up. 我叫醒我妹妹。

26. Bed is a medicine.

27. Water is the king of food.

28. You must have enjoyed yourself. 你一定玩的很开心。

29. Sickness is everyman,s master.

30. 长期的身体毛病使最光明的前途蒙上阴暗,而强健的活力就使不幸的境遇也能放金光。

31. He that goes to bed thirsty rises healthy.

32. Prescribe the right medicine for a symptom.

33. Temperance is the best physic.

34. I shave, brush my teeth, and comb my hair. 我洗脸,刷牙,梳头。

35. Different sores must have different salves.

36. I got there by plane. 我坐飞机去的。

37. We shall lie a I I alike in our graves.

38. Yes, a lot of friends. 是的,很多。

39. 运动是健康的源泉,也是长寿的秘诀。

40. A man needs a purpose for real health.

41. I pick up my sister from her school. 我到学校接妹妹。

42. Care killed the cat.

43. Yes, I’m applying to work at the library. 是的,我在申请图书馆管理员的工作。

44. A disease known is half cured.

45. Cheerfulneis the promoter of health.

46. That’s excellent. 那太棒了。

47. Eat at pleasure,drink with measure.

48. Prevention is better than cure.

49. I go downstairs and have my breakfast. 我下楼吃早饭。

50. Health is not valued till sickness comes.

51. Neglect of health is doctor’ s wealth.

52. 运动的要义不在趣味而在继续持久,养成习惯。

53. I read the newspaper over breakfast. 我边吃早饭边看报纸。

54. 发展体育运动,增强人民体质。

55. Eat well, drink in moderation, and sleep sound, in these three good health abound.

56. If you can be well without health you may be happy without virtue.

57. Fretting cares make gray hairs.

58. Hi, Lucy. I’ll take French and Economics. 你好,露西,我想选法语和经济。

59. Is that right? 那样对吗?

60. You have the final say. 你说了算。

61. When the sun comes in, the doctor goes out.

62. I then take a bath in the bathroom. 然后我去洗澡间洗个澡。

63. Many dishes, many diseases.

64. The doctor is often more to be feared than the disease.

65. That‘s ok/fine. 挺好的。

66. 运动就其作用来说,几乎可以代替任何药物,但是世界上的一切药品并不能代替运动的作用。

67. Hi, Jack, what lessons will you take this semester? 你好,杰克,这学期你选什么课?

68. Poverty is the mother of health.

69. You may delay, but time will not.

70. Life is not merely living but living in health.

71. 卫生是妙药,锻炼是金丹。

72. To know the disease is half the cure.

73. 公平、和平、进步是竞技体育的核心价值。

74. Feed a cold; starve a fever.

75. 运动使人健康、使人聪明、使人快乐。

76. Health does not consist with intemperance.

77. Yes, and I took many pictures. 是的,我还照了好多照片。

78. Yes, I‘ve just come back from Scotland. 是的,我刚从苏格兰回来。

79. Fresh pork and new wine kill a man before his time.

80. 我宁愿我的学生打网球来消磨时间,至少还可以使身体得到锻炼。

81. Bitter pills may have blessed effects.

82. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

83. I've changed my mind. 我改注意了。

84. I dress my sister and wash her hands and face.我给我妹妹穿衣服,洗脸洗手。

85. 坚实在于锻炼,锻炼在于自觉。

86. A little labor, much health.

87. 每个人都应该热爱运动,生命在于运动。

88. Temperance is the greatest of virtues.

89. I have no idea. 我不知道。

90. 早起活活腰,一天精神好。

91. Diseases are the price of i I I pleasures.

92. I'm always making resolutions, like giving up smoking. 我总在做出决定,比如戒烟。

93. He was absent yesterday. Do you know why? 昨天他没到,你知道为什么吗?

94. Diseases of the sou I are more dangerous than those of the body.

95. I want to hear your opinion. 我想听听你们想法

96. By the side of sickness health becomes sweet.

97. I plan to go to the concert. 我打算去听音乐会。

98. What do you plan to do this Friday? 明天你打算干什么?

99. 若要身体健,天天来锻炼。

100. There is no medicine against death.

101. Health and cheerfulness mutually beget each other.

102. 大脑的.力量在于运动而不在于静止。

103. It's still undecided. 还没决定。

104. I only had time to visit Edinburgh. 我只有时间去爱丁堡。

105. No, I haven't decided yet. 不,还没有。

106. I cooked breakfast for the family. 我为一家人做早餐。

107. 身体健康者常年轻。

108. Patient people are patient to gain longevity.

109. The first wealth is health.

110. She insists that it doesn't matter. 她坚持说那没关系。

111. I‘m considering buying a house. 我想买套房子。

112. He who never was sick dies the first.

113. Health and understanding are the two great blessing of life.

114. It’s up to you. 由你决定。

115. Do you like traveling? 你喜欢旅游吗?

116. Don't shilly-shally. 别犹豫不决。

117. Health is better than wealth.

118. Absolutely right. 绝对正确。

119. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

120. I‘m taking Chinese and History. 我将选中文和历史。

121. The wise will not rely on medicine for keeping their health.

122. 晚霞诚可贵,健康价更高,欲图享老福,运动要抓牢。

123. Good health is over wealth.

124. Few lawyers die well, few physicians live well.

125. The head and feet keep warm, the rest will take no harm.

126. Do you plan to do some odd jobs? 你打算打工吗?

127. The first step to health is to know that we are sick.

128. There is no medicine for fear.

129. Is that ok? 这样行吗?

130. 走路也是锻炼,走路要用劲。坐似钟,立似松,行似风。

131. You must not pledge your own health.

132. 人生的本质就在于运动,安谧宁静就是死亡。

133. A healthy mind is in a healthy body.

134. Without sleep,no health.

135. And do you have friends there? 你在那儿有朋友吗?

136. It's really hard to make a decision. 挺难做决定的。

137. Diet cures more than the doctor.

138. I‘ll go skiing of the weather permits. 天气允许的话,我会去滑雪。

139. There are more old drunkards than old doctors.

140. 从锻炼角度看,躺着不如坐着,坐着不如站着,站着不如走着。

141. No, I don‘t think so. 不,我想不会。

142. Without health,life is not life, life is I i fe I ess.

关于健康生活的英语句子 精选10句

1. Care brings gray hair.

2. Have you decided? 你决定了吗?

3. Better wear out shoes than sheets.

4. The best doctors are Dr. Diet, Dr. Quiet and Dr. Merryman.

5. I went there on business. 我出差到那儿。

6. Bed is the poor man’ s opera.

7. Disease, enemy, and debt-these three must be cut off as soon as they begin to grow.

8. I'm determined to leave. 我决意要走了。

9. A light heart lives long.

10. 请不要说我体育不好,那是因为我的智商太高以至于阻碍了运动神经的发展。

