
发布时间:2023-03-25 20:50:59阅读量:480

含有solo的句子 精选88句

1. We have the solo artist's spirit.

2. She is the first woman hired to be the solo anchor of network evening newscast.她是第一个单独主持晚间新闻的女人。

3. Charles Lindbergh became the very first person to fly solo across the Atlantic.(查尔斯?林白成为第一个单独飞越大西洋的人。)

4. Charles Lindbergh became the very first person to fly solo across the Atlantic.查尔斯?林白成为第一个单独飞越大西洋的人。

5. Let's listen to this track, a saxophone solo.(我们听一下这段音轨,一段萨克斯独奏。)

6. It featured a solo dance in which a woman mimed a lot of dainty housework.(它展示了一段独舞,一位妇女在其中用哑剧动作表演了许多细致的家务活。)

7. In the 1996 Olympics, a team competition replaced the solo and duet events在1996年奥运会上,团体赛取代了单人赛和双人赛。

8. The original version featured a guitar solo.(原版以吉他独奏为特色。)

9. It will spice up the party if you dance a solo dance你跳个独舞会使聚会添彩。

10. Sometimes a solo may be just a new improved kick beat. It could be Neal Peart's YYZ, or it could some type of marching solo.

11. Not every solo dweller has unhealthy habits.

12. A public performance of music or dance, especially by a solo performer独唱会;独舞表演对音乐或舞蹈的当众表演,尤指只有一个表演者的这种表演集会

13. 用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。

14. She is licensed to fly solo.

15. Davis's solo work exhibits all the earmarks of his style: it is hesitant, tentative, spare.戴维斯的独奏曲尽展其风格特征:犹豫、迟疑、俭朴。

16. Flyer: A surprise attack, usually by a solo rider飞超:一般为单人突然的冲刺。

17. So this is what we 'reworking on the solo campaign that takes so much time.这些就是我们为之努力的单人战役,这真的花了相当长的时间。

18. The original version featured a guitar solo.

19. And if Kylie beats you, she'll play the solo and become the star on Starsearch!如果凯丽击败了你,她就会表演独奏,成为“明星大搜寻”的明星了。

20. It is the solo portionxxxEast St. Louis Toodle-Ooxxx.(它是“东圣路易斯再见”的独奏部分。)

21. former genus of primitive man; now Homo soloensis: comprises Solo man.以前的原始人属;现在的梭罗人;包括梭罗人。

22. The next act will be a piano solo by Robert Jackson下一个节目是罗伯特·杰克逊的钢琴独奏。

23. Just like highly sensitive people tend to prefer solo workouts, they may also prefer solo work environments.

24. But this is no solo.

25. “爱情需要两个人”“所以solo不适合爱情”艾情需要两个人 所以solo不适合艾情

26. You may also want to brush on solo skills in case they ask you to rock it out.你也许也会想要好好练练独奏技巧好让他们记住你。

27. 用形容词造句,可以对人物的动作、神态或事物的形状进行具体的描写。如用“鸦雀无声”造句:“教室里鸦雀无声,再也没有人说笑嬉闹,再也没有人随意走动,甚至连大气都不敢出了。”这就把“鸦雀无声”写具体了。

28. When you travel solo, you don't have to worry about anybody snoring or hogging the blankets.

29. What was that violin solo with the piano?

30. 16-year old solo sailor Jessica Watson sails her yacht Ella's Pink Lady past the Sydney Opera House during the official launch of her solo round the world voyage Photo: GETTY images.

31. It's a solo concert by Pavarotti. He put on the performance in the Forbidden City in Beijing.

32. It's about as solo as anything gets — a performance, not a project.任何东西都是单独表演的——是他的一个performance,而不是他的一个project。

33. Store garlic solo so its scent won't permeate other eats.单独存储大蒜,这样大蒜的气味就不会弥漫渗透到其他的食物里了。

34. It appears that many Mac developers, perhaps most of them, are solo Indies producing their own products.

35. I like The Avengers — because I love the idea and dynamics of team crime-fighting, as opposed to a solo superhero.(我真的很喜欢《复仇者》——因为我喜欢这个反犯罪团队的理念和动力,而不是一个单独的超级英雄。)

36. It first appeared over 3,000 ago and represents China's solo musical instrument tradition.(它最早出现在3000多年前,代表了中国的独奏乐器传统。)

37. The wing size is almost double that of a solo wing.双人伞大小比单人飞行伞大一倍。

38. He even performed the group’s songs on solo tours.

39. Tara is currently working on a solo album塔拉眼下正忙着制作个人专辑。

40. We have the solo artist's spirit.(我们具有独奏家一般的精神。)

41. The piece segues into his solo with the strings.(曲子结束后紧接着就是他的弦乐独奏。)

42. It's a wonderful clarinet solo by someone named Johnny Dodds and it's one of the most beautiful clarinet solos that you'll ever want to hear.(这是一段由强尼·多兹演奏的美妙的单簧管独奏并且是一段最美妙的单簧管独奏,你非听不可。)

43. There's wonderfully lyrical flute solo in the middle of this symphony.在交响乐中间有一段奇妙的抒情长笛独奏。

44. There is a drum solo.(还有一个击鼓独奏。)

45. The guitar player gave a fantastic solo during the riffage.那个吉他手在即兴演奏中的独奏部分表现十分出色。

46. The concert was a solo played by Yo Yo Ma, who is an excellent cellist.这场音乐会是马友友独奏,他是一位优秀的大提琴家。

47. He had just completed his final solo album.(他刚刚完成他最后一张个人专辑。)

48. a brilliant solo passage occuring near the end of a piece of music.出现在音乐结束部分的光辉的独奏乐段。

