
发布时间:2023-03-20 17:37:56阅读量:483

entire造句子 精选30句

1. The average value for each key dwell time for the entire buffer is computed and returned.将计算并返回整个缓冲中的每个按键停顿时间的平均值。

2. Seats, or sometimes entire tables, were reserved.座位,有时候全部的桌子,都被预订了。

3. But, he did quip, xxxLife is a slightly open-ended story. You can't just kill the entire cast.xxx但是他又打趣说,“生活里总是要有留一点点想象空间的故事情节,你总不能把里面的所有演员都干掉吧。”

4. All bookings made before 12 September will receive free travel insurance for the entire family.所有在9月12日前预订的客人将得到一份全家人都可以享受到的免费旅游保险。

5. It is written in the present tense and tells the entire screenplay as if it were a short story.文案一般使用现在时撰写,并将剧本的主要情节改写为一个短篇故事。

6. You can use the tool to defragment individual files or an entire file system.您可以使用这个工具来整理单个的文件或者整个文件系统。

7. Defeat in North Carolina seemed to break the back of the entire fundamentalist crusade.在北卡罗来纳的失败,似乎使整个原教旨主义运动再也无能为力了。

8. Paralysis has settled on the entire financial system.这让整个金融系统都陷入瘫痪。

9. Soon, the cast members were inaudible and the entire program was cancelled.很快,由于台下听不到台上的演员的声音,其它的节目也不得不连着一起取消了。

10. 23 The entire lifetime of Enoch was three hundred and sixty-five years.23以诺共活了三百六十五岁.

11. We had to stand for the entire performance!在整个表演期间,我们不得不站着。

12. The government had been projecting a 5% consumer price increase for the entire year.政府一直在预计全年5%的消费价格增长。

13. By the end of the century, the entire Arctic Ocean will be corrosively acidic.到本世纪末,整个北冰洋将会呈腐蚀酸性。

14. The entire proposal is risible: it will never be accepted.这个建议完全是荒唐可笑的,根本不可能采纳。

15. Apple has the entire semiconductor industry wrapped around its little finger.苹果令整个半导体行业为其小小的手指舞动提供配套。

16. They cleaned the entire house in no time.他们不用多久就把整个房子打扫干净了。

17. the entire geographical area drained by a river and its tributaries通过排干河流及其支流而成的整个陆地区域。

18. Empower a governance body to manage the entire service life cycle.授权治理组织管理整个服务生命周期。

19. Relishing his power, mace ruled that the entire test sequence should be done again.凭借手中的权力,梅斯认定,整个试验必须从头再来一遍。

20. The first image of the entire universe taken from Europe's Planck telescope has been published.欧洲宇航局(esa)发布了由普朗克望远镜(Planck telescope)拍摄的首张整个宇宙的图像。

21. Frank: First we peel the plastic wrap off and then rinse the entire cure off.弗兰克:首先我们要将塑料薄膜剥下来,然后将佐料都冲洗掉。

22. Publish your entire plan.Put up a sign on your desk and refrigerator.你得发布你的整个计划,并把它做成标记放在你书桌和冰箱上。

23. The entire B2B industry will suffer from the Alibaba scam, he said.他进一步表示,整个B2B行业会因为这个事件而受到打击。

24. A malfunction with the hot-water heater flooded my entire apartment.我的热水器出了故障,整个房间都被水淹了。

25. Still referring to FIG. 2, note that a power mask is active for the entire multi-slot period.仍然参考图2,注意在整个多时隙期间,功率屏蔽(PDN)始终是活动的。

26. Disabling this setting controls the responses for the entire server.禁用该设置控制了针对整个服务器的响应。

27. Or turn the entire thing the other way around.或者把整个事情反过来看。

28. The entire nation, it seemed, was watching TV.好像全国的人都在看电视。

29. If an individual file grows too large, it can destabilize the entire computer.如果某个文件(或一组文件)增长得太大了,就可能破坏整个计算机。

30. This means that the entire database could fit in memory.这意味着整个数据库都可以进入内存中。

