
发布时间:2023-04-05 21:29:07阅读量:132

英文句子孤独 精选110句

1. 只有神仙与野兽才喜欢孤独,人是要朋友的。

2. Some of the scars were scratched on the hand and became a thing of the past after healing.

3. For the sake of how many people hate, from the other half to become fat.

4. Do not care like a raging fire, there is no tear heart lung when put down.

5. In fact, I know that I am waiting for the happy redemption.

6. 得不到安全感,所以我把自由还给你。

7. 我该以怎样的姿态,来面对那荒枯的寂静的夜。

8. Some things happen can not be forgotten, even if forgotten, but only temporarily can not remember.

9. 我在努力的变成你喜欢的样子,可是你却告诉我你爱的是她。

10. 多少人为了另一半,由胖变瘦,由爱变恨,由单纯变堕落。

11. 我们永远在错过,我追不上你的脚步,你也不曾看过身后的人。

12. 不在寂寞中恋爱,就在寂寞中恋态。

13. His sitting, in fact, is a rush, his excitement, in fact, is lonely.

14. I thought I would go back to the past. I'm sorry.

15. 我期待一个人,能给我一个承诺,让孤单的心,不会寂寞?

16. 我一直在努力的适应这个世界,无论是温度还是人心。

17. If you can't accept the loss, you can't grow up.

18. 最糟糕的感觉,莫过于不知道应该等待还是放弃。

19. 多好笑我竟以为久伴能敌得过深爱。

20. Less and less of the heart to heart, more and more to mate.

21. 夜的美源于发现,美丽而又孤单的夜晚却无人分享。

22. What attitude should I take to face the desolate and silent night.

23. 独自一人的孤独,只有黑夜能明白。

24. If you don't love in loneliness, you will love in loneliness.

25. 既然孤独创造的忧伤无法把握,且放它一边去。

26. 我很清醒,一直很清醒的看着自己沉沦。

27. 前世的风,今世的尘,无穷无尽的哀伤的精魂。

28. 孤单是一个人的狂欢,狂欢是一群人的孤单。

29. 一个人容易想太多,想太多容易一个人。

30. Lonely people, will always remember his life in every person.

31. No sense of security, so I give you my freedom.

32. Some things happen can not be forgotten, even if forgotten, but only temporarily can not remember.

33. Everyone who doesn't turn off the phone late at night has an expectation that they dare not be strict or miss.

34. Even if you are lonely, you can't cry alone. No matter where you are, you should stand tall.

35. 夜是越熬越精神,人是越活越孤独。

36. 宁愿孤独也不愿让任何人敷衍我。

37. 没有受过伤的人,才会讥笑别人身上的伤痕。

38. Loneliness is the necessary darkness in life, which can not be passed through or overcome.

39. 未来一片迷茫,我只有带上勇敢坚强去。

40. 寂寞相依,绵绵软软,云,聚散无常,人,聚散分离千古事。

41. 孤独便算是灵魂的病症,我在胸口里一直圈养着它。

42. I am afraid of a person, but in the city of people coming and going alone!

43. My footprints cover the places where you have left your footprints, but I can't find the trace of your progress.

44. There is nothing valuable at home except me!

45. My footprints cover the places where you have left your footprints, but I can't find the trace of your progress.

46. 我想让世界认识我,可他刚好不在家。

47. 没人喜欢孤独,只不过是受够了失望。

48. 孤独,忍受着,却不甘,于是浮躁,享受孤独,或许是最好的选择。

49. I am very sober, has been very sober to watch their own sink.

50. 以为自己已醒来,其实自己还在梦中。

51. 你说你孤独,就像很久以前,火星照耀十三个州府。

52. 希望熬过孤独的你,能活成自己喜欢的样子。

53. I have been trying to adapt to the world, whether it is the temperature or the heart.

54. 一个人发呆,一个人静立;一个人哭泣,一个人欢笑。

55. Obviously, it is the memory of two people, but only I treasure it.

56. I am a person who often laughs, but I am not always happy.

