
发布时间:2023-03-29 16:28:49阅读量:285

带bowl的句子 精选49句

1. The bowl has a chipped edge碗边上有个缺口。

2. a shallow metal bowl (usually with a handle) from which children eat孩子吃饭的浅的金属碗(通常有手柄)。

3. The magician conjured a bowl of fish out of his hat魔术师从帽子里变出一碗鱼来。

4. In a large glass or ceramic bowl, combine all above and cover with plastic wrap. 取一个大的玻璃瓶,加入2杯面粉,2杯牛奶,1小勺YEAST,混合均匀。

5. Oh, Guess what? I ate a big bowl of curry rice ye!!!! 喔,对了!晚餐我吃了一大碗咖哩饭耶!!!!

6. In a small bowl, beat the egg and milk together until mixed. 在一个小碗里面,搅拌打均匀的蛋和牛奶直到它们混合在一起。

7. Drop the egg into your mixing bowl. If any shells have landed in the bowl be sure to remove them!把鸡蛋放进碗里。如果碗里有蛋壳碎,要把碎片除去。

8. The sides of the bowl were beautifully painted.碗的外面都画得十分好看。

9. Place the bowl where you often see your much despised creepy-crawlies.把碗放到你常常看见讨厌小爬虫的地方。

10. I'd like a bowl of noodles and a cup of tea. 我想要一碗面条和一杯茶。

11. Stir cream cheese, scallions, milk and Old Bay seasoning in bowl until smooth.将奶酪、洋葱、牛奶和欧贝调味料一起搅拌均匀。

12. They wear frazzled clothes and kowtow to you with a bowl or a box in their hand.他们穿着破烂,手里拿着一只碗或盒子朝你磕头。

13. bowl

14. She is like fresh ginger on the rice bowl of my life.她像是我生命中饭碗上新鲜的生姜。

15. Just a little steak, uh... snack? A bowl of clam chowder?只要一小块牛排,嗯……零食?一碗蛤蚌汤。

16. He took up a bowl of water and gulped it down他端起一碗水,咕嘟咕嘟地喝了下去。

17. Put all ingredients into the bowl, beat lightly until it will hold shape. 将所有材料倒入钢盆,用打蛋器打发至企身即成

18. Soak your socks and you lose. Levels include western toilet bowl, squat toilet, and classic pedestal. 浸泡的袜子,各级包括西方马桶,蹲厕所,和经典的底座。

19. I felt that my days were rough, possibly due to my unclean bowl or dust falling from the ceiling.我感觉我的生活中有沙砾一般粗糙的感觉,大概是我的碗没有洗干净,也可能是瓦片上掉落的泥沙。

20. The candle flame or bowl of water techniques might be particularly useful for this example. 烛炬的火焰或是碗中水的技能尤其可以使这个例子的后果更加明显。

21. Stir together jam and cachaca in a bowl. 果酱和甘蔗酒混合放到碗里,轻拌入草莓静置于阴凉处2-3小时。

22. Place a bowl filled with apple cider vinegar near some food, but away from you and guests.放置一碗苹果酒或者白醋在食物的旁边,但要离你和客人远一点。

23. A bowl of rice noodle is only 2 yuan. 要知道,当地的大碗米粉可才 2 元一碗啊!

24. The person of the interview has a lot of: 80 hind community, campus of rice ancient stemmed cup or bowl, their electron magazine is good, greeting special has old K, net of by night piano. 访谈的人有很多:80后社区,米豆校园,他们电子杂志好,拜年专辑有老K,星夜钢琴网。

25. Stir together jam and cachaca in a bowl. Gently mix in the strawberries. 果酱和甘蔗酒混合放到碗里,轻拌入草莓静置于阴凉处2-3小时。

26. This painting entitled the father of the father of painting, though no gorgeous coat, only one piece of rags plain white coat, The father, although no BaiZhe slender hands, with only a pair of full time by removing ground-in kneading veteran, we can imagine him to family livelihood is how hard work, The father didn't delicate cup to drink, only a rough bowl of water, The father not jiongjiongweishen eyes, a pair of only a pair for trifling and deeply sunken to eye, The father not smooth skin, only the sun shine skin dark, The father of a pretty face, not only for a day and night worrying about leaving a deep wrinkles in the face. 这幅名为《父亲》的画上的父亲虽然没有华丽的外衣,只有一件破烂不堪的朴素的白色外套;这位父亲虽然没有白哲纤细的双手,只有一双布满老茧的经满岁月的揉捏的老手,我们可以想象出他为了一家人的生计是如何辛苦劳作的;这位父亲没有精致的杯子喝水,只有一个粗糙的大碗喝水;这位父亲没有一双炯炯有神的双眼,只有一双因操劳而深深凹进去的眼;这位父亲没有光滑的皮肤,只有被太阳晒的黝黑发亮的皮肤;这位父亲没有一张英俊的脸,只有一张因日日夜夜操心而留下一道道深深的皱纹的脸。

