
发布时间:2023-04-05 14:05:49阅读量:596

吃饺子的英文句子 精选34句

1. They have two restaurants that purvey dumplings and chicken noodle soup.

2. Yam Paste Dumplings, another dumpling dessert beside the red bean paste.

3. She kept silent and ate a few dumplings ; then she said, xxx These dumplings have stuck together. xxx

4. In no time, all had gathered around the table to make dumplings.

5. She stood up and shook the bowls one after another while shifting hers with my mother's.

6. She had already mixed the stuffing for the dumplings.

7. xxx Daughter - in - law , let's start making dumplings for the Festival! xxx

8. In China the custom prevails in eating dumplings on New Year's Eve.

9. 短语:

10. We usually eat a kind of dumpling called yuan xiao.

11. Who could have expected that she would recognize the dumpling as well!

12. There are have some meat but is no dumpling.

13. She got the good - luck dumpling! xxx

14. Dumpling Feast taste, can often leave a good impression.

15. Wife says: xxx The package is nice, it is steamed dumpling. xxx

16. I agreed to make Mother happy, hoping that the coin would fall to her.

17. Our hostess served up a large bowl of steaming hot dumplings.

18. 接下来煮饺子,我们准备半锅水,加入一勺盐,烧开后下入饺子。等饺子全部煮上浮后,加入半勺冷水继续煮开,这样煮三次后饺子就熟了,捞出开吃。

19. In a sense, the so - called Japanese dumplings are fried dumpling.

20. Because a letter becomes a dumpling, I put an address on here.

21. I feel like having some dumplings.

22. He is a dumpling.

23. 把蒲瓜水分挤掉,剁碎;把甜玉米剥成小粒,洗净晾干水分;葱洗净切成小段。

24. 把蒲瓜、甜玉米粒、葱、猪肉放入一个盆中,加入2勺食用油搅拌均匀,饺子馅就做好了。

25. The grain store processed flour wrappers for Chinese dumplings.

26. 例句

27. 接下来包饺子,小编用的是挤饺的包法:左手托住饺子皮(现买的饺子皮),装入饺子馅后对折,放在左手食指处,用两手大拇指和食指握住压紧即可。

28. And fermented steamed dumpling has much higher ratio of calcium than rice.

29. I spotted the marked dumpling at first sight.

30. On O'Leary's recommendation, they started with tortellini.

31. From the alleyway outside came the xxx tock - tock ! xxx of a dumpling - pedlar striking his bamboo tube.

32. chicken with herb dumplings

33. 把蒲瓜刨去皮,切成细丝,加入一勺盐抓匀腌制10分钟杀水。之前有小伙伴以为这是西葫芦,其实这蒲瓜跟西葫芦是不一样的品种,要区分的话可以观察它们的表皮:蒲瓜表皮呈青绿色且比较光滑,西葫芦表皮呈淡青色且有白色小斑点。

34. It is called xxx Jiaozi xxx in Chinese, it means meat dumpling.