57. I watched lonely grow up, and finally fell in love with it.

58. 如果在乎都靠嘴巴说,那哑巴怎么办。

59. Do not care like a raging fire, there is no tear heart lung when put down.

60. 寂寞层层包围,我再也没有力气走出这片重围。

61. 你总会在你最意想不到的时间,遇到那个最意想不到的人。

62. 穿梭在城市的混泥土建筑中,飘荡着一颗孤独而又坚毅的灵魂。

63. You say you're lonely, just like a long time ago, Mars was shining on states.

64. 以为会回到以前看来是我自作多情了对不起。

65. Lift is not like, like are careful.

66. 一个人,一碗清茶,相视一笑泯恩仇。

67. I look forward to a person, can give me a promise, let alone heart, won't be lonely?

68. 别人稍一注意你,你就敞开心扉,你觉得这是坦率,其实是因为孤独。

69. Obviously, it is the memory of two people, but only I treasure it.

70. Only gods and beasts like solitude. People want friends.

71. Enjoying loneliness is a realm of life.

72. My soul is filled with the sound of music because of my loneliness.

73. 就算孤独,也不能一个人哭泣,无论走在哪里,都要高傲地挺立。

74. 这个城市虽然拥挤,却到处都是孤独的灵魂!

75. You won't be afraid of what you're used to, like being alone.

76. 城市愈大,就愈感到孤独。年纪越大,就愈感到孤单。

77. 明明是两个人的回忆,却只有我一个人珍藏。

78. 一个人听歌,一个人看雨,一个人安静的走着,一个人,也挺好的。

79. 不曾站在原地守候的人,不会懂得站久了双腿都无法弯曲的滋味。

80. 习惯更新你的签名,担心你孤单的心情,害怕你遗弃我们的爱情。

81. 人到了一定年龄,也就学会了接受事实,喜欢不一定非要拥有。

82. 把不愉快的过往,在无人的角落,折叠收藏。

83. Those who have not been hurt will laugh at others' scars.

84. 由于时间的本身就是一种孤独,所以我一直在抒写着自己的寂寞。

85. Act yourself as yourself, act yourself into amnesia.

86. Because of growth, so separation; because of fate, so scattered.

87. I am afraid of a person, but in the city of people coming and going alone!

88. What is shown in the mirror is always the real image, not the real self.

89. You say you're lonely, just like a long time ago, Mars was shining on 13 states.

90. 经历过真正的孤立无援,你就会明白眼泪是最没用的东西。

91. 爱只需要一个理由,离去,却有千百个借口!

92. 没有在乎的如火如荼,就没有放下时的撕心裂肺。

93. 孤独是人的宿命,爱和友谊不能把它根除,但可以将它抚慰。

94. 我们拥有着孤独的灵魂,誓死也要为她倾尽终生。

95. 借人之智,完善自己。学最好的别人,做最好的自己。

96. 如果没有你,如此的良辰美景,让我去向何人诉说。

97. The moment of lovelorn, I feel that everything else is good except you.

98. 因为成长,所以分离;因为缘尽,所以人散。

99. 始终一个人,是因为心里藏着一个无法拥有的人。

100. The future is confused, I have to take a brave and strong to go.

101. No one likes to be alone, just fed up with disappointment.

102. I'm used to updating your signature. I'm worried about your lonely mood. I'm afraid you'll abandon our love.

103. 果然适应了陪伴,便不再习惯孤单。

104. The real vagrancy and vagrancy is where you can't go back.

105. Loneliness should be used to enjoy, not endure; one should also be brilliant along the way.

106. 享受孤独,是一种人生境界。

107. 好好生活,以此回报爱我关心我的人,也以此回答伤害了我的人。

108. 有些伤痕划在手上,愈合后就成了往事。

109. Loneliness is not a pose, loneliness is a state of mind. Silence is not necessarily loneliness.

110. You will always meet the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time.

英文句子孤独 精选43句

1. 孤独不是故作姿态,孤独是一种心境。沉默未必是孤独。

2. Can cry but choose to laugh, do not want to make him too proud.

3. Behind the loneliness of the strong is brilliance, while behind the lonely of the weak is desolation.

4. 我害怕一个人,却在人来人往的城市中孤独成性!