27. The bowl of a drinking vessel.杯状物喝水容器中的碗状部分

28. I`d like a bowl of soup. 我要一碗汤。

29. He throws a bowl from a ball of clay他用拉坯轮机把一团粘土加工成了一只碗。

30. The seabirds mewled and swooped, unnerved, it seemed, by the spectacle of that vast bowl of water bulging like a blister, lead-blue and malignantly agleam. 海鸟呜鸣着向低处飞去,似乎为象水泡一样膨胀着的,铅蓝色致命闪电般的海水的巨大声势所吓得失去了勇气。

31. I don`t know where you put the bowl. 我不知道你把碗放在哪里了。

32. In the photo was an acclivitous grille, and upwards hung a long ice stick. Through the relucent window glass showed up a brim-broken bowl, inside which someone raised a blossoming cabbage. The time when he took the photo was noted with the winter in the year of 1976, and the place of photo taking was evidently a temporary habitat just after the great earthquake. 画面上是歪斜的格子窗,窗子上方悬着长长的冰凌;透过明亮的窗玻璃,可见一只有豁口的碗里养了一棵盛开的白菜花,拍摄时间注明是1976年冬天,拍摄地点则显然是大地震后的简易棚。

33. This bowl of rice looks small.这碗米饭看起来很小。

34. Among the artifacts, were ceramic pottery, glass flasks, and a soup-plate-sized glass bowl of millefiori design. 在這些古器物中有陶瓷陶器,玻璃烧瓶,以及汤板大小的花形玻璃碗。

35. When melted Ice cream rises up from a flat bottom ice cream bowl it would easily spill over. Then all hell let loose. A pleasant experience becomes a laundry time nightmare. 眼看它消失后流淌在平坦的碗底波动,偶尔一不小心,还会洒上书本,染上一片地毯,让原本幸福悠闲时刻,变成手忙脚乱的开始,究竟如何才能优雅地享用美味的ice cream?

36. Many popular singers will perform during the Super Bowl halftime show.很多流行歌手都会参加超级杯中场的表演。

37. Aluminum foil business card printing and membership card production is done by a business card printing and membership card making roll of concave surface business card printing and membership card making text pattern, start by printing plate roller by making printing graphics and text, picture and text part roller copper coating on the surface, marked as monlchamus hole or holes, while others were non-graphics and text, and the outer surface of the bronze Bowl itself. 铝箔制卡和会员卡制作是堵住制卡和会员卡制作版辊的下瘪表背来制卡和会员卡制作笔墨图案,首先不兵印版辊筒堵住边加工制成印邦畿不白,图不白局部在辊筒铜层表背上被腐化成墨孔或瘪坑,否图不白局部则是辊筒边层铜质表背本身。

38. I a large bowl of and noodles我想要一份大碗的牛肉西红柿面条。

39. Could I have one more bowl of plain rice? 我再来碗白饭,好吗?

40. The hamman bowl used as a soap dish was brought back from a trip to Turkey.肥皂盒是从土耳其带回来的洗澡碗。

41. The Dust Bowl era will return.尘暴的时代将卷土重来。

42. After delivering you bowl jellied bean curd to finish eating, laughed.送你一碗豆腐花,吃完之后笑哈哈。

43. The water in the bowl froze last night.昨夜碗里的水冻冰了。

44. Malaysian breakfast — a hot bowl of mee-noodles mixed with egg, vegetable and tasty spices.马来西亚早餐——一碗热腾腾的面,配有鸡蛋,蔬菜和调味料。

45. Their dog has its own mat and water bowl beside its owner.他们的狗在主人旁边有自己的垫子和水碗。

46. The village is a salad bowl of different colors and patterns.这村庄看起来简直就像不同颜色和图案混起来的一大碗水果沙拉。

47. Can also be boiled on the water, eat a bowl of eggs, brown sugar, red dates.也可在煮沸的水,吃了一碗鸡蛋,红糖,红枣。

48. You eat it for breakfast, but could a bowl of warm oatmeal help you get more rest?你早餐常吃,但是一碗热燕麦能帮助你获得更多睡眠吗?

49. Buck Mulligan peeped an instant under the mirror and then covered the bowl smartly.勃克·穆利根朝镜下瞅了一眼,赶快阖上钵。