49. 用比拟词造句,可以借助联想、想象使句子生动。如用“仿佛”造句:“今天冷极了,风刮在脸上仿佛刀割一样。”

50. The programs include solo singing, guitar singing, hula dancing, individual and collective.

51. What I loved most about The Art of Solo Travel is it's practicality and honesty.我最喜欢《独自旅行的艺术》这本书的是它的可实践性和真实性。

52. It's not unusual for your opponent to send you dual lane mid and send their solo to another lane if it can't cope with yours or your solo hero is dangerous and needs to get shut down early.

53. His solo quickly evolved into competition.

54. A solo with or without accompaniment.独唱,独奏伴奏或无伴奏的独唱或独奏

55. Davis's solo work exhibits all the earmarks of his style: it is hesitant, tentative, spare.(戴维斯的独奏曲尽展其风格特征:犹豫、迟疑、俭朴。)

56. Q:Would you rather be a solo artist or in a group你比较喜欢成为一位歌手还是合唱团中的一员

57. Here the sheets of sound, downbeat accents, repetitions, and great speed are part of each solo, and the variety of the shapes of his phrases is unique.(在这里,一张张的声音、重拍的重音、重复和极快的速度是每个独奏的一部分,他的乐句形状的变化是独特的。)

58. Every member contributes to the rap, singing either solo or as part of a rap chorus.(每个成员都在为这首说唱乐出力,或者独唱,或者参与说唱合唱。)

59. She wanted to fly solo across the Atlantic.她想单人驾驶飞机飞越大西洋。

60. The shift away from family life to solo lifestyle, observes a French sociologist, is part of the xxxirresistible momentum of individualismxxx over the last century.(一位法国社会学家注意到,从家庭生活到独居生活的转变是上个世纪“势不可挡的个人主义”的一部分。)

61. xxxPerform a solo ( a piano solo, a pop song solo ) xxx

62. 先把要造句的词扩展成词组,然后再把句子补充完整。如用“增添”造句,可以先把“增添”组成“增添设备”、“增添信心”或“增添力量”,然后再造句就方便多了。

63. She was in her 70s, before she had her first major solo exhibition.

64. Lacking a pianist, I had to sing solo.

65. For Stadium Arcadium, almost every guitar solo was completely improvised by Frusciante on the spot.至于星战竞技场这首歌,每一个吉他独奏都是完全由弗鲁希安特当场即兴创作出来的。

66. She was in her 70s, before she had her first major solo exhibition.(直到她70多岁的时候,她才有了第一次自己的大型专属画展。)

67. a solo dance or dance figure.一种单独一个人的舞蹈或舞蹈造型。

68. naomi james became the first woman to sail solo around the world via cape horn.(内奥米·詹姆斯成为第一位独自经合恩角进行环球航行的女子。)

69. Now solo for Rumba.现在伦巴舞踩点。

70. For a solo piano, a smaller room works well.所以对于钢琴独奏来说,小一点的房间就可以了。

71. For a solo piano, a smaller room works well.

72. The Moon Reflected in the Twin Ponds. That's an erhu solo. Butterfly Lovers. That's a violin solo. And some other popular folk music and songs.

73. For Stadium Arcadium, almost every guitar solo was completely improvised by Frusciante on the spot.(至于星战竞技场这首歌,每一个吉他独奏都是完全由弗鲁希安特当场即兴创作出来的。)

74. On a solo trip to Rio I stayed with him and he jokingly told me he could always spot the solo travelers by the red streaks on their backs: the spot they couldn’t reach themselves with sunscreen.

75. Now solo for Rumba.

76. The Istanbul Biennial also gives solo shows to a number of exciting emerging artists.

77. There is a drum solo.

78. As the comet gets even nearer to the sun, a solo wind blows the cloud behind the comet, thus forming its tail.(当彗星更接近太阳时,一股单独的风将云朵吹到彗星后面,它的尾巴就是这样形成的。)

79. 在分析并理解词义的基础上加以说明。如用“瞻仰”造句,可以这样造:“我站在广场上瞻仰革命烈士纪念碑。”因为“瞻仰”是怀着敬意抬头向上看。

80. Davis's solo work exhibits all the earmarks of his style: it is hesitant, tentative, spare.

81. She is licensed to fly solo.(她已获准单飞。)

82. She went solo backpacking for eight months in the Australian outback.(她在澳大利亚内陆独自背包旅行了八个月。)

83. If I remember correctly, this is your third solo concert.

84. The slow movement opens with a cello solo.(慢乐章开头是一段大提琴独奏。)

85. She went solo backpacking for eight months in the Australian outback.她在澳大利亚内 * 自背包旅行了八个月。

86. In fact, we are performing next week, and I have a solo.(事实上,我们下周要表演,我有一段独奏。)

87. After three years with the band he decided to go solo.(跟那支乐队合作三年后,他决定单飞。)

88. In doing so we dramatise the fact that with Solo deodorant, a guy can get absolutely any girl.我们这样做是多余的事实,与单独除臭,一个人可以得到绝对的女孩。