5. 其实我知道的,我在等待着快乐的救赎。

6. 镜子里显示出来的永远只是真实的影像,而不是真实的自己。

7. Live a good life, in return for the people who love me and care about me, but also to answer the people who hurt me.

8. 每一个深夜不关机的人,都有一份不敢严明,也不敢错过的期待。

9. 真正的漂泊和流浪,是你没有可以回去的地方。

10. 孤单的人总是不怕一个人的孤单却怕在人群中狂欢结束后的不安。

11. 等了小半辈子,终于等到这么个人,他怎么能不珍惜。

12. 你是我半生里消磨不尽的颓唐,蹉跎岁月亦难忘却的痴心妄想。

13. As expected, he got used to company and was no longer used to being alone.

14. 淋过雨的空气,疲倦了的伤心,我记忆里的童话已经慢慢的融化。

15. You won't be afraid of what you're used to, like being alone.

16. Hurt my heart, but also talk to me about what sincerity.

17. Why not happy, because the mood is not good, why not in a good mood, because not happy.

18. Smile, hug, say goodbye, then turn away.

19. We always miss, I can't catch up with you, you have never seen the people behind.

20. 人生而孤独,有些路只能一个人走。与其默默承受,不如独自享受。

21. 习惯了什么你就不会害怕什么,比如孤单。

22. 希望我不会难过太久,希望你不要回头看我。

23. Since the sadness created by loneliness cannot be grasped, let it go.

24. 伤了我的心,还跟我谈什么真心呢。

25. 强者孤独的背后是辉煌,弱者孤独的身后是凄凉。

26. The bigger the city, the more lonely it is. The older you get, the more lonely you feel.

27. 可以哭却选择笑,不想让他太骄傲。

28. 我是一个经常笑的人,却不是一个经常开心的人。

29. Maybe I'm really useless, unable to keep everyone I don't want to lose.

30. 孤独该是用来享受的,而不是忍受的;一个人走,也要沿途灿烂。

31. 如果不能接受失去,人简直无法成长。

32. Live a good life, in return for the people who love me and care about me, but also to answer the people who hurt me.

33. It's light. I feel tired anyway.

34. I hope that you can survive the loneliness and live as you like.

35. You are my half life to spend the decadence, wasted time also unforgettable but wishful thinking.

36. 心无定数,自然迷茫,心无定所,自然孤独。

37. 交心的越来越少,交配的越来越多。

38. I think I've woken up, but I'm still in my dream.

39. 为什么不开心,因为心情不好,为什么心情不好,因为不开心。

40. The beauty of night comes from discovery, but no one shares the beautiful and lonely night.

41. 寂寞的人,总是会用心的记住他生命中出现过的每一个人。

42. 没心没肺的现在,是有个掏心掏肺的曾经。

43. 我微笑着对着镜子里的自己说:做个没心没肺的女人挺好。

英文句子孤独 精选35句

1. 或许我真的很没用,没有能力留住每一个我不想失去的人。

2. The heart has no fixed number, naturally confused, and naturally lonely.

3. Yan Ru is also a man of short brown and knotty appearance.

4. Borrow the wisdom of others to improve themselves. Learn from the best of others and be the best of yourself.

5. 微笑拥抱,说完再见,然后转身离开。

6. 淡了就淡了吧,反正我也觉得累了。

7. 撩的都是不喜欢的,喜欢的都是小心翼翼的。

8. 无论多么艰难,都要继续向前,因为只有你放弃的那一刻,你才输了。

9. 我看着寂寞长大,终于还是爱上了它。

10. It's easy for a person to think too much, and it's easy to think too much.

11. His sitting, in fact, is a rush, his excitement, in fact, is lonely.

12. No your days, the habit of loneliness, has accepted your departure.

13. 我的灵魂因为我的孤独,灌满了音乐的声音。

14. I watched lonely grow up, and finally fell in love with it.

15. Lonely people are always afraid of a person's loneliness, but they are afraid of the uneasiness after the carnival in the crowd.

16. For the sake of how many people hate, from the other half to become fat.

17. 孤独,我愿意享受孤独。此时,我所有的能量都被打开,自由奔放。

18. If you care about all by mouth, then how to do dumb.

19. Even if you are lonely, you can't cry alone. No matter where you are, you should stand tall.

20. 有些事发生了就不可能忘记,即使忘记,也只是暂时的记不起。

21. No one likes to be alone, just fed up with disappointment.

22. 一个人的时候,总会静静的想一想以前的自己,是多么的单纯和无知。

23. 没你的日子,习惯的孤单,已经接受你的离去。

24. 孤单,不是心无意念,是一个人,一种习惯和一度时光。

25. 我的足迹,覆盖你留过足迹的地点,却寻觅不到你前行的踪迹。

26. 家里除了我,没什么值钱的东西!

27. 孤独是生命里必有的黑暗,它无法穿越,也不可战胜。

28. It's funny how much I think a long company can defeat deep love.

29. 失恋的那一瞬间,感觉除了你,其他什么都是好的。

30. As expected, he got used to company and was no longer used to being alone.

31. A person, a bowl of tea, look at each other, smile, die of gratitude and hatred.

32. 愿你的故事绿水长流,也祝我的孤独择日而止。

33. 环堵萧然,不蔽风日;短褐穿结,箪瓢屡空,晏如也。

34. 他的坐着,其实是奔波,他的热闹,其实是孤独。

35. 把自己演成自己,把自己演到失忆。

